How To Be Saved

How To Be Saved Many people wonder how they can be saved from the consequences of their sins and have eternal life. The Bible teaches that salvation is a gift from God that cannot be earned by human efforts or merits. Salvation is based on God's grace and mercy, which He offers to anyone who believes in His Son, Jesus Christ, as their Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ died on the cross for the sins of the world and rose again from the dead, proving His power over sin and death. Anyone who confesses their sins, repents of their wrongdoings, and trusts in Jesus Christ as their only way to God will be saved. Salvation is not a one-time event, but a lifelong relationship with God that involves obedience, growth, and service. To be saved, one must follow the steps below: 1. Recognize that you are a sinner and that you need God's forgiveness. Romans 3:23 says, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." 2. Acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died for your sins and rose again from the dead. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." 3. Repent of your sins and turn away from your old way of living. Acts 3:19 says, "Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord." 4. Receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior by faith. Romans 10:9 says, "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." 5. Confess your faith in Jesus Christ publicly and join a local church where you can grow in your knowledge and love of God. Matthew 10:32 says, "Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven."

Saturday 22 June 2024

CEM said “Does the Israeli PM Netanyahu abruptly dissolving his War Cabinet mean he has assumed nearly dictatorial powers”.

The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has dissolved the six-member war Cabinet. This action does not necessarily mean that he has assumed nearly dictatorial powers. The dissolution of the war Cabinet could be a strategic decision in response to various factors, such as disagreements within the Cabinet or changes in the political landscape. It is important to consider the context and reasons behind the dissolution before drawing conclusions about Netanyahu's powers. In this instance, just like so many times in the past, Cutting Edge Ministries has engaged in sensationalism, exaggeration, and outright lies to portray Israel in a favourable light.

Protests in Israel against the Netanyahu government have been ongoing, with thousands of people demonstrating for the removal of the current government and calling for fresh elections. Despite these demonstrations, the political landscape has not changed significantly, and Netanyahu still maintains a stable majority in parliament. Recent protests saw thousands of demonstrators gathering outside Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's private residence in Caesarea, as well as marching towards his residence in Jerusalem. The protesters are demanding early elections and expressing their discontent with the current administration. For more information on the 2024 Israeli protests, you can refer to sources like Reuters and Wikipedia.

Now that the United States draws closer to an election with the war against Gaza seen so unfavourably right around the world in his ultimate wisdom President Joe Biden has indeed made the decision to halt shipments of American weapons to Israel. This move comes amidst the ongoing conflict and tensions in the region. Here are some key points regarding President Biden's decision:

  • President Biden stated that he would stop sending bombs and artillery shells to Israel.

  • The decision to pause the arms supply is a significant shift in policy towards Israel.

  • This move is seen as a test of the relationship between the United States and Israel.

  • The halt in arms shipments is not directly linked to any specific Israeli military operation.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has criticised the administration of US President Joe Biden for "withholding weapons" to Israel. The White House, State Department, and Pentagon have stated that they do not know what Netanyahu was referring to when he made those claims. Netanyahu defended his decision to call out the Biden administration for allegedly withholding weapons shipments to Israel.

Hezbollah now sees Israel as weakened due to the lack of weapon supplies from the USA. They have declared that they will pursue an all-out, no-holds-barred war against Israel. Additionally, a pact has been signed between Russia and North Korea against the West to supply each other with arms and defense in the event of the United States targeting either country. This could pose insurmountable problems for the United States. It's not surprising that many citizens in some larger nations are turning to far-right political movements and calling for new elections. Many people see the writing on the wall and now believe they are facing an inevitable disaster.


Thursday 20 June 2024


Байден или Трамп? Что происходит в Америке накануне выборов?
Donald Trump Is Not The Antichrist

For Trump to form a dictatorship if re-elected, it is important to note the following points:

  • Checks and Balances: The United States has a system of checks and balances to prevent any one branch of government from becoming too powerful. This includes the separation of powers among the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government.

  • Constitutional Limits: The U.S. Constitution sets clear limits on the powers of the president and establishes a framework for democratic governance. Any attempt to override these constitutional limits would likely face legal challenges and resistance from other branches of government.

  • Public Opinion: The American public plays a role in holding elected officials accountable. Widespread public opposition to authoritarian actions can serve as a check on any attempts to consolidate power.

  • Historical Precedents: The U.S. has a long history of peaceful transitions of power and respect for democratic norms. While there have been challenges to these norms, the country's democratic institutions have generally proven resilient.

In summary, the structure of the U.S. government, the rule of law, public opinion, and historical precedents all contribute to safeguarding against the establishment of a dictatorship by any individual, including a former president like Donald Trump if elected again. Once again, you're mistaken. Trump could never establish a dictatorship in the United States.


Putin meets Kim Jong Un in Russia, shows up early for once - Business ...
Is this the Antichrist and False Prophet?

An event has just occurred rendering the false predictions and misinformation from CEM and other conspiracy theory websites and YouTube channels, such as B.M.'s Watchman channel, irrelevant. A pact has just taken place between Russia and North Korea, which may be leading towards the fulfillment of Bible prophecies and the rise of the Antichrist and False Prophet.

Russia and North Korea have recently signed a partnership deal that appears to be aimed at strengthening their relationship against the West. The agreement includes a pledge of mutual aid if either country faces aggression. Both leaders, Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, described the deal as a major upgrade of their bilateral relations.

The recent development between Russia and North Korea is indeed significant. President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un signed a new comprehensive strategic partnership treaty that solidifies mutual defense assistance between the two countries. This agreement includes provisions for mutual assistance in case of aggression against either signatory.

North Korea's previous alliance treaty with the Soviet Union, which guaranteed automatic involvement in case of an attack, has now been succeeded by this new treaty with Russia. Kim Jong Un described this new pact as the "strongest ever treaty" between the two nations, highlighting the deepening military and diplomatic cooperation.

This treaty marks a notable step in the relationship between Russia and North Korea, emphasizing their commitment to each other's defense and security.

Based on the information provided:

1. New Treaty between Russia and North Korea:

◦ Described as a groundbreaking document by Putin.

◦ Intended to bring Russian-Korean relations to a new qualitative level.

◦ Both Putin and Kim emphasized that the new pact is defensive in nature.

2. Putin's Visit to North Korea:

◦ Putin's visit marks the first in 24 years to North Korea.

◦ The two countries have strengthened ties in recent years.

◦ Speculations suggest North Korea provided artillery shells and weapons to Russia in exchange for food, energy, and military technologies.

3. Concerns Raised:

◦ The full scope of the treaty and agreements signed is not publicized.

◦ Some watchers doubt the sustainability of the current bilateral ties.

◦ The United States and its allies are concerned about the growing military partnership between Russia and North Korea, fearing destabilization in the region and beyond.

4. Global Implications:

◦ There are concerns that Russia's actions, supported by countries like North Korea and China, could increase global vulnerability and pose a threat to international security.

◦ NATO's Secretary General expressed worries about the impact of Russia's actions on global stability.

5. Kim and Putin Meeting:

◦ Kim personally greeted Putin on a red-carpeted tarmac in Pyongyang, demonstrating a strong show of friendship.

◦ The meeting was delayed, with Putin arriving in the early hours of Wednesday instead of the originally scheduled Tuesday arrival.

This development highlights the evolving dynamics in international relations, particularly concerning Russia, North Korea, and their impact on global security.

The Kumsusan State Guesthouse in North Korea is a significant location where important events take place. Here is some real-time information related to the Kumsusan State Guesthouse:

1. Confirmed: North Korea rapidly built Xi's new guesthouse from February to May. Building exterior shown on KCTV confirms the location of Kumsusan.

2. The Kumsusan Palace of the Sun, formerly known as the Kumsusan Memorial Palace, is a notable building near the northeast corner of North Korea.

3. Russian President tells Kim Jong Un he appreciates North Korean support over Ukraine as the two countries deepen ties.

4. Russia and North Korea vow a stronger partnership against the West.

• Kim Jong Un's Comments:

◦ Kim expressed the need to strengthen strategic interaction with Russia given the fast-changing and challenging global situation.

◦ North Korea appreciates Russia's role in maintaining strategic stability and balance in the world.

◦ Kim promised full support and solidarity with Russia in carrying out the military operation in Ukraine to protect sovereignty, security interests, and territorial integrity.

• Putin's Response:

◦ Putin thanked Kim for North Korea's support in the conflict and highlighted the historical comradeship between the two countries.

◦ Putin criticized the U.S.' confrontational policy in the region and defended North Korea against attempts to blame them for destabilizing the international situation.

◦ He called for a review of the sanctions imposed on North Korea by the United Nations Security Council.

◦ Putin proposed the possibility of advanced military-technical cooperation between Russia and North Korea, along with increasing exchanges in trade, culture, tourism, education, and agriculture.

These statements reflect a deepening of ties between North Korea and Russia, particularly in the face of geopolitical challenges and shared opposition to certain global powers' policies.

The recent developments have taken me completely by surprise. I never expected this at all, and with Biden still leading the United States, the entire world is now in real trouble.

This is extremely serious and should not be underestimated. This treaty signals the end of the United States as prophesied in Revelation Chapter 18. The time for God's judgement against the numerous sins the USA has committed in Gaza against innocent civilians is at hand. There is no Rapture.


Tuesday 18 June 2024

Making false claims about the end times is often referred to as apocalypticism or false prophecy. This behaviour involves predicting specific dates or events associated with the end of the world, which can cause fear and anxiety among believers. It is important to be cautious and discerning when encountering such claims, as they can have serious consequences for individuals and communities.

Here are some examples of apocalypticism or false prophecy:

Apocalypticism Examples:

  1. The Mayan prophecy that the world would end on December 21, 2012, based on the end of their calendar cycle.

  2. The concept of Y2K (Year 2000) where some believed computer systems would malfunction, leading to widespread chaos and the end of the world.

  3. The false Rapture doctrine is when believers believe they will be caught up in the air to meet the Lord before the final judgement.

  4. Cutting Edge Ministries allegedly runs a politically biased organisation within the United States full of lies while claiming to do so in the name of Christ.

False Prophecy Examples:

  • Harold Camping's prediction of the world ending on multiple dates, including May 21, 2011, and October 21, 2011, both of which did not come to pass.

  • The Great Disappointment of 1844, when followers of William Miller believed that Jesus would return on October 22, 1844, but it did not happen.

  • Various modern-day cult leaders who have made predictions about the end of the world that have failed to materialize.

These examples showcase the historical and contemporary instances of apocalypticism and false prophecy that have captured the imagination of believers and skeptics alike.


Hunter Biden has been found guilty of three felony gun charges. This conviction may have some impact on the upcoming elections in the United States. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Hunter Biden's conviction on three charges is a significant development.

  2. The impact on the election outcome will not be substantial, according to experts.

  3. The sentencing is expected to happen by October 9, which is about a month before his father, President Joe Biden, seeks re-election.

  4. The guilty verdict could potentially influence public perception but may not drastically alter the contours of the election.

Overall, while Hunter Biden's conviction is a notable event, its direct impact on the forthcoming elections in the United States will be minimal.

Hunter Biden will go to trial in California in early September following his indictment on nine federal tax charges. The trial was initially set for June 3 but was postponed to September after a judge approved his request for a delay. In addition to the tax charges, President Joe Biden's son also faces trial on federal gun charges in a separate case in Delaware. Recently, a federal jury found Hunter Biden guilty on all three federal felony gun charges he was facing. In the event of a guilty verdict, Hunter Biden could face a significant fine, although this would be relatively small compared to the wealth of the Biden family.

The idea that two Hunter Biden trials will not negatively impact Joe Biden's re-election campaign this Fall can be explained by several factors:

  1. Separation of Individuals: Hunter Biden is a separate individual from Joe Biden. Therefore, the legal issues faced by Hunter Biden may not directly impact the perception of Joe Biden's ability to govern or his policies.

  2. Focus on Policy: Voters often prioritize policy issues such as the economy, healthcare, and national security when deciding whom to vote for. Unless the trials directly implicate Joe Biden in any wrongdoing, voters may be more concerned about how his policies will affect their lives.

  3. Previous Precedents: In the past, scandals involving family members of political figures have not always significantly impacted the political figure's career. While they may create temporary negative publicity, they do not always sway the outcome of elections.

  4. Media Coverage: The impact of these trials on Joe Biden's campaign will also depend on how the media covers the issue. If the media focuses more on policy discussions rather than personal matters, the trials may have a limited effect on the campaign.

  5. Partisan Divide: In today's political climate, there is often a strong partisan divide. Supporters of Joe Biden may be inclined to dismiss or downplay any negative news related to Hunter Biden, while opponents may amplify it. This division can mitigate the impact of such trials on the election.

  6. Time Factor: The timing of these trials in relation to the election is also crucial. If the trials happen too close to the election, they may have more of an impact. However, if they occur well in advance, the news cycle may move on to other issues by the time voters head to the polls.

While the trials of Hunter Biden may generate media attention and some negative publicity, several factors such as the separation of individuals, focus on policy, previous precedents, media coverage, partisan divide, and timing could potentially limit their impact on Joe Biden's re-election campaign this Fall.

When CEM claims that these two Hunter Biden trials will heavily and negatively impact Joe Biden's re-election campaign this fall, you can be sure this statement is a fabrication.

In conclusion, the biased exaggeration mentioned is commonly referred to as hyperbole. Hyperbole is a figure of speech in which statements are exaggerated or overstated for emphasis or effect. It is often used in literature, poetry, and everyday language to create a strong impression or to make a point more dramatically. In other words more BS from CEM.


In a recent Congressional hearing, Secretary of State Antony Blinken faced tough questions regarding the United States' foreign policy approach towards the ongoing conflict between Israel and Gaza. Blinken made a startling admission during the hearing, acknowledging that his office had committed a betrayal of the people of Gaza by falsely claiming to offer a genuine peace incentive with Israel.

The admission sent shock waves through the political establishment and raised serious concerns about the transparency and honesty of the United States' diplomatic efforts in the region. Here are some key points to consider regarding this development:

  • Antony Blinken's Acknowledgment: Blinken's candid admission of the betrayal of the people of Gaza by his office marks a significant departure from the usual diplomatic rhetoric surrounding the Israel-Palestine conflict. The acknowledgment of misleading claims about peace incentives with Israel has brought into question the integrity of U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East.

  • Impact on US-Gaza Relations: The revelation of this betrayal is likely to have far-reaching consequences for the already strained relations between the United States and Gaza. The lack of trust resulting from false promises and misleading statements could further complicate efforts to broker a lasting peace agreement in the region.

  • Calls for Accountability: In the wake of Blinken's admission, there have been growing calls for accountability and transparency in U.S. diplomatic efforts. Lawmakers and advocacy groups are demanding a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding the false claims of a peace incentive with Israel and are urging steps to rebuild trust with the people of Gaza.

  • Reevaluation of Foreign Policy: This revelation has prompted a broader reevaluation of U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Questions are being raised about the motives behind the misleading statements and the need for a more principled and honest approach to resolving the Israel-Palestine conflict.

As Secretary of State Antony Blinken faces scrutiny over his office's admission of betrayal in the handling of peace incentives with Israel, the implications of this revelation are likely to reverberate throughout the region. It remains to be seen how the United States will address the fallout from this acknowledgement and rebuild trust with the people of Gaza in the pursuit of a lasting peace.

That reality contrasts with what you stated in your latest newsletter, where you falsely claimed Secretary of State Antony Blinken admitted to Congress that his office had betrayed the United States. The United States, along with Blinken, Biden, and Trump, fully support the United States and Israel and will continue to do so until there is a change in the status quo. That change is happening now with the resignation of Benny Gantz from the Israeli government with protesters demanding fresh elections in response to Netanyahu's murderous leadership.


Monday 17 June 2024

I want to help and guide you toward spiritual enlightenment or faith and assist you in finding your way to the Lord. I always approach you with kindness, understanding, and respect for your beliefs and choices. However, I believe your spiritual journey is warped and misguided. My intention has always been to share my faith or beliefs with you gently and compassionately while being mindful of your feelings and boundaries.

There is nothing wrong with a man of God acquiring wealth as long as his message is steadfast and relates to the Bible. God does not want Christians to be poor, with their backsides hanging out of their trousers; that is hardly a good witness to Christ. For those who comment on how this one or that one became wealthy, it is none of their business.

All I can see here from you is tremendous resentment or jealousy towards someone who is well-to-do. If Duplantis asks for money and people are willing to give it to him, that is their prerogative and has nothing to do with you. In this case, you can hardly point the finger at anyone when you favour and practice a Satanic religion like Judaism, while calling yourself a Christian.


Sunday 16 June 2024

A warped and perverted view of world events related to Bible prophecy is commonly known as "apocalypticism" or "apocalyptic thinking." This term refers to the belief that current events are directly and supernaturally tied to predictions found in religious texts, particularly the Bible's apocalyptic literature such as the Book of Revelation.

Those with such views often interpret global events through a highly speculative and sometimes sensational lens, seeing them as fulfilment of specific prophecies about the end times, the coming of the Antichrist, or the imminent return of Jesus Christ. This interpretation can lead to a skewed understanding of world events, as individuals may selectively interpret or exaggerate events to fit their predetermined beliefs about prophecy.

Apocalypticism can manifest in various ways, from fringe groups making specific predictions about dates for the end of the world to more mainstream religious communities emphasizing the signs of the times as indicative of approaching apocalyptic events.

In extreme cases, this worldview can foster anxiety, fatalism, or even encourage radical actions based on perceived divine imperatives. Therefore, while belief in prophecy is a significant aspect of many religious traditions, a "warped and perverted" view typically refers to interpretations that depart significantly from mainstream theological teachings or historical context.

Someone, who believes that certain events are related to Bible prophecy, even when those events do not actually align with or fulfill the prophecies as originally intended, can be described as having a "misguided" or "misinterpretative" view of prophecy.

In a more critical sense, such a person might be labeled as engaging in "apocalyptic speculation" or "apocalyptic sensationalism," where they stretch or manipulate interpretations to fit their preconceived notions or agenda. This could stem from a variety of reasons, including genuine misunderstanding, ideological bias, or a desire to influence others through fear or persuasion.

However, the exact term used to describe such a person may depend on the context and perspective of those assessing their beliefs—whether from within their religious community or from external observers who may view their interpretations as inaccurate or misleading or that they are just plain cuckoo.


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy

There has never been a man to enter the world stage than Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the President of Ukraine. He gained significant international attention and popularity during Ukraine's conflict with Russia, and his leadership during this time could only be described as outstanding.

What a lot of people are not aware of is that, similar to his arch-foe Putin, he is also Jewish. Zelenskyy's Jewish heritage became known to many through various reports and discussions.

However, it's important to clarify that drawing parallels solely based on religious or ethnic background between leaders like Zelenskyy and Putin can be misleading, as their political ideologies and actions are what distinguish them on the world stage.

While one leader seeks peace and prosperity for his nation, the other seeks to destroy that nation. At the same time it is also difficult to distinguish one from the other as potential prospects for Antichrist.

However, we know that the Antichrist comes to the world stage as a little horn. This could imply that he comes from a small nation or is short in stature. At the same time, he is enormously popular, which applies in many ways to Zelenskyy.

What we do know about someone like Trump, though, is that there is no chance whatsoever of his ever qualifying as the Antichrist due to the many trials he still has to endure before he could ever set foot in the White House again.


Saturday 15 June 2024

The Nakba, meaning "catastrophe" in Arabic, signifies the Palestinian experience of dispossession and loss of their homeland following the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948. Here are some key points about the Nakba:

Year of Nakba: This year marks 74 years since the Nakba took place in 1948.
Dispossession: During the Nakba, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were forcibly displaced from their homes, becoming refugees and resulting in the loss of their land, property, and livelihoods.

Historical Context: The Nakba occurred in the aftermath of the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, during which Israel declared its independence, leading to significant territorial changes and the displacement of a large number of Palestinians.

Impact: The Nakba has had a lasting impact on Palestinian society, shaping the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the pursuit of Palestinian statehood and rights.

Commemoration: Palestinians and supporters worldwide commemorate the Nakba annually to remember the events of 1948, honour the memory of those affected, and highlight the ongoing challenges faced by Palestinian refugees.

Right of Return: One of the primary demands of Palestinians affected by the Nakba is the right of return, which refers to their right to return to their homes and properties from which they were displaced.

The Nakba remains a deeply significant and emotive issue for Palestinians and continues to influence discussions around the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and efforts towards a resolution addressing the historical injustices faced by the Palestinian people from the Jews who stole their land and continue to do so today.

Blessings It's important to consider the potential risks of combining Pentecostal/Charismatic teaching...