How To Be Saved

How To Be Saved Many people wonder how they can be saved from the consequences of their sins and have eternal life. The Bible teaches that salvation is a gift from God that cannot be earned by human efforts or merits. Salvation is based on God's grace and mercy, which He offers to anyone who believes in His Son, Jesus Christ, as their Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ died on the cross for the sins of the world and rose again from the dead, proving His power over sin and death. Anyone who confesses their sins, repents of their wrongdoings, and trusts in Jesus Christ as their only way to God will be saved. Salvation is not a one-time event, but a lifelong relationship with God that involves obedience, growth, and service. To be saved, one must follow the steps below: 1. Recognize that you are a sinner and that you need God's forgiveness. Romans 3:23 says, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." 2. Acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died for your sins and rose again from the dead. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." 3. Repent of your sins and turn away from your old way of living. Acts 3:19 says, "Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord." 4. Receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior by faith. Romans 10:9 says, "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." 5. Confess your faith in Jesus Christ publicly and join a local church where you can grow in your knowledge and love of God. Matthew 10:32 says, "Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven."

Tuesday 31 October 2023

Genocide is a term that refers to the deliberate and systematic destruction of a group of people because of their ethnicity, nationality, religion, or race. The word was coined by Raphael Lemkin, a Polish lawyer who studied the Nazi occupation policies in Europe during World War II. He combined the Greek word genos, meaning race or people, with the Latin suffix -cide, meaning killing.

According to the United Nations Genocide Convention of 1948, genocide is defined as any of five acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group. These acts are: killing members of the group, causing them serious bodily or mental harm, imposing living conditions intended to destroy the group, preventing births, and forcibly transferring children out of the group.

Genocide is considered to be one of the most heinous crimes against humanity, as it targets victims based on their real or perceived membership of a group, not randomly. It is also a complex phenomenon that involves multiple factors and actors at different levels of society. Some of the causes and motivations for genocide may include: ideological extremism, ethnic hatred, political power struggles, economic exploitation, social engineering, or fear of the other.

Some of the examples of genocide in history are: the Holocaust, in which Nazi Germany killed about six million Jews and millions of other persecuted groups; the Armenian genocide, in which Ottoman Turkey killed about 1.5 million Armenians; the Rwandan genocide, in which Hutu extremists killed about 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus; and the Darfur genocide, in which Sudanese government forces and militias killed about 300,000 non-Arab civilians.

An Israeli tank blowing up a family in a car with body parts landing on the roof of the car is too much for anyone to understand. What is next and how long before one of the mightiest armies in the world moves into Gaza and undertakes the killing of every man woman and child? How long are the leaders of the world going to stand by and let these autocracies continue? Yet this is the land and these are the people you have come to love. Now you are posting about the evils of Hamas when what they did on October 07th pales into insignificance in comparison to the mass murderers of Israel. This genocide and pure evil in its highest form.


According to several polls, a majority of Americans do not want former President Donald Trump to run again for president in 2024. A POLITICO | Morning Consult poll conducted in September 2023 found that 51 percent of voters said the 14th Amendment prohibits Trump from running again because he engaged in insurrection, compared with 34 percent who said the opposite.

A CNBC All-America Economic Survey conducted in December 2022 found that 61 percent of the public thought Trump should not seek the presidency, compared with 30 percent who believed he should. A PBS NewsHour/NPR/Marist poll conducted in September 2022 found that 63 percent of Americans did not want him to run in 2024, while only 32 percent did.

However, Trump has announced that he is running for the Republican nomination and has a strong base of support among his loyalists. He has dismissed the 14th Amendment push as a "hoax" and a "witch hunt" and has claimed that he won the 2020 election despite losing the popular vote and the Electoral College.

He has also mocked his rivals for the nomination, saying none of them were worthy of being his running mate. It is unclear whether any legal challenge to his candidacy based on the 14th Amendment would succeed or whether any state would refuse to put his name on the ballot. The issue could spark a constitutional crisis and a political showdown in the months ahead.


I appreciate your willingness to engage in a dialogue, but I have no interest in getting into a futile debate with you.

I do not see the point of constantly rebutting your arguments and trying to prove you wrong on every issue.

That would be a waste of time and energy, and it would not lead to any constructive outcome. Instead, I will share my views and insights on the topics that I find relevant and meaningful, and you can do the same.

You are free to explore whatever aspects of the subject matter that appeal to you, and I will respect your choices.


It seems like you are trying to change the focus of this channel from its primary objective of exposing Trump as the Antichrist by introducing multiple topics at once. This is a deliberate strategy to weaken the resolve of the channel members who are losing hope that Trump will ever return to power or that he is indeed the Biblical Antichrist.

However, I must clarify that he is not the Antichrist and will never be allowed to run for the presidency again.

Although he may remain the main Republican nominee, his chances of winning are slim since his primary supporter, Rupert Murdoch, has withdrawn his support. Trump had Murdoch's backing in 2019, but without it, he has no hope of ever being elected as president again.


The New York flooding was a devastating event that affected millions of people in the city and its surroundings. The unprecedented rainfall caused by the remnants of Hurricane Ida overwhelmed the drainage system and flooded streets, subways, homes and businesses. The flooding also triggered landslides, power outages and gas leaks, creating a public health and safety emergency. The death toll from the flooding reached at least 50 people, making it one of the deadliest natural disasters in the city's history.

The New York flooding exposed the vulnerability of the urban infrastructure to extreme weather events, which are expected to become more frequent and intense due to climate change. The city and state authorities have pledged to invest in resilience and adaptation measures to prevent future catastrophes and protect the lives and livelihoods of New Yorkers. Is this the beginning of the end for the United States?

We may be seeing headlines something like this in the future which may then go on to the further ruination of the United States? The Armageddon in New York City was a catastrophic event that occurred on October 31, 2023, when a massive asteroid collided with the Earth near the Atlantic coast. The impact caused widespread destruction, fires,earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions that devastated the city and its surroundings. Millions of people lost their lives, and many more were injured or displaced. The aftermath of the disaster was marked by chaos, looting, violence, and disease. The government and the military struggled to maintain order and provide relief to the survivors. The Armageddon in New York City was one of the worst natural disasters in human history, and its effects are still felt today.


There are many possible reasons why Donald Trump might want to run again for president in 2024. Some of the most common ones are:

He wants to avenge his loss in 2020 and prove that he still has the support of millions of Americans.

He wants to protect himself from legal and financial troubles that could arise from his various investigations and lawsuits.

He wants to continue his influence over the Republican Party and shape its future direction.

He wants to pursue his policy agenda that he believes would make America great again.

He wants to satisfy his ego and enjoy the attention and power that comes with being president.

However, running again in 2024 might not be as easy as it was in 2016 or 2020. Trump would face several challenges, such as:

He would have to overcome the stigma of being a one-term president who was impeached twice and lost the popular vote twice.

He would have to deal with the changing demographics and political preferences of the American electorate, especially among younger and more diverse voters.

He would have to compete with other potential Republican candidates who might challenge his dominance or offer a different vision for the party.

He would have to cope with his own health and age issues, as he would be 78 years old by the time of the election.

He would have to face a possible rematch with Joe Biden, who might run for a second term, or a new Democratic nominee who might appeal to more voters.

These are some of the factors that could influence Trump’s decision to run again in 2024.

Ultimately, it will depend on his personal motivation, his assessment of the political landscape, and his ability to mobilise his base. Most importantly, He is not running to fulfil the Bible prophecies of the Antichrist.


Yours is a very complex case. Many believe you have a mental disorder which makes you think Trump is the Antichrist and that you have to reveal him to the world. But some experts say that you are a scammer who has acted crazily to escape legal trouble for your deeds. The evidence is vague and contradictory, creating doubt and confusion. But one thing is sure: you are a chronic liar. 

That makes us question whether you should be in jail for deception or in a mental hospital for your own safety and that of others. Using religious conviction does not work, as my personal belief is that you need psychiatric help. I will discuss the pros and cons of two possible alternatives to the current prison system: jail or a psychiatric centre. Jail is the traditional form of punishment for criminals, where they are confined in a cell and deprived of certain rights and privileges. A psychiatric centre is a more modern and humane approach, where offenders are rehabilitated through education, therapy and community service. Which one is more effective and fair? 

Jail has some advantages, such as deterrence, retribution and incapacitation. It can deter potential criminals from committing crimes, as they fear the consequences of being locked up. It can also satisfy the victims and the society's demand for justice, as the offenders pay for their wrongdoings. Moreover, it can prevent further crimes by isolating the criminals from the public. However, jail also has many drawbacks, such as recidivism, corruption and human rights violations. It can increase the likelihood of re offending, as the offenders are exposed to a harsh and violent environment that does not address the root causes of their behaviour. It can also foster corruption and abuse of power, as the guards and authorities may exploit or mistreat the inmates. Furthermore, it can violate the human dignity and rights of the offenders, as they are subjected to cruel and inhumane conditions that may harm their physical and mental health. 

A psychiatric centre, on the other hand, has some disadvantages, such as cost, leniency and public opinion. It can be more expensive than jail, as it requires more resources and staff to provide education, therapy and community service for the offenders. It can also be seen as too lenient or soft on crime, as it does not impose enough punishment or suffering on the offenders. Moreover, it can face public opposition or resentment, as some people may perceive it as unfair or unjust that the offenders receive better treatment than law-abiding citizens. However, a psychiatric centre also has many benefits, such as rehabilitation, reintegration and restoration. It can reduce recidivism, as it helps the offenders to change their attitudes and behaviours through learning new skills, coping strategies and values. It can also facilitate reintegration, as it prepares the offenders to return to society as productive and responsible members. Furthermore, it can promote restoration, as it encourages the offenders to repair the harm they have caused to their victims and communities through apology, compensation or service. 


Trump’s political career is in a very precarious situation, as he faces multiple legal challenges that could have serious consequences for his future. Some of the possible impacts are: He could lose his business empire, which is a major source of his income and influence. The civil fraud trial in New York could result in him and his children having to pay $250 million in damages to the state, as well as losing their business certificates for five years . This would prevent them from conducting any business transactions in New York, where most of their properties are located. 

Additionally, he could face criminal charges for tax evasion, bank fraud, and insurance fraud in New York and other states. He could lose his political base, which is largely loyal to him and his brand. The civil fraud trial in New York could expose him and his children as con artists who cheated thousands of people out of their money through a fake university and a fraudulent charity. This could erode his credibility and popularity among his supporters, who may feel betrayed or disillusioned by his actions. 

Moreover, he could face criminal charges for inciting the violent insurrection at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, which resulted in five deaths and hundreds of injuries. This could alienate him from the Republican Party and the mainstream media, who may condemn him as a threat to democracy and national security. He could lose his freedom, which is essential for his lifestyle and ambitions. The civil fraud trial in New York could lead to a criminal referral if the judge finds evidence of criminal conduct by him and his children. This could result in him and his children being arrested and indicted on various charges, which could carry prison sentences of up to 25 years24. 

Additionally, he could face criminal charges for obstruction of justice, abuse of power, and witness tampering in relation to the investigations into his ties with Russia and Ukraine. This could result in him being convicted and sentenced to prison, which would effectively end his political career. In summary, Trump’s political career is facing a lot of uncertainty and risk, as he is involved in several legal battles that could have dire outcomes for him and his family. He may lose his business empire, his political base, and his freedom, depending on the verdicts and sentences of the courts. His chances of running for president again in 2024 are very slim, as he may be disqualified or imprisoned by then. Now try and tell everyone he is the Biblical Antichrist.


Many people have speculated that former US president Donald Trump is the Antichrist, a figure of evil and deception in Christian eschatology. However, this claim is not supported by any credible evidence or biblical prophecy. His civil trial for business fraud began on Monday at a New York state courthouse in Manhattan, where he is accused of defrauding lenders by inflating the value of his assets by $2.2 billion to obtain favourable bank loans. Trump has denied any wrongdoing and called the case "the continuation of the greatest witch hunt of all time." According to the web and news search results, Trump shared a bizarre image on his social media platform Truth Social that showed him at his Manhattan fraud case with a likeness of Jesus Christ sitting next to him. The image was originally posted by pro-Trump political commentator Dom Lucre, who captioned it: “This is the most accurate court sketch of all time. Because nobody could have made it this far alone.” The image has drawn mixed reactions from the public, some mocking Trump for his apparent delusions of grandeur, and others praising him for his faith and courage.

 The image also sparked a debate about the historical accuracy and cultural appropriation of depicting Jesus as a white man with long hair and robes. However, given the Antichrist is in direct communication with Satan, does Trump believe that he was aided and abetted by Jesus when he is actually speaking to Satan who is directing his paths? Dom Lucre is correct, nobody could have made it as far as Trump given the pressure he is under without divine intervention of some kind? Only Trump knows what he truly believes in his heart. However, based on some of his statements and actions, it seems that he does not have a very deep or consistent understanding of Christian faith or values. For example: He has secretly mocked his Christian supporters and called them "hustlers" and "schmucks". He has claimed to be the "chosen one" and the "second greatest" after Jesus, which could be seen as blasphemy or pride. He has rarely attended church services or shown any interest in learning more about the Bible or Christian theology. He has enacted policies that contradict the teachings of Jesus, such as separating migrant families, banning refugees, and inciting violence. Based on the available evidence, it seems unlikely that Donald Trump truly believes he has the support of Christ, or that he is concerned about adhering to Christ's teachings. It's possible that he is aligned with Satan instead. While he may use Christian language and imagery to attract the support of his evangelical followers, his behaviour and actions do not demonstrate a genuine commitment to following the principles of Christ. 

In fact, this sketch thing does not prove Trump is the Antichrist, but rather reveals a misunderstanding of the concept and a bias against his political agenda. Therefore, it is inaccurate and misleading to identify Trump as the Antichrist, based on his personality, policies, or actions. While some may disagree with his views or decisions, this does not mean he is an enemy of God or a harbinger of the apocalypse. On the contrary, Trump has expressed support for religious freedom, Israel, and conservative values, which are in line with many Christian beliefs. Furthermore, Trump has faced opposition and criticism from many sectors of society, including the media, the judiciary, and even some members of his own party. This suggests that he is not a powerful and charismatic leader who can deceive and manipulate the masses, as the Antichrist is supposed to be. In conclusion, the sketch of Jesus next to Trump does not prove Trump is the Antichrist, but rather shows a lack of discernment and a tendency to demonize those who hold different opinions. Instead of focusing on speculation and conspiracy theories, Christians should focus on following Christ and sharing his love with others.


Trump's frequent usage of the term "fake news" to dismiss reporters is a dangerous tactic that undermines the credibility of the media and the public's trust in accurate reporting. This behaviour sets a concerning precedent for future leaders and threatens the integrity of American democracy. The term "fake news" is often used to describe news stories that are false, misleading, or biased. Some people use this term to discredit or dismiss information that they disagree with or that challenges their worldview. However, this can be harmful for several reasons.

First, it can undermine the credibility and trustworthiness of legitimate news sources that follow ethical and professional standards of journalism.

Second, it can create confusion and misinformation among the public, who may not be able to distinguish between fact and opinion, or between evidence and speculation.

Third, it can polarise and divide people, who may become more entrenched in their own beliefs and less willing to listen to different perspectives or engage in constructive dialogue.

Therefore, it is important to be critical and discerning when consuming and sharing news, and to seek out reliable and diverse sources of information that can provide accurate and balanced coverage of current events. Fake News is not the type of language the Biblical Antichrist would use. Trump is not the Antichrist.

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