How To Be Saved

How To Be Saved Many people wonder how they can be saved from the consequences of their sins and have eternal life. The Bible teaches that salvation is a gift from God that cannot be earned by human efforts or merits. Salvation is based on God's grace and mercy, which He offers to anyone who believes in His Son, Jesus Christ, as their Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ died on the cross for the sins of the world and rose again from the dead, proving His power over sin and death. Anyone who confesses their sins, repents of their wrongdoings, and trusts in Jesus Christ as their only way to God will be saved. Salvation is not a one-time event, but a lifelong relationship with God that involves obedience, growth, and service. To be saved, one must follow the steps below: 1. Recognize that you are a sinner and that you need God's forgiveness. Romans 3:23 says, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." 2. Acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died for your sins and rose again from the dead. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." 3. Repent of your sins and turn away from your old way of living. Acts 3:19 says, "Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord." 4. Receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior by faith. Romans 10:9 says, "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." 5. Confess your faith in Jesus Christ publicly and join a local church where you can grow in your knowledge and love of God. Matthew 10:32 says, "Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven."

Thursday 2 November 2023

God gave His authorization for Israel to attack and annihilate the Palestinian people (Edom) 2,600 years ago! (Obadiah 15-18)

Edom, historically known as a kingdom in the southern Levant, has its roots deeply intertwined with the narratives of ancient Israel and Judah. The land of Edom, characterized by its rugged terrain and strategic location, played a pivotal role in the trade routes that crisscrossed the Near East. It was a place where cultures met, traded, and sometimes clashed. The Edomites, believed to be descendants of Esau according to biblical accounts, first established their kingdom in what is now THE SOUTHERN PART OF MODERN-DAY JORDAN. Over time, their influence expanded into the southern reaches of the Kingdom of Judah, particularly during periods when Judah faced decline and conquest. The fall of Judah to Babylonian forces in the 6th century BC saw an influx of Edomite migration into this region, an area later known as Idumea during the Hellenistic and Roman periods. Today, the legacy of Edom lives on within the borders of Jordan, a testament to the region's rich and complex history that has seen countless civilisations rise and fall on its soil. Accordingly, this quotation is wrong:

Edom is Jordan. Not Palestine. It is a mistake to manipulate the meaning of sacred texts to suit your desires and preferences. The scriptures are not a tool for you to bend and twist according to your whims and wishes. They are the inspired word of God that reveals his will and his ways for his people. To distort the scriptures is to disrespect God and his authority and to deceive yourself and others. You should seek to understand and apply the scriptures faithfully and humbly, not twist them to fit your agenda or justify your actions.

Why would you tell a direct lie and then attempt to relate it to scriptures to excuse the Jews for the genocide they are now committing against the Palestinians? You are worse than the mass murderers/war criminals themselves. These are child killers responsible for the mass extermination of thousands of children. Turn on your televisions and see what sort of horror these bastards have committed against the innocents. God has never wanted the mass extermination of thousands of people. Don't bullshit everyone by saying he does and that it is the Bible. This is not a defence for October the 07th - this is brutal and evil.


 So the Israeli economy will suffer as a result of the war, but so what? Economies are up and down anyway but they always seem to bounce back again. Netanyahu is a war criminal and is killing thousands of innocent citizens so he can escape jail on corruption charges. He will rot in Hell along with the rest of his war cabinet.

Global Antisemitism has already erupted and is causing outrage against all Jews that will reverberate right across the globe. What they don't need are the likes of you excusing the murderers with lies and false innuendo.

Cutting Edge Ministries is not deserving of any financial support. Lovers of money like you pussies are people who value wealth above all else. They are often obsessed with accumulating, saving, or spending money, and they may neglect other aspects of their lives, such as their relationships, health, or happiness. Lovers of money may also be greedy, selfish, dishonest, or corrupt, and they may exploit others for their own gain. Lovers of money may suffer from various psychological problems, such as anxiety, depression, addiction, or narcissism. They may also face negative consequences in their social and spiritual lives, such as isolation, conflict, resentment, or emptiness. Lovers of money are not necessarily rich or poor; they can be found in any social class or income level. However, they are always dissatisfied with what they have and always crave more. Lovers of money are not truly happy, because they do not appreciate the true value of life. 


Pro-Israeli propaganda of the kind you are spreading here is a form of communication that is biased, misleading, or manipulative, and it can have harmful effects on people and society.

Propaganda can be used to influence people's opinions, emotions, and actions, and to promote certain agendas or ideologies. Propaganda can take many forms, such as speeches, posters, films, books, newspapers, social media, and more. Propaganda can also use various techniques, such as appeals to authority, fear, or patriotism, logical fallacies, selective evidence, or repetition. Propaganda can affect people's perception of reality, their trust in institutions, their sense of identity, and their willingness to cooperate or resist. Propaganda can also lead to polarization, conflict, violence, and human rights violations. Therefore, it is important to be aware of propaganda and to critically evaluate the sources and messages of communication.

You are calling anyone who protests against the illegal occupation by Israel of Gaza idiots and the global antisemitic protests a call from God to bring his people home. This is incredibly disrespectful and insensitive to the suffering of the Palestinians and the Jews who are affected by the conflict and the violence and is offensive to God.

Who are the people you are referring to that God is allegedly going to bring home? and what is their correlation to current events? If you are referring to God's people that is those are those who have faith in Him and follow His commandments. They are not defined by their ethnicity, nationality, or social status, but by their relationship with God. God's people are called to be holy, to love God and their neighbours, and to witness to His grace and truth in the world. God's people are also promised a future inheritance in His kingdom, where they will enjoy His presence and glory forever.

There is no evidence in your post indicating that you are one of God's chosen people. Rather, I see hate, discrimination, and malevolence against Palestinians in favour of Jews.

Christianity is more than just a religion, it is a way of life that is based on love and tolerance. Christians believe that God is love and that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for the sins of the world. Christians also believe that God loves everyone, regardless of their race, gender, sexuality, or background, and that He calls them to love one another as He loves them. Christians seek to follow the teachings and example of Jesus, who showed compassion, forgiveness, and mercy to all people, especially the poor, the oppressed, and the marginalized. Christians also respect the dignity and freedom of every human being and do not judge or condemn others for their beliefs or choices. Christians strive to live in peace and harmony with their neighbours and to promote justice and reconciliation in a broken world. Christianity is not about imposing rules or doctrines on others, but about sharing the good news of God's grace and salvation through Jesus Christ. Christianity is love and tolerance and that is not what you are displaying here. Respect the sacred texts and their meanings and stop being arseholes to make money.

There is no such thing as the "Judaeo-Christian tradition." It is a modern invention in a similar vein to the fake Rapture. There always has been a Jewish and Christian tradition ― or, more accurately, varieties of Jewish and Christian traditions. The term "Judaeo-Christian tradition" continues the suppression of Jewishness by hiding the essential differences between Judaism and Christianity, one of which is that each denies the validity of the other. As Rabbi Eliezer Berkovits puts it, "Judaism is Judaism because it rejects Christianity, and Christianity is Christianity because it rejects Judaism." that is because Jews are traditionally Antichrist and Satanically inspired in word and deed.

If anyone hangs onto Judaism, they are Jews themselves and not Christians. Accordingly, they are just as responsible for the atrocities committed in Gaza as the perpetrators themselves. It is not surprising that you would be continually quoting from the Old Testament that only favours Jews if you are a Jew yourself. That is why your lust for cash indicates you have the same mindset as a Jew.



Wednesday 1 November 2023

I regret to inform you that I have had no other choice other than to submit a report to Google for you deleting comments. This is a serious violation of the community guidelines and the terms of service that you agreed to when you signed up for this platform. You have repeatedly removed constructive feedback and criticism from other users, as well as your own negative ratings, in an attempt to manipulate your reputation and influence. This is not only dishonest, but also harmful to the quality and integrity of the content that is shared on this site. I have documented several instances of your comment deletion at my blog, along with screenshots and timestamps, and sent them to Google for review. They will decide what actions to take against your account, which may include suspension or termination. I hope you understand that I did not do this out of spite or malice, but out of respect for the rules and the community. I urge you to reconsider your behaviour and to abide by the standards that are expected from all users.

 Here is my report

This channel is violating the rules of fair use by plagiarizing content from other sources without giving credit or permission. Using the term Fair Use is not permission. I have tried to voice my concerns in the comment section, but the creator always deletes my comments and blocks me from posting. I think this is unfair and disrespectful to the original creators and the viewers. I am reporting this channel for its unethical and illegal practices.


Control is a concept that can have different meanings depending on the context and the perspective. In general, control refers to the ability or power to influence, regulate, or direct something or someone. Control can be exercised by individuals, groups, organisations, or systems over various aspects of reality, such as behavior, emotions, thoughts, actions, outcomes, or resources.

Some examples of control are:

- Self-control: the capacity to regulate one's impulses, desires, emotions, and actions in order to achieve personal goals or adhere to social norms.- Social control: the mechanisms or processes that regulate the behavior and values of individuals or groups within a society, such as laws, norms, sanctions, rewards, or education.

- Political control: the authority or influence that a government or a political actor has over the population, territory, resources, or institutions of a state or a region.

- Economic control: the degree of power or influence that an agent or a group has over the production, distribution, consumption, or allocation of goods and services in a market or a society.

- Technological control: the ability or potential to manipulate, modify, enhance, or create physical or virtual objects, environments, systems, or processes using scientific knowledge and technical skills.

Control can have positive or negative effects depending on how it is used and for what purpose. Control can enable order, stability, efficiency, creativity, innovation, or empowerment. Control can also cause oppression, domination, exploitation, resistance, conflict, or rebellion. Control is often contested and negotiated among different actors and interests in various domains and levels of social reality.

You no longer have control over my comments; deleting them amuses me.


To spit into someone's face is a very rude and disrespectful gesture that shows contempt and anger towards the person. It is often considered a form of assault or battery, and can have legal consequences. Spitting into someone's face can also transmit diseases or infections, such as COVID-19, tuberculosis, or hepatitis. Spitting into someone's face is not a polite or acceptable way to express disagreement or dissatisfaction with someone. I am surprised that sort of thing has not happened to you by now

Given the frequency and intensity of what you have been putting online over the past few years, I am surprised that sort of thing has not happened to you by now. It seems like you have been very lucky or very careful to avoid the consequences of your Pro-Jewish stance and the chaos and uncertainty that the Jews have caused by plaguing our society for so long now.

How do you manage to stay safe and sane in such turbulent times? Do you have any secrets or tips that you can share with me? I would love to hear your perspective on how to cope with the challenges and risks that every Zionist must have to face every day of the week.

In this instance, I am not referring to the average run-of-the-mill Jew. These are just ordinary people like everyone else. I am referring to those Jews who are responsible for the carnage we now see taking place every day in Gaza. All of this is certain to rub off on every Jew right around the globe.


 One of my favourite hobbies is to share my thoughts and opinions on various topics online. I enjoy engaging with other people who have different perspectives and learning from them. I also like to express myself and show my personality through my comments. I think it is a great way to connect with others and have meaningful conversations. I always try to be respectful and constructive in my feedback, and I appreciate when others do the same. I am having a lot of fun putting my comments online. Just keep on posting your Zionist rhetoric and I will continue to post comments and wait for you to delete them. I will then re post them. 


Where does the bible say the Antichrist will confirm a covenant with Israel? 

That is what you have entitled one of your books. 

Who would want to read a book such as that who knows anything about Daniel Chapter 9 Verse 27? 

Have another look at the prophecy. 

And he shall confirm the covenant WITH MANY for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. KJV

There is nothing there about Israel at all. It says with many. That is all the nations in the Middle East. It would appear that you have Israel scorched into your brain. 


President Tayyip Erdogan addressed hundreds of thousands of supporters at one of the largest pro-Palestinian rallies since the Israel-Hamas war began, courting his Islamist political base a day ahead of the centenary of Turkey's secular republic."Israel has been openly committing war crimes for 22 days, but the Western leaders cannot even call on Israel for a ceasefire, let alone react to it," Erdogan told the crowd in Istanbul, who waved Palestinian flags."We will tell the whole world that Israel is a war criminal. We are making preparations for this. We will declare Israel a war criminal," he said.In an hour-long speech, Erdogan also repeated his assertion that Hamas was not a terrorist organization, describing Israel as an occupier. End Of Quote. 

What needs to happen in the Middle East is for a good man like Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan to intervene militarily and begin bombing Israel with the same ferocity they are using against defenseless Palestinians.

This is a good time to go given most of the army is engaged in attacking innocent citizens in Palestine. He can ground them right into the mud right now.

However, there is no need for you not to empathize with what Israel is doing by butchering the innocents of Palestine and then defending them as your friends. I watch the news every night. What I am seeing in Gaza is one of the greatest acts of war crimes and genocide the world has ever seen. Those perpetrating these war crimes are not men but animals. Despite the best efforts of people like you to defend and excuse Israel for their actions, the world is watching. 

Antisemitism is now running rampant globally. This attitude can only fuel Israel's enemies into action with the distinct possibility the Son of Satan himself, Netanyahu, could be killed.

That is something most of the world would like to see.

If it will spread but whether it goes as far as reaching the entire globe is yet to be seen. As Netanyahu will not stop his campaign of brutality against the Palestinians what will stop him can only be some nation who is just as strong to come against him with a mighty army. 

It will survive but will be so severely affected that it is going to make what the far-right wing of Israeli politics is doing to Palestine pale into insignificance. 

The mindset of the Christian and the Jew are similar, and that is why you appear to be a Christian when the reality is you are a Jew.

We are still friends though despite our obvious differences. Our friendship has weathered various challenges, and it's these very differences that have often sparked the most enlightening conversations and growth between us. It's important to recognize that while we may not agree on everything, our mutual respect and understanding allow us to appreciate each other's unique perspectives.

This diversity in thought and opinion is not just beneficial but essential for a dynamic and robust relationship. It encourages us to think critically, to be empathetic, and to expand our horizons as we learn from one another and you will still have to answer to the Lord for your Zionist postings.


 I regret to see that you have chosen to remove my comments once more, even though I only intended to offer some constructive feedback on your posts. It seems that you are not open to any perspectives, critiques or remarks that are different from yours. I find it unfortunate that you have adopted this attitude.

Temper is never a good option when dealing with conflicts or challenges. Losing your cool can make you say or do things that you might regret later, and it can damage your relationships with others. Moreover, temper can affect your health and well-being, as it can increase your stress levels, blood pressure, and risk of heart problems.

That is just so funny. As if that makes any difference when all I do is to post them online again anyway. You can keep up your Zionist rhetoric for as long as you like. Hardly anyone is listening anyway. All you have is a paltry 60,000 subscribers. Hardly anything, given the amount of years you have been at this. You are such an incompetent dill. 


Where does the bible say the Antichrist will confirm a covenant with Israel? That is what you have entitled one of your books. Who would want to read a book such as Who knows anything about Daniel Chapter 9 Verse 27? Have another look at the prophecy.
And he shall confirm the covenant WITH MANY for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
There is nothing there about Israel at all. It says with many. That is all the nations in the Middle East. It would appear that you have Israel scorched into your brain.  

Blessings It's important to consider the potential risks of combining Pentecostal/Charismatic teaching...