How To Be Saved

How To Be Saved Many people wonder how they can be saved from the consequences of their sins and have eternal life. The Bible teaches that salvation is a gift from God that cannot be earned by human efforts or merits. Salvation is based on God's grace and mercy, which He offers to anyone who believes in His Son, Jesus Christ, as their Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ died on the cross for the sins of the world and rose again from the dead, proving His power over sin and death. Anyone who confesses their sins, repents of their wrongdoings, and trusts in Jesus Christ as their only way to God will be saved. Salvation is not a one-time event, but a lifelong relationship with God that involves obedience, growth, and service. To be saved, one must follow the steps below: 1. Recognize that you are a sinner and that you need God's forgiveness. Romans 3:23 says, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." 2. Acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died for your sins and rose again from the dead. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." 3. Repent of your sins and turn away from your old way of living. Acts 3:19 says, "Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord." 4. Receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior by faith. Romans 10:9 says, "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." 5. Confess your faith in Jesus Christ publicly and join a local church where you can grow in your knowledge and love of God. Matthew 10:32 says, "Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven."

Friday 10 November 2023

 It is a good expression of solidarity that the protests against the war in Gaza are fueling antisemitism. They are expressions of togetherness with the Palestinian people who are suffering under a brutal occupation and blockade. There are also calls for justice and peace in a region that has been plagued by violence and conflict for decades. Antisemitism is the hatred of Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group. It is a form of racism that has no place in any society. Protesting against the war in Gaza does not mean that one hates Jews or supports violence against them. It means that one opposes the policies and actions of the Israeli government that violate international law and human rights. Protesting against the war in Gaza does not deny the right of Israel to exist or defend itself. It demands that Israel respect the rights and dignity of the Palestinian people and end the occupation and siege of Gaza. Protesting against the war in Gaza is not a threat to Jewish communities around the world. It is a challenge to the governments and institutions that enable and support the oppression of the Palestinians. Protesting against the war in Gaza is not antisemitism. It is a moral duty and a democratic right.

Nothing is on the Internet to clarify the formation of an Islamic army to go against Israel and the United States except for your hyped-up link . If there is then all that is taking place is in response to the terrible atrocities being committed against unarmed citizens in Gaza. Just as Israel has a right to defend itself so does Palestine. If there is such a scenario taking place then I would be the first one to welcome it with open arms and see the destruction of Israel's army right where they stand. However, it would appear that you are fearful of reprisal by Iran for the war crimes of Israel committed by the Jews against Gaza. That is why you have created this one possible scenario.

One of the most important skills in academic writing is the ability to avoid making an issue out of subject matter that does not exist as you are so fond of doing. This means that you should not invent problems, exaggerate claims, or misrepresent evidence to make your arguments more interesting or persuasive. Doing so can undermine your credibility, confuse your readers, and weaken your overall message. Instead, you should focus on presenting your ideas, logically, and objectively, using relevant and reliable sources to support your points. You should also acknowledge the limitations and gaps in your research, and address possible counterarguments or alternative perspectives. By doing this, you can demonstrate your critical thinking skills, show respect for your audience, and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in your field.


 God has a wonderful plan of salvation for everyone who believes in Him. He loves us so much that He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for our sins and to rise again on the third day. By doing this, He made a way for us to be forgiven and to have eternal life with Him.

But God's plan of salvation is not automatic. We need to respond to His offer of grace by repenting of our sins and trusting in Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Repentance means turning away from our old ways of living and following God's commands. It also means being sorry for our sins and asking God to cleanse us from them. Trusting in Jesus means believing that He died for us and that He is the only way to God. It also means surrendering our lives to Him and letting Him be the Lord of everything we do.

When we repent and trust in Jesus, we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, who helps us to grow in our faith and to live a godly life. We also become part of God's family, the church, where we can worship Him, learn from His Word, and serve others. We also have the hope of heaven, where we will see God face to face and enjoy His presence forever.

God's plan of salvation is the best news ever. It is a free gift that we can receive by faith. If you have not yet repented and trusted in Jesus, I urge you to do so today. You will never regret it.

One of the essential elements of the gospel message is the call to repentance. Repentance means turning away from sin and turning to God. It is a change of mind, heart and direction that leads to a new life in Christ. Without repentance, there is no forgiveness of sins or salvation. Your prayer of salvation does not include any expression of repentance. You simply ask God to save you and thank Him for His grace. You acknowledge your sinfulness, your need for forgiveness, or your willingness to follow Jesus as your Lord but there is no mention of repentance. This is a serious omission that may indicate that you have not truly understood or accepted the gospel.

Repentance is a crucial element that must be included in your prayer of salvation. If you miss this element, there is a possibility that millions of people who have downloaded your page have not been saved. As a result, these individuals could wrongly believe that they are saved even if their sins have not been forgiven. Consequently, they may still be destined for the pit of darkness.
It is important to make your prayer specific for salvation by confessing your sins and asking for forgiveness. You can mention specific sins you have committed, but asking for forgiveness alone will not save. To do so ensure that you are saved and will have eternal life.

The writers as Cutting Edge Ministry are falling away from the faith. Backsliding in theology is the common term that refers to the process of falling away from one's faith or commitment to a religious doctrine or practice. It can also mean reverting to a previous or less advanced stage of spiritual development. Backsliding can have various causes, such as doubt, temptation, sin, persecution, or worldly influences. Backsliding can have serious consequences for one's relationship with God and others, as well as one's eternal destiny. Some theologians argue that backsliding is a temporary condition that can be reversed by repentance and renewal, while others maintain that backsliding is a sign of apostasy and irrevocable loss of salvation.



Tuesday 7 November 2023

David Bay;

Many people desire financial blessings in their lives, but they may not know how to attract them. Financial blessings are not just about having a lot of money, but also about having a healthy relationship with money and using it wisely. Here are some tips on how to invite financial blessings into your life:

Be grateful for what you have. Gratitude is a powerful magnet for abundance. When you appreciate what you already have, you open yourself to receive more. Express your gratitude daily for the money you earn, the bills you pay, the things you buy, and the opportunities you have.

Be generous with what you have. Generosity is another way to attract financial blessings. When you share what you have with others, you create a flow of abundance in your life. You can be generous by donating to a cause, giving to a friend, or tipping well. Remember that what you give comes back to you multiplied.

Be mindful of what you spend. Mindfulness is a key to managing your money well. When you are mindful of what you spend, you avoid wasting money on things that don't bring you joy or value. You also make better decisions that align with your goals and values. Before you buy something, ask yourself if you really need it, if you can afford it, and if it will make you happy.

Be positive about what you expect. Positivity is a force that attracts financial blessings. When you are positive about what you expect, you create a vision of abundance in your mind. You also raise your vibration and attract more opportunities and resources. Instead of worrying about lack or scarcity, focus on abundance and prosperity. Affirm that money comes to you easily and frequently.

Be faithful to what you believe. Faith is the foundation of financial blessings. When you have faith in yourself, in your abilities, and in the universe, you trust that everything will work out for your highest good. You also surrender to the divine plan and let go of the need to control everything. Believe that financial blessings are your birthright and that they will manifest in your life.

However, there is a distinct problem with people like you who fail to ask for financial assistance with every newsletter when you are so undeserving. You are not abiding by any of the above rules. All you are about is one great big money-grab. It is one point to lie by calling Edom Palestine. Attempting to make the word of God say something it does not is sinful. Edom is an area around the ancient Jordan in the Old Testament. There is no place in the world today known as Edom. All you are doing is endeavouring to prey on people's lack of knowledge.

Your website is not providing any value to your readers. Anyone can look up the same facts that you are presenting on your site. Why would they pay you for something they can get for free elsewhere? You have no right to complain about your declining readership or to beg for donations. You need to offer something more original and engaging if you want to survive.

One of the common arguments used by some Christian Zionists to justify the modern state of Israel's claim to the land of Palestine is that the Bible never mentions Palestine as being small among the Heathen or greatly despised. They assert that this phrase, found in Ezekiel 36:1-5, refers to Israel and proves that God has a special plan for restoring Israel to its former glory. However, this interpretation is based on a faulty reading of the biblical text and ignores the historical and cultural context of Ezekiel's prophecy.

First of all, the word "Palestine" does not appear in the original Hebrew text of Ezekiel 36. The Hebrew word translated as "Heathen" is goyim, which simply means "nations" or "peoples". The word translated as "despised" is bazah, which means "to scorn" or "to hold in contempt". Therefore, a more literal translation of Ezekiel 36:2 would be: "Thus says the Lord God: Because the enemy has said of you, 'Aha! The ancient heights have become our possession,' therefore prophesy and say, 'Thus says the Lord God: Because they have made you desolate and swallowed you up on every side, so that you became the possession of the rest of the nations, and you are taken up by the lips of talkers and slandered by the people.'"

Secondly, the context of Ezekiel 36 makes it clear that the prophecy is not about Israel as a whole, but about a specific region within Israel: the mountains of Israel. This region, also known as Samaria or Ephraim, was the northern part of the divided kingdom of Israel that was conquered by the Assyrians in 722 BC and later by the Babylonians in 586 BC. The inhabitants of this region were either killed, exiled, or assimilated by their conquerors. Ezekiel's prophecy is a message of hope and restoration for these scattered and oppressed people, who had lost their identity and heritage as God's chosen people.

Thirdly, the historical and cultural context of Ezekiel 36 shows that the prophecy is not about a future restoration of Israel to its modern political boundaries, but about a spiritual renewal of Israel as God's covenant people. Ezekiel was writing during the Babylonian exile, when many Jews had lost their faith and hope in God's promises. He was calling them to repentance and obedience, to prepare them for their return to their homeland after 70 years. He was also pointing them to a future messianic age, when God would send his Son to establish his kingdom on earth. In this age, God would not only restore Israel physically, but also spiritually. He would give them a new heart and a new spirit, he would cleanse them from their sins, he would put his Spirit within them, and he would make them his holy people (Ezekiel 36:24-28).

Therefore, to use Ezekiel 36 as a proof text for Christian Zionism is to misuse and abuse the biblical text. It is to ignore its original meaning and context, and to impose a modern political agenda on an ancient prophetic message. It is to miss the true fulfilment of Ezekiel's prophecy in Jesus Christ, who is the true Israel and the true heir of all God's promises. It is also to disregard the plight and rights of the Palestinian people, who are also created in God's image and loved by him.

That is not the worst of it though. Even though the Bible never mentions Palestine as being small among the Heathen or greatly despised. You have not referred to Ezekiel 36 to prove your point. Instead you have referred to (Obadiah 1-2) and taken the bible completely out of context .

" The vision of Obadiah. Thus saith the Lord God concerning Edom (Palestinians) ... I have made thee small among the heathen: thou art greatly despised."

Biblical interpretation is the process of understanding the meaning and message of the biblical texts. It involves applying various principles and methods to bridge the gaps between the original context, language, and genre of the biblical authors, and the contemporary context, language, and genre of the modern readers. Biblical interpretation is both a science and an art, as it requires careful analysis and creative imagination to faithfully communicate God's word to different audiences and situations. Biblical interpretation is also a spiritual discipline, as it requires prayer, humility, and obedience to the ultimate author of Scripture, who is God himself. You now need to apply those basic principles in your lives.

Thousands of Pro-Palestinian protesters right around the globe testifying against the brutality and inhumanity of Israel against the unarmed and defensiveness Palestinians testify to the fact that they are not small amongst the Heathen, nor are they greatly despised. Global antisemitism is now rampant, partially due to websites such as this for stirring up Anti-Palestine sentiment.

I can foresee that your period of mendacious online behaviour will soon come to an end. Zionists, such as the writers at Cutting Edge Ministries, have been posting inaccurate and unreliable information on various platforms for decades, but this is not sustainable any longer. You have a tendency to exaggerate, distort or fabricate facts to suit your agenda or to gain attention. You have now reverted to your old habits and lost all credibility and trustworthiness.


Many people desire financial blessings in their lives, but they may not know how to attract them. Financial blessings are not just about having a lot of money, but also about having a healthy relationship with money and using it wisely. Here are some tips on how to invite financial blessings into your life:

Be grateful for what you have. Gratitude is a powerful magnet for abundance. When you appreciate what you already have, you open yourself to receive more. Express your gratitude daily for the money you earn, the bills you pay, the things you buy, and the opportunities you have.

Be generous with what you have. Generosity is another way to attract financial blessings. When you share what you have with others, you create a flow of abundance in your life. You can be generous by donating to a cause, giving to a friend, or tipping well. Remember that what you give comes back to you multiplied.

Be mindful of what you spend. Mindfulness is a key to managing your money well. When you are mindful of what you spend, you avoid wasting money on things that don't bring you joy or value. You also make better decisions that align with your goals and values. Before you buy something, ask yourself if you really need it, if you can afford it, and if it will make you happy.

Be positive about what you expect. Positivity is a force that attracts financial blessings. When you are positive about what you expect, you create a vision of abundance in your mind. You also raise your vibration and attract more opportunities and resources. Instead of worrying about lack or scarcity, focus on abundance and prosperity. Affirm that money comes to you easily and frequently.

Be faithful to what you believe. Faith is the foundation of financial blessings. When you have faith in yourself, in your abilities, and in the universe, you trust that everything will work out for your highest good. You also surrender to the divine plan and let go of the need to control everything. Believe that financial blessings are your birthright and that they will manifest in your life.

However, there is a distinct problem with people like you who fail to ask for financial assistance when you are so undeserving. You are not abiding by any of the above rules. All you are about is one great big money-grab. Attempting to make the word of God say something it does not is sinful. All you are doing is endeavouring to prey on people's lack of knowledge.

Your channel is not providing any value to your readers. Anyone can look up the same facts that you are presenting here. Why would they pay you for something they can get for free elsewhere? You have no right to beg for donations. You need to offer something more original and engaging if you want to survive.

One of the common arguments used by some Christian Zionists to justify the modern state of Israel's claim to the land of Palestine is that the Bible never mentions Palestine as being small among the Heathen or greatly despised. They assert that this phrase, found in Ezekiel 36:1-5, refers to Israel and proves that God has a special plan for restoring Israel to its former glory. However, this interpretation is based on a faulty reading of the biblical text and ignores the historical and cultural context of Ezekiel's prophecy.

First of all, the word "Palestine" does not appear in the original Hebrew text of Ezekiel 36. The Hebrew word translated as "Heathen" is goyim, which simply means "nations" or "peoples". The word translated as "despised" is bazah, which means "to scorn" or "to hold in contempt". Therefore, a more literal translation of Ezekiel 36:2 would be: "Thus says the Lord God: Because the enemy has said of you, 'Aha! The ancient heights have become our possession,' therefore prophesy and say, 'Thus says the Lord God: Because they have made you desolate and swallowed you up on every side, so that you became the possession of the rest of the nations, and you are taken up by the lips of talkers and slandered by the people.'"

Secondly, the context of Ezekiel 36 makes it clear that the prophecy is not about Israel as a whole, but about a specific region within Israel: the mountains of Israel. This region, also known as Samaria or Ephraim, was the northern part of the divided kingdom of Israel that was conquered by the Assyrians in 722 BC and later by the Babylonians in 586 BC. The inhabitants of this region were either killed, exiled, or assimilated by their conquerors. Ezekiel's prophecy is a message of hope and restoration for these scattered and oppressed people, who had lost their identity and heritage as God's chosen people.

Thirdly, the historical and cultural context of Ezekiel 36 shows that the prophecy is not about a future restoration of Israel to its modern political boundaries, but about a spiritual renewal of Israel as God's covenant people. Ezekiel was writing during the Babylonian exile, when many Jews had lost their faith and hope in God's promises. He was calling them to repentance and obedience, to prepare them for their return to their homeland after 70 years. He was also pointing them to a future messianic age, when God would send his Son to establish his kingdom on earth. In this age, God would not only restore Israel physically, but also spiritually. He would give them a new heart and a new spirit, he would cleanse them from their sins, he would put his Spirit within them, and he would make them his holy people (Ezekiel 36:24-28).

Therefore, to use Ezekiel 36 as a proof text for Christian Zionism is to misuse and abuse the biblical text. It is to ignore its original meaning and context, and to impose a modern political agenda on an ancient prophetic message. It is to miss the true fulfillment of Ezekiel's prophecy in Jesus Christ, who is the true Israel and the true heir of all God's promises. It is also to disregard the plight and rights of the Palestinian people, who are also created in God's image and loved by him.

Biblical interpretation is the process of understanding the meaning and message of the biblical texts. It involves applying various principles and methods to bridge the gaps between the original context, language, and genre of the biblical authors, and the contemporary context, language, and genre of the modern readers. Biblical interpretation is both a science and an art, as it requires careful analysis and creative imagination to faithfully communicate God's word to different audiences and situations. Biblical interpretation is also a spiritual discipline, as it requires prayer, humility, and obedience to the ultimate author of Scripture, who is God himself. You now need to apply those basic principles in your lives.

Thousands of Pro-Palestinian protesters right around the globe testifying against the brutality and inhumanity of Israel against the unarmed and defensiveness Palestinians testify to the fact that they are not small amongst the Heathen, nor are they greatly despised. Global antisemitism is now rampant, partially due to channels such as this for stirring up Anti-Palestine sentiment.

I can foresee that your period of mendacious online behaviour will soon come to an end. Zionists like you have been posting inaccurate and unreliable information on various platforms for decades, but this is not sustainable any longer. You have a tendency to exaggerate, distort or fabricate facts to suit your agenda or to gain attention. You have now reverted to your old habits and lost all credibility and trustworthiness.


Monday 6 November 2023

 There are many verses in the Bible that relate to salvation and Israel. Here are some examples:

- Isaiah 45:17: But Israel shall be saved in the Lord with an everlasting salvation: ye shall not be ashamed nor confounded world without end.

- Romans 11:26: And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob.

- Jeremiah 33:7: I will restore the fortunes of Judah and the fortunes of Israel and will rebuild them as they were at first.

- Genesis 12:2-3: And I will make you a great nation, And I will bless you, And make your name great; And so you shall be a blessing; And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.

These verses show that God has a special plan and purpose for Israel, and that He will save them from their enemies and sins. They also show that Israel's salvation is connected to the blessing of all nations through Abraham's seed, which is Christ (Galatians 3:16).

Many Christians today believe that they have a biblical duty to support the modern state of Israel, based on some verses from the Old Testament that promise God's blessing to those who bless Abraham and his descendants. However, these verses are often taken out of context and misapplied to a political situation that has nothing to do with the original covenant that God made with Abraham. Furthermore, there is no mention of Israel in the New Testament, except as a historical and geographical reference.

The New Testament teaches that the true Israel of God is not a physical nation, but a spiritual community of believers in Jesus Christ, who are the heirs of Abraham's faith.

Therefore, there is no biblical basis for equating salvation with favoring Israel, or for expecting God to bless or curse nations according to their stance on Israel. Rather, God's blessing is available to all who repent and believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ, regardless of their ethnicity or nationality.

Anything contrary is pure Antichrist doctrine related to the fake Rapture. It is a dispensationalist type of jargon. Some of the greatest Christians since the inception of Israel in 1948 have been anti-Jews and anti-Israel.  Salvation is not conditional on anything to do with Israel.

A Jew is a Jew because he does not want to be a Christian and a Christian is Christian because he does not want to be a Jew. Anyone in between is a Messianic Jew. 

A Messianic Jew is someone who identifies as Jewish but also believes that Jesus is the Messiah and the Son of God. Messianic Jews accept the teachings of the New Testament and practice both Jewish and Christian rituals, such as observing the Sabbath, celebrating Passover, and baptizing in water. Messianic Jews are a diverse and controversial group, as they face rejection and criticism from both mainstream Judaism and Christianity. Some Jews consider them to be apostates or heretics, while some Christians question their adherence to the Torah and Jewish traditions. Messianic Jews claim to be restoring the original faith of the first followers of Jesus, who were mostly Jewish.

Jews are a religious and ethnic group that has a long and rich history. They have faced persecution and discrimination throughout the centuries, but they have also contributed to the fields of science, art, literature, and culture. Jews have a right to exist as any other human being, and they deserve respect and dignity. However, this does not mean that I have an obligation to support them in everything they do. I can disagree with their political views, their religious practices, or their social values, as long as I do so in a civil and constructive way. I can also criticize the actions of the state of Israel, which is synonymous with Judaism or Jewishness. I can be an ally to the Jews without being a blind follower or a silent bystander. I can be a friend to the Jews without being an enemy to others.

However, the fact is that Jews murdering innocent Palestinian citizens is an abomination and incites pure anger and aggression in any normal living human being. This is another Holocaust

I have repented decades ago but there is still no evidence at this website that anyone here ever has. Your prayer of forgiveness will not lead to salvation. I am a Born Again Christian and will remain so until I pass from this life to the next. 

However, I expect to see only saved 144,000 Jews on the other side. The rest, including Netanyahu, are doomed to eternal damnation. 

Repentance is the act of turning away from sin and turning toward God. It is more than just feeling sorry for one's actions or making a resolution to do better. Repentance involves a change of heart, mind, and will that leads to a transformed life. Repentance is not a one-time event, but a continual process of growth and renewal. Repentance is a gift from God, who grants us the grace to recognize our need for Him and to respond to His call. Repentance is also a response to God's love, who sent His Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins and to offer us forgiveness and salvation. Repentance is the first step in becoming a disciple of Jesus and following His way of life.  

You seem to have a contradictory attitude towards the Pope. On one hand, you accuse him of being the False Prophet who will deceive many, and on the other hand, you commend him for his efforts to promote peace in the Middle East. How do you reconcile these opposing views? What is your basis for judging the Pope's actions and motives?


It has been brought to Google's attention that my comments have not been allowed on your channel for the past nine years. Although the outcome may not matter, this complaint will still be taken seriously and your online conduct will be scrutinized. I suggest advertising your books on Twitter or Facebook (Meta) instead.

Please refrain from promoting pro-Israeli propaganda. This is a sensitive topic that requires careful consideration and respect for different perspectives, something that you have totally failed to display.

I will not mention my opinion of Israel nor you here as it may offend some people who have strong views on this issue. Instead, I will focus on the facts and the history of the conflict, as well as the current challenges and opportunities for peace. I hope that by doing so, I can provide a balanced and informative overview of the situation without taking sides or provoking unnecessary controversy as you have succeeded in doing here.



Saturday 4 November 2023

You may think that by deleting comments from your customers or critics, you are protecting your reputation and avoiding negative feedback. However, this is a short-sighted and counterproductive strategy that will only harm your credibility and trustworthiness in the long run. Deleting comments will not do you a lot of good, because people will notice and lose respect for you. They will also assume that you have something to hide or that you are not open to constructive criticism. 

Instead of deleting comments, you should engage with them in a respectful and professional manner. You should acknowledge their concerns, apologise for any mistakes, offer solutions, and thank them for their feedback. This way, you will show that you care about your customers and that you are willing to improve your products or services. Deleting comments will only alienate your audience and damage your reputation, while responding to them will build loyalty and trust. This is a sure indicator that you are now on the way out. Your vile Jewish temper will get you nowhere. 


Satanism is a term that has been used to describe various religious, philosophical, or cultural movements that are related to Satan, the figure of evil in Christian tradition. According to some sources , Satanism is not a unified belief system, but rather a diverse and heterogeneous phenomenon that can be divided into different branches, such as theistic Satanism, atheistic Satanism, LaVeyan Satanism, Luciferianism, and others. Some of these branches may regard Satan as a literal deity or force, while others may view him as a symbol of individualism, enlightenment, or ethical egoism .

One of the most influential and controversial forms of Satanism is the one founded by Anton LaVey in 1966, known as the Church of Satan. LaVey was an American occultist and author who wrote the Satanic Bible in 1969, which outlines the core principles and rituals of his philosophy. LaVeyan Satanism is based on a rejection of Christian morality and a celebration of the self, the flesh, and the carnal. LaVeyan Satanists do not worship Satan as a literal being, but rather as a representation of their own nature and potential .

Satanism has often been misunderstood and misrepresented by the media and popular culture, which have associated it with criminal activities, violence, and human sacrifice. However, most Satanists do not engage in such practices, and some even claim to follow a code of ethics that respects the rights and freedoms of others. Satanism is also a subject of academic interest and debate among scholars of religion, who seek to understand its origins, development, and diversity.

However, it would appear that are right in this circumstance. Indeed this has been a Satanic plan instigated by the mother of all Satanic religions – Judaism. If your posting is any indicator, you are very much a part of the Devil's plan to remove the Palestinians from their rightful land so the Zionists can take it over and build more illegal settlements. Please do not make yourself out to be Christian.

Israel's right to self-defense is undeniable, but it does not justify the disproportionate and indiscriminate use of force against civilians, especially children, in violation of international humanitarian law. The death toll of innocent lives, which numbers in the thousands, is a tragic consequence of the ongoing conflict and a grave breach of human rights. Israel must respect its obligations under the Geneva Conventions and other relevant treaties, and ensure that its military operations comply with the principles of necessity, distinction and proportionality.

This posting has been reported to Google being misinformed and bias. You are one mean SOB who does not have once ounce of compassion towards Palestinians or their right to exist



Thursday 2 November 2023

  " The vision of Obadiah. Thus saith the Lord God concerning Edom (Palestinians) ... I have made thee small among the heathen: thou art greatly despised." (Obadiah 1-2)

It is a mistake to manipulate the meaning of sacred texts to suit your desires and preferences. The scriptures are not a tool for you to bend and twist according to your whims and wishes. They are the inspired word of God that reveals his will and his ways for his people. To distort the scriptures is to disrespect God and his authority and to deceive yourself and others. You should seek to understand and apply the scriptures faithfully and humbly, not twist them to fit your agenda or justify your actions.

Edom is an ancient land situated in what is now southwestern Jordan, between the Dead Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba. The Edomites possibly inhabited the area around the 13th century BCE. Although closely related to the Israelites (as per the Bible, they were descendants of Esau), they frequently engaged in conflicts with them and were likely subject to them during the time of the Israelite kingdom (11th-10th century BCE).

Edom flourished due to its strategic location on the trade route between Arabia and the Mediterranean and its copper industry at Ezion-Geber. Later, Edom and Moab were conquered by the Nabataeans, and the Edomites migrated to southern Judaea, where they were known in New Testament times as Idumaeans. It is important to note that Edom was never a part of modern-day Palestine, as it is a land of the past tense and so there is no possibility that it could apply to Palestine. Obadiah 1 and 2 does not refer to Palestine.

The meaning of this statement is clear. It is directly from the Bible without any room for interpretation.

However, it would appear there is a global rise in Antisemitism and Jews are the main group that are now being despised for the atrocities they are committing against the Palestinians. So once again you have everything twisted right around to suit your disgusting agenda. All of this will lead to the ultimate destruction of the United States for your role in this whole filthy saga.

Your rhetoric is potentially harmful because it implies you are either ignorant or dishonest about the Bible, and that you may face divine punishment for your online activity. 

It is difficult to critique your newsletter as numerous errors require significant time and attention to address.


 " The vision of Obadiah. Thus saith the Lord God concerning Edom (Palestinians) ... I have made thee small among the heathen: thou art greatly despised." (Obadiah 1-2)

Pro-Israeli propaganda of the kind you are spreading here is a form of communication that is biased, misleading, or manipulative, and it can have harmful effects on people and society.

Propaganda can be used to influence people's opinions, emotions, and actions, and to promote certain agendas or ideologies. Propaganda can take many forms, such as speeches, posters, films, books, newspapers, social media, and more. Propaganda can also use various techniques, such as appeals to authority, fear, or patriotism, logical fallacies, selective evidence, or repetition. Propaganda can affect people's perception of reality, their trust in institutions, their sense of identity, and their willingness to cooperate or resist. Propaganda can also lead to polarization, conflict, violence, and human rights violations. Therefore, it is important to be aware of propaganda and to critically evaluate the sources and messages of communication.

You are calling anyone who protests against the illegal occupation by Israel of Gaza idiots and the global antisemitic protests a call from God to bring his people home. This is incredibly disrespectful and insensitive to the suffering of the Palestinians and the Jews who are affected by the conflict and the violence and is offensive to God.

Who are the people you are referring to that God is allegedly going to bring home? and what is their correlation to current events? If you are referring to God's people that is those are those who have faith in Him and follow His commandments. They are not defined by their ethnicity, nationality, or social status, but by their relationship with God. God's people are called to be holy, to love God and their neighbours, and to witness to His grace and truth in the world. God's people are also promised a future inheritance in His kingdom, where they will enjoy His presence and glory forever.

There is no evidence in your post indicating that you are one of God's chosen people. Rather, I see hate, discrimination, and malevolence against Palestinians in favour of Jews.

Christianity is more than just a religion, it is a way of life that is based on love and tolerance. Christians believe that God is love and that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for the sins of the world. Christians also believe that God loves everyone, regardless of their race, gender, sexuality, or background, and that He calls them to love one another as He loves them. Christians seek to follow the teachings and example of Jesus, who showed compassion, forgiveness, and mercy to all people, especially the poor, the oppressed, and the marginalized. Christians also respect the dignity and freedom of every human being and do not judge or condemn others for their beliefs or choices. Christians strive to live in peace and harmony with their neighbours and to promote justice and reconciliation in a broken world. Christianity is not about imposing rules or doctrines on others, but about sharing the good news of God's grace and salvation through Jesus Christ. Christianity is love and tolerance and that is not what you are displaying here. Respect the sacred texts and their meanings and stop being arseholes to make money.

There is no such thing as the "Judaeo-Christian tradition." It is a modern invention in a similar vein to the fake Rapture. There always has been a Jewish and Christian tradition ― or, more accurately, varieties of Jewish and Christian traditions. The term "Judaeo-Christian tradition" continues the suppression of Jewishness by hiding the essential differences between Judaism and Christianity, one of which is that each denies the validity of the other. As Rabbi Eliezer Berkovits puts it, "Judaism is Judaism because it rejects Christianity, and Christianity is Christianity because it rejects Judaism." that is because Jews are traditionally Antichrist and Satanically inspired in word and deed.

If anyone hangs onto Judaism, they are Jews themselves and not Christians. Accordingly, they are just as responsible for the atrocities committed in Gaza as the perpetrators themselves. It is not surprising that you would be continually quoting from the Old Testament that only favours Jews if you are a Jew yourself. That is why your lust for cash indicates you have the same mindset as a Jew.

Blessings It's important to consider the potential risks of combining Pentecostal/Charismatic teaching...