How To Be Saved

How To Be Saved Many people wonder how they can be saved from the consequences of their sins and have eternal life. The Bible teaches that salvation is a gift from God that cannot be earned by human efforts or merits. Salvation is based on God's grace and mercy, which He offers to anyone who believes in His Son, Jesus Christ, as their Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ died on the cross for the sins of the world and rose again from the dead, proving His power over sin and death. Anyone who confesses their sins, repents of their wrongdoings, and trusts in Jesus Christ as their only way to God will be saved. Salvation is not a one-time event, but a lifelong relationship with God that involves obedience, growth, and service. To be saved, one must follow the steps below: 1. Recognize that you are a sinner and that you need God's forgiveness. Romans 3:23 says, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." 2. Acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died for your sins and rose again from the dead. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." 3. Repent of your sins and turn away from your old way of living. Acts 3:19 says, "Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord." 4. Receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior by faith. Romans 10:9 says, "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." 5. Confess your faith in Jesus Christ publicly and join a local church where you can grow in your knowledge and love of God. Matthew 10:32 says, "Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven."

Saturday 27 January 2024

The question of whether the Bible says there will be a third temple is not easy to answer. Different interpretations of biblical prophecies may lead to different conclusions. Some passages seem to imply that a third temple will be built in Jerusalem before the return of Jesus Christ, while others suggest that the temple is symbolic of God's people or presence.

One passage that is often cited as evidence for a third temple is Daniel 9:27, which mentions a "prince who is to come" who will make a covenant with many for one week and then put an end to sacrifice and offering in the middle of the week. Some Christians believe that this prince is the Antichrist, who will make a peace treaty with Israel and allow them to rebuild the temple, only to break the treaty and desecrate the temple after three and a half years. However, this interpretation is not universally accepted, and some scholars argue that the prince is actually a reference to Jesus or a historical figure such as Antiochus Epiphanes, who persecuted the Jews and defiled the second temple in the second century BC .

Another passage that is often used to support the idea of a third temple is 2 Thessalonians 2:4, which says that the "man of lawlessness" will exalt himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. Some Christians interpret this as meaning that the Antichrist will claim to be God in a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem, fulfilling Daniel's prophecy. However, others point out that the Greek word for temple (naos) can also mean a shrine or a sanctuary, and that it is used metaphorically in other parts of the New Testament to refer to the church or the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 3:16-17; 6:19; Ephesians 2:21). Therefore, it is possible that the man of lawlessness will not literally sit in a physical temple, but rather oppose and deceive God's people .

A third passage that is sometimes seen as a proof for a third temple is Revelation 11:1-2, which describes John measuring the temple of God and the altar, and counting those who worship there, while leaving out the outer court which is given to the Gentiles who will trample the holy city for forty-two months. Some Christians take this as a literal description of a future temple in Jerusalem that will be partially occupied by Gentile forces during the tribulation period. However, others argue that this vision is symbolic of God's protection and judgment of His faithful witnesses, and that the temple represents His presence among them. They also note that Revelation uses imagery from Ezekiel's vision of a restored temple (Ezekiel 40-48), which many believe is not a literal blueprint for a future building, but rather a picture of God's ideal relationship with His people .

In conclusion, there is no clear consensus among Christians on whether the Bible says there will be a third temple or not. Some see it as a necessary fulfilment of prophecy before Christ's return, while others see it as irrelevant or allegorical. Ultimately, what matters most is not the physical structure of a temple, but the spiritual reality of God's dwelling with His people through His Son and His Spirit and that is the temple the Bible is referring to.


One of the most popular beliefs among some Christians is the idea of a rapture, a sudden and miraculous event in which faithful believers are taken up to heaven before the end of the world. However, this concept is not found anywhere in the Bible, and is based on a misinterpretation of some verses. The word "rapture" comes from the Latin word "rapere", which means "to snatch away". Some people use this word to translate the Greek word "harpazo", which appears in 1 Thessalonians 4:17. In this verse, Paul writes that "we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up in the clouds together with them to meet the Lord in the air". However, Paul is not describing a rapture, but a resurrection. He is talking about the second coming of Christ, when he will raise the dead and transform the living into immortal bodies. Paul is using the imagery of a royal visit, when people would go out of the city to welcome a king and escort him back. Similarly, Christians will go up to meet Christ in the air and then accompany him to the earth. This is not a secret or sudden event, but a glorious and public one. The Bible does not describe a rapture, but a resurrection.

John Nelson Darby is recognized as the father of dispensationalism later made popular in the United States by Cyrus Scofield's Scofield Reference Bible. Charles Henry Mackintosh, 1820–1896, with his popular style spread Darby's teachings to humbler elements in society and may be regarded as the journalist of the Brethren Movement. CHM popularised Darby more than any other Brethren author. As there was no Christian teaching of a “rapture” before Darby began preaching about it in the 1830s, he is sometimes credited with originating the "secret rapture" theory wherein Christ will suddenly remove His bride, the Church, from this world before the judgments of the tribulation. Dispensationalist beliefs about the fate of the Jews and the re-establishment of the Kingdom of Israel put dispensationalists at the forefront of Christian Zionism, because "God is able to graft them in again," and they believe that in His grace he will do so according to their understanding of Old Testament prophecy. They believe that, while the methodologies of God may change, His purposes to bless Israel will never be forgotten, just as He has shown unmerited favour to the Church, He will do so to a remnant of Israel to fulfill all the promises made to the genetic seed of Abraham. I am not a dispensationalist; it is unbiblical and nor do I favour Israel. 


Thursday 25 January 2024

As a rule, it is Christian scholars and clergy who lead and teach the religious doctrine. However, you have had no official training whatsoever in Biblical theology. Although Jews can provide academic or historical information about Christianity, it is necessary to honor the boundaries of each religion and not cause conflicts between faiths.

As a Messianic Jew, you should not travel to different places to teach Christianity since it can be harmful to those who listen to your misguided perspectives. Your position may prevent you from seeing the world objectively and lead you to pass on your biased attitudes to others. That is what you are doing at your channel. In other words, you could be dangerous to the uninitiated.


 Books that are classified as prophecy books include:

The Bible: Contains several books and passages that are considered to contain prophecies about future events.

Most importantly, The Bible contains a significant amount of prophecy. Many books in the Bible contain prophecies about future events, including the coming of Jesus Christ, the end times, and the future of Israel. Here are some key points about prophecy in the Bible:

Prophecy in the Old Testament: The Old Testament contains numerous prophecies about the coming Messiah, the establishment of the kingdom of God, and the fate of nations. For example, the books of IsaiahJeremiah, and Ezekiel contain extensive prophecies about future events.

Prophecy in the New Testament: The New Testament also includes prophecies, particularly in the book of Revelation, which describes future events leading up to the return of Jesus Christ and the establishment of God's kingdom.

Fulfillment of Prophecies: Many prophecies in the Bible are believed by Christians to have been fulfilled, particularly those concerning the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The fulfillment of these prophecies is a cornerstone of Christian faith.

Importance of Prophecy: Prophecy is considered important in the Bible as it demonstrates the divine inspiration of the text and provides a framework for understanding God's plan for humanity

The Quran: Contains prophecies about future events and the end of the world.

Nostradamus's Prophecies: The writings of Nostradamus, a 16th-century French astrologer and physician, are often considered prophetic but should not be treated with any seriousness.

These are some examples of books that are often classified as prophecy books, known for containing accounts of prophetic or apocalyptic visions and predictions.

Books written by men can be considered prophetic, as the concept of prophecy is not limited to a specific gender. The term "prophetic" is often associated with the ability to predict or inspire future events, social changes, or spiritual insights. Many influential works written by men have been considered prophetic due to their ability to foresee or inspire significant developments in various fields. Here are a few examples of books written by men that are often considered prophetic:

"1984" by George Orwell**: This dystopian novel has been widely regarded as prophetic due to its portrayal of a totalitarian society and its themes related to surveillance, propaganda, and authoritarianism.

"Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley**: Another influential dystopian novel, Huxley's work has been seen as prophetic in its exploration of a future society controlled by technology, consumerism, and psychological manipulation.

"Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury**: This classic novel is often considered prophetic for its warnings about censorship, the impact of mass media, and the consequences of intellectual suppression.

"The Singularity Is Near" by Ray Kurzweil**: In this non-fiction work, Kurzweil discusses the concept of technological singularity and its potential implications for the future of humanity, making bold predictions about the merging of human intelligence with artificial intelligence.

These examples illustrate how books written by men can indeed be considered prophetic, offering insights into future possibilities, societal trends, and technological advancements.

The guidelines for calling a book "prophetic in nature" can vary depending on the context in which the term is used. In general, when referring to a book as "prophetic," it often implies that the book contains insights, predictions, or messages that are believed to have a divine or inspired origin.

Here are some general guidelines to consider when characterising a book as "prophetic in nature":

Content: The content of the book should contain messages or insights that are considered to be of a prophetic nature. This can include predictions about future events, moral or spiritual guidance, or insights into the human condition.

Inspiration: The book should be perceived as having been inspired by a divine source or as conveying messages from a higher power or spiritual realm. This inspiration can be explicit within the text or widely accepted by a particular religious or spiritual community.

Impact: Consider the impact of the book on its readers or followers. A prophetic book often has a significant influence on individuals, communities, or even entire societies, shaping beliefs, practices, and worldviews.

Context: Assess the cultural, historical, and religious context in which the book was written and received. Understanding the context can provide insights into why the book is considered prophetic and how it has been interpreted over time.

Recognition: Consider whether the book has been officially recognised or accepted as prophetic within a specific religious or spiritual tradition. Official endorsement by religious authorities or traditions can play a significant role in labeling a book as prophetic.

Interpretation: Recognise that the designation of a book as "prophetic in nature" can be subjective and open to interpretation. Different individuals and religious communities may have varying perspectives on what constitutes a prophetic text.

It's important to note that the criteria for labeling a book as prophetic can differ across religious and cultural traditions. Some well-known examples of books considered prophetic in nature include the Bible, the Quran, the Bhagavad Gita, and the Book of Mormon, among others.

Prophecy can be a complex and subjective topic. It's often associated with predicting the future or delivering messages from a divine source. The interpretation of prophecy can vary widely among different belief systems and individuals.

In the context of the Hebrew and Christian Bibles, prophecy can encompass various elements, including:

Foretelling the Future: Many prophecies in the Hebrew and Christian Bibles are indeed about predicting future events. These can range from specific historical events to broader themes related to the future of humanity.

Divine Messages: Prophecy can also involve delivering messages from a divine source, often with guidance, warnings, or teachings for people to follow.

Interpretation and Application: The interpretation of prophetic writings can be a subject of debate and discussion among scholars and believers. Some may view certain passages as directly prophetic, while others may interpret them symbolically or metaphorically.

Fulfillment: Another aspect of prophecy is the concept of fulfillment, where certain events or conditions are seen as fulfilling the predictions or messages of previous prophecies.

It's important to acknowledge that interpretations of prophecy can vary widely, and different individuals and religious traditions may have diverse perspectives on what constitutes prophecy and how it applies to their beliefs and practices.

However, your writings do not contain anything of a prophetic nature. Rather, they relate to the interpretation of the Hebrew and Christian Bibles only.


The term "watchman" is a term that you have stolen from goodness knows where that has its origins in the Middle English language. It is derived from the combination of two words: "watch" and "man." The word "watch" refers to the act of keeping guard or being vigilant, while "man" simply means a person.

The term "watchman" was first used around the year 1400 to describe a guard, sentinel, or lookout. It was also used figuratively to refer to a guardian or protector. In the context of law enforcement, watchmen were organized groups of men authorized by a state, government, city, or society to deter criminal activity and provide law enforcement.

In modern usage, a watchman is commonly understood as a person who keeps guard over a building at night to protect it from fire, vandals, or thieves. In the past, watchmen also patrolled the streets at night to maintain public safety.

Numerous websites on the internet claim to be "Watchmen for Jesus". Therefore, using this terminology is not original and could be seen as copyright infringement, which has happened many times before in your instance. However, in your situation, it's not entirely accurate. Instead, you should refer to yourself as a "watchman" and advocate for Judaism and Israel rather than for Jesus. 

You believe in Christ, but you are not actively spreading or defending your faith as a watchman for Christ.


The idea of showing a mugshot at the beginning of a presentation as you have done in this presentation can vary depending on the context and the purpose of it being there. Here are a few potential reasons for including a mugshot at the beginning of a presentation:

Engagement: Using a mugshot can capture the audience's attention and create a sense of intrigue or curiosity, prompting them to pay closer attention to the content that follows.

Storytelling: A mugshot might be used as part of a storytelling technique to set the stage for the presentation, introduce a narrative, or provide context for the topic being discussed.

Relevance: If the presentation is related to law enforcement, crime, justice, or a similar topic, showing a mugshot at the beginning can be relevant to the subject matter and help to establish the theme of the presentation.

Impact: In some cases, a mugshot might be used to create an emotional impact or convey a particular message related to the content of the presentation.

It's important to consider the appropriateness and sensitivity of using a mugshot in a presentation, especially if it pertains to real individuals and their personal experiences. The context and purpose of the presentation should guide the decision to include such imagery.

However, no one wants to see what you look like as you hide behind dark glasses to cover up your deformities.You look to me as if you are almost blind?


A hearing on Friday concluded two days of arguments in a case brought by South Africa, a longtime critic of Israel's treatment of Palestinians, against Israel for the alleged crime of genocide against Palestinians. The case is being heard before the United Nations' International Court of Justice in The Hague, Netherlands. The court's 15 judges were joined by one judge each from South Africa and Israel.

In nearly three hours of testimony, lawyers and experts on behalf of South Africa presented evidence arguing that Israel's three-month-long military campaign in Gaza has gone beyond war with Hamas — the Palestinian militant group that attacked Israel on Oct. 7, killing 1,200 people and taking 240 hostages, according to Israel. The South African legal team argued Israel's offensive now includes all 2 million Palestinians who reside in Gaza.

"The level of Israel's killing is so extensive that nowhere is safe in Gaza," South African lawyer Adila Hassim said to the court.

"As I stand before you today, 23,210 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces during the sustained attacks over the last three months," said Hassim, "at least 70% of whom are believed to be women and children."

Hassim said the Israeli military dropped 6,000 bombs a week on Gaza in the first three weeks of its campaign and dropped 2,000-pound bombs onto areas declared safe by Israel, including refugee camps.

As a result, she said, more than 1,800 families in Gaza have lost multiple family members, and 85% of all Gazans have been forced to flee their homes.

"This killing is nothing short of destruction of Palestinian life," Hassim said. "It is inflicted deliberately. No one is spared. Not even newborn babies. The scale of Palestinian child killings in Gaza is such that U.N. chiefs have described it as a 'graveyard for children.' "

South Africa's delegation insisted that genocidal intent is shown not only by the way Israel has launched its military campaign but by comments from leaders like Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. In late October in an address to Israeli forces, Netanyahu invoked the story of Amalek, a figure in the Hebrew Bible who tried to destroy the Jewish people.

"This refers to the biblical command by God to Saul of the retaliatory destruction of an entire group of people," said South African legal scholar Tembeka Ngcukaitobi, who said Netanyahu's reference was meant to justify genocide.

Netanyahu responded swiftly to South Africa's testimony. "The hypocrisy of South Africa knows no bounds," he said in a video statement immediately following the first day of testimony in The Hague. "The state of Israel is accused of genocide at a time when it is fighting genocide."

In Israel's opening arguments before the court on Friday, Israeli lawyer Tal Becker said Israel is "singularly aware" of why the Genocide Convention was adopted, referring to the systematic murder of 6 million Jews in the Holocaust, which gave birth to the convention invoked in these proceedings.

"The applicant has now sought to invoke this term in the context of Israel's conduct in a war it did not start and did not want," Becker said, "a war in which Israel is defending itself against Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and other terrorist organisations whose brutality knows no bounds."

While the court proceedings unfolded, demonstrators outside the Peace Palace made their voices heard. Palestinian and Israeli protesters gathered, watching the trial on large screens. In a tense atmosphere, Palestinian protesters expressed their dissatisfaction with Israel's defense by chanting slogans such as "Yalancı" (liar).

The trial, which has garnered international attention, will now await further developments as the court evaluates the arguments presented by both parties.

However, there is no doubt at all that Israel is guilty of some of the worst atrocities committed by any nation in history against another nation. All one has to do is turn on the television to see what is taking place daily to know that reality. The IDF are monsters impersonating as men and surely they must be brought to justice for their horrible war crimes. What they are engaged in is far worse than anything Hitler ever did to the Jews in the Second World War. 

Storming a building taking out all the men and shooting them in the back is inexcusable. They all had families and small children. Anyone who condones these sorts of actions are just as bad as the perpetrators themselves. All of this is an abomination against the whole of humanity, not just Palestine.

The bombing is never ceasing and goes on day and night, while they are virtually being starved to death due to Israel blocking their supplies of water, food and medicine at the border. Worse still is that the whole world knows what is going on with the United States blocking one UN resolution after another which allows the bombing to continue. If they get Trump as their next president there can't be any doubts they will get what they deserve.

 Let us hope and pray that these Israeli behemoths get what they have coming to them as they must, according to the prophecies of the Bible.


It's important to approach the war between Israel and Gaza with sensitivity, considering the complex and sensitive nature of the conflict. The current situation has a long history and is deeply rooted in geopolitical, historical, and religious factors. The conflict has resulted in significant human suffering and loss on both sides.

It's crucial to recognize that finding a solution to this conflict is incredibly challenging and requires a deep understanding of the complexities involved. Many individuals and organisations are working tirelessly to find a peaceful resolution and alleviate the suffering of those affected by the conflict.

It's also important to acknowledge that discussing this topic may evoke strong emotions and differing perspectives. It's essential to engage in constructive dialogue and seek to understand the experiences and perspectives of all those involved.

Ultimately, achieving peace in the region will require sustained efforts, dialogue, empathy, and a commitment to finding a just and lasting resolution that respects the rights and aspirations of all affected parties.

Unfortunately for them, Israel is never going to win the war against Gaza. They can continue with their current brutality against the Palestinians for decades and decades, fueling the industrial war machine of the United States for as long as they like: forever if they wish. 

However, the Bible tells us that there is going to be a year covenant signed by the Antichrist, which will lead to a temporary type of peace that will remain in place until the return of the Lord. Accordingly, Israel is doomed to ultimate failure. Most insist that there will be a two-state solution. Even though Netanyahu does not agree to this ultimate solution, he is just one man whose days are numbered.


Wednesday 24 January 2024

I want to make it clear that I have complete control over my comments on this platform. It's my decision what I choose to say here and I don't want anyone to interfere with my content. I am entitled to express myself freely on the internet without any censorship or manipulation from external parties. Deleting or not showing my comments is not an option, as it goes against my right to free speech.


I am surprised to see that these books are still available for purchase when they should have expired a long time ago. It cannot be because of high sales, but rather because no one wants them. How cheeky it is to try and sell this outdated material!

However, there could be several reasons why these books are still in stock. Firstly, they might not be popular, so they remain unsold for longer periods. Secondly, some books are printed only when they are ordered, so they never go out of stock. Thirdly, certain books cater to specific audiences, and although they may not sell in large quantities, they are still valuable to those interested in the subject matter. Finally, books that serve as reference or educational material may remain in circulation even after newer editions are released.

Different people have different opinions about the value of books. While some may think that certain books are outdated, others may still find them valuable for historical or sentimental reasons. Therefore, it's essential to be considerate and respectful of varying perspectives when donating or discarding books.

If you want to dispose of books that contain outdated or irrational information, it's crucial to do so in a sensitive manner. Instead of throwing them away, consider donating them to an organization or individual who may find them useful.

Alternatively, if you find that these books are not worth the time of day, it's best to avoid ordering them altogether. That is my best advice with reference to the books that are for sale at this channel.

Ultimately, the decision to order and keep, donate, or dispose of books should be made thoughtfully, considering the potential impact and respecting differing viewpoints.

Blessings It's important to consider the potential risks of combining Pentecostal/Charismatic teaching...