How To Be Saved

How To Be Saved Many people wonder how they can be saved from the consequences of their sins and have eternal life. The Bible teaches that salvation is a gift from God that cannot be earned by human efforts or merits. Salvation is based on God's grace and mercy, which He offers to anyone who believes in His Son, Jesus Christ, as their Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ died on the cross for the sins of the world and rose again from the dead, proving His power over sin and death. Anyone who confesses their sins, repents of their wrongdoings, and trusts in Jesus Christ as their only way to God will be saved. Salvation is not a one-time event, but a lifelong relationship with God that involves obedience, growth, and service. To be saved, one must follow the steps below: 1. Recognize that you are a sinner and that you need God's forgiveness. Romans 3:23 says, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." 2. Acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died for your sins and rose again from the dead. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." 3. Repent of your sins and turn away from your old way of living. Acts 3:19 says, "Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord." 4. Receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior by faith. Romans 10:9 says, "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." 5. Confess your faith in Jesus Christ publicly and join a local church where you can grow in your knowledge and love of God. Matthew 10:32 says, "Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven."

Wednesday 20 March 2024

A False Prophet is someone like you, a person who falsely claim to have a special connection with the divine or supernatural, and often uses this claim to deceive or manipulate others. It is also important to remember that labeling someone as a "False Prophet" can be a sensitive matter and may have different interpretations depending on individual beliefs and perspectives. It's essential to engage in respectful and open dialogue when discussing such topics.

As a False Prophet you cannot provide discernment or make judgments on religious or spiritual matters. These are deeply personal and subjective topics that require personal reflection and guidance from trusted spiritual leaders or mentors - but that is not you.

People of all races and creeds have a right to chose who they worship. If Kim Clement and Mark Taylor and Rabbi Jonathan Cahn are classified as False Prophets in the eyes of some they may not be seen in the same light by others. People have a right to freely choose what religious beliefs and figures they follow, without judgement from others.

While some may see certain prophets as "false" based on their interpretations, spirituality is a personal journey and others may derive meaning or inspiration from them. The most important thing is that no one should feel compelled to worship against their will or face discrimination for their beliefs. A diversity of religious views can peacefully coexist in a just society that respects individual freedom of conscience.


While politicians are often distrusted, it is an over generalization to say they cannot be trusted at all. That is what you are suggesting. Like any group, politicians are individuals with varying motivations and integrity. Some prioritize serving the public good, while others may be more self-interested. A democracy functions best when citizens remain engaged in the political process, think critically about issues and candidates, and hold their representatives accountable through respectful civic participation like voting.

While political campaigns can involve strong rhetoric, deliberately spreading misinformation about a candidate by undermining democratic debate and civic participation by calling Trump the Antichrist indicates that it is you who cannot be trusted – not politicians.

All elected leaders should be judged based on their positions, records, and character, not unfounded accusations. A spirit of truth, understanding, and bringing people together is needed now more than ever—but that is not what you provide here.

All citizens have a right to participate in democratic debates and elections without fear of deliberate misinformation. Perhaps we could find ways to discuss issues and policies in a respectful manner that brings more light than heat.

While politics can seem discouraging at times, focusing on love and human dignity is often wiser than despair. All people want security and purpose. Perhaps by emphasizing our shared hopes over fears, and by addressing root issues through open discussion, we can build a more just world together. Small acts of compassion can help, though change may come slowly. Let's keep working to understand others and find common ground and quit the bullshit for a change.


Tuesday 19 March 2024

It is always better to promote understanding between all people involved through open and respectful dialogue. That is something that does not happen at this channel. With all due respect the number mentioned as the number killed on October 07th by the Palestinian resistance fighters has been vastly overrated to allow Israel to commit their genocidal acts against Palestinians when the majority of those incidents the result of friendly fire by Israel. War is a complex situation with many perspectives that no one ever wins in the long run.

In Hegelian philosophy, thesis and antithesis are the building blocks of the dialectic process. A thesis is an intellectual proposition that is stated or presented as an argument. An antithesis is a proposition or statement that contradicts or opposes the thesis. When a thesis and antithesis are brought into confrontation or opposition with each other, a synthesis or new proposition emerges that reconciles or resolves the tensions between the two initial propositions. This synthesis then becomes a new thesis, which generates its antithesis, and so on. The dialectic process involves continuously reconciling opposing arguments through reasoned discussion.

The Sixth Commandment states "Thou shalt not kill." In Matthew 18:6, Jesus says "But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea." This implies that harming children would be a grave offense. Overall, the Bible teaches us to protect the vulnerable and defenseless. This is a thesis.

Antithesis is when the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, going against all warnings to do so, told the IDF to round up all the Palestinian children, kill them all, and then burn them. The Lord cannot turn his back on this form of slaughter. Netanyahu's chances of redemption are minimal to none, as is the case with all Antichrist Jews who refuse to repent.


The 8th April Eclipse refers to a total solar eclipse that will occur on Monday, April 8, 2024. It will be visible across North America and is often referred to as the Great North American Eclipse. The eclipse will start with the partial phase at 15:42:07 UTC, reach its greatest eclipse at 18:18:29 UTC, and end with the partial phase at 20:52:14 UTC. The total phase of the eclipse will begin at 16:38:44 UTC.

As for the "end of America," it seems to be a broader topic that can have different interpretations. It could refer to a documentary titled "The End of America," which explores the steps a country takes when it slides toward fascism. There is also a book called "The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot" that discusses the agenda of fascist control. However, it's important to note that these references are not directly related to the eclipse.

I noticed that you also mentioned topics such as the Third Temple and a Red Heifer, which may involve differing religious or political views. While discussing these topics can help us understand different perspectives, it seems like there has already been enough debate on this subject. Further debate may not be productive. Instead, maybe we could focus on finding another area of shared interest to discuss in a spirit of open-mindedness and understanding.


It seems there has been a surge of concerning rumours and conspiracy theories surrounding the royal family, particularly regarding Kate Middleton and the possible announcement from the BBC. Let's break down the key points and clarify the situation:

Rumors and Speculation:

  • Twitter and Ticktock users reported that the BBC was "on standby" to broadcast an official announcement from the royals.

  • A fake Ticktock account claiming to be run by the BBC further fueled the speculation.

  • Speculation arose around the Princess of Wales, who has been declared "missing" by fans following suspicious abdominal surgery in January. This led to theories including an impending divorce or a grave illness.

  • There were also rumors about King Charles, with a fresh rumor suggesting that government buildings in the UK were flying their flags at half-mast, leading some to assume that the monarch had died.

  • Despite Forbes confirming the lack of credible indication for any news, the theories continued to spread.

Response and Confirmation:

  • Buckingham Palace allegedly issued a statement to address the viral death rumours made by a Russian publication, attempting to shut down the unfounded claims.

  • The rumors, as indicated, appear to have no merit.

It's important to note that such rumors and unfounded claims can cause unnecessary distress and misinformation. It's always advisable to rely on credible sources and official statements to verify any news related to the royal family or any other public figures.


The Holy Land generally refers to the area in the Middle East that is significant to three major world religions: JudaismChristianity, and Islam. It includes parts of Israel, the West Bank, and Jordan. The population of Israel is diverse, with a mix of Jewish, Arab, Druze, and other communities. The country has a population of around 9.3 million people. Jerusalem is a significant city for all three major monotheistic religions, and it holds great religious and historical importance.

  1. The phrase "the apple of his eye" in reference to Israel is found in the Old Testament. It appears in several books, including Deuteronomy and the Book of Zechariah. In these passages, the phrase is used to convey the idea that Israel is particularly cherished and loved by God, similar to how one would protect or guard the pupil (the "apple") of their eye. This metaphorical expression is used to depict the special relationship between God and the people of Israel, emphasizing their significance and value in the eyes of God.

  2. Regarding the specific theological perspective you mentioned, that Israel is hated and persecuted because Satan opposes the God of Israel and deeply resents that Israel was the conduit for the Saviour to enter the world." reflects a particular religious interpretation that I find disturbing. Different religious traditions and denominations hold diverse views on the relationship between spiritual forces, historical events, and geopolitical dynamics. However, what you are suggesting is something I have never heard of or can agree with. The rise in global Antisemitism has risen for no other reason than the genocide committed by the Israeli War Machine against unarmed Palestinian citizens.

  3. The belief that the Jewish people were chosen by God to be the custodians of the Word of God is a significant aspect of Jewish tradition. According to Jewish theology, God chose the Jewish people to fulfil a specific role in the divine plan. This concept is often referred to as the "chosen people" or "choosiness. The concept of the chosen people is rooted in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), particularly in the book of Deuteronomy and other biblical texts. In Deuteronomy 7:6-8, it is written that God chose the Israelite's to be a treasured possession, a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation. Therefore, the concept you mention of the Jewish people being chosen by God to be the scribes, and custodians of the Word of God or that Satan deeply resents their guardianship and lashes out against the Jews for being God’s chosen people is heaped in Jewish tradition—but not Christianity. The Chosen ones of God are those who have been Born Again, while Judaism rejects Christ outright.

  4. Different religious and theological perspectives offer varied interpretations of the relationship between God, the Jewish people, and the concept of being a "missionary nation to the world." The concept of being a "light unto the nations" is also emphasized, suggesting a role of moral and ethical leadership rather than missionary work in the conventional sense. In Christian theology, some interpretations emphasize the role of the Jewish people as a chosen nation in God's plan for salvation history. The New Testament also discusses the relationship between Jews and Gentiles (non-Jews) in the context of the early Christian community. However, God did not specifically chose the Jews to be his missionary nation to the world in the real sense of the word. Therefore, the statement you have made suggesting the powers of darkness are in not perpetual enmity against the Jews is false and misleading.

  5. The chant "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" is often used by those who advocate for the establishment of a Palestinian state in the geographic area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. However, the chant has been associated with different interpretations and controversies. Some supporters of the chant argue that it simply calls for the liberation of the Palestinian people and the establishment of a Palestinian state alongside Israel. They view it as a call for freedom and self-determination for Palestinians, without necessarily implying the elimination of Israel as a state. On the other hand, critics of the chant argue that it promotes the idea of eliminating Israel as a state and replacing it with a Palestinian state, effectively erasing Israel from the map. They contend that the chant's use of "from the river to the sea" implies the entirety of the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea, including the territory currently occupied by Israel. It's important to note that the interpretation of the chant can vary among different individuals and groups, and it has been a subject of debate and controversy. The complex and sensitive nature of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict means that such slogans and chants carry significant historical, political, and emotional weight.

  6. In Genesis 12:3, God promises to bless those who bless Israel and curse those who treat Israel with contempt. This verse is often interpreted as a blessing and a warning regarding Israel. However, it's important to note that interpretations of religious texts can vary widely among different religious traditions and individual believers. It's also important to approach these topics with sensitivity and respect for differing viewpoints. While some people may interpret this verse as a warning against mistreating Israel or its people, others may have different interpretations or may not ascribe the same theological significance to this particular passage as I do.

  7. The Book of Ezekiel, particularly chapters 38 and 39, is indeed a source of discussion and interpretation among various religious and scholarly circles. The interpretation you mentioned seems to suggest a belief in a future event involving a war related to Israel and divine intervention. It's important to note that interpretations of religious texts can vary widely among different religious traditions and individuals. I do not personally ascribe to the theory relating to Israel and the Book of Ezekiel to mean divine intervention against Israel's enemies—such as the Zionist writers at the Cutting Edge Ministries falsely teach.


It's important to remember that rumors are often unfounded and can be hurtful to those involved. As for public figures like members of the royal family, it's best to rely on verified information from reputable sources. 

Speculation about personal matters should be approached with caution, and it's important to respect the privacy of individuals, especially regarding sensitive topics. 

If there are official statements or announcements from reliable sources, those would be the best way to understand the situation.

For a while, you believed in a conspiracy theory that the Antichrist would come from the House of Windsor. That was probably more to do with your marketing of a book called The Antichrist and a Cup Of Tea by Tim Cohen, in which he alleged King Charles was the Beast. However, as with just about everything you predict—that never came to pass.

However, what do you make of the unconfirmed rumors that Kate has not been seen in public because of an alleged affair by William out of which some people have said he has knocked his mistress up?

There are rumors that Kate and William have split up, but it is not likely that there is any correlation to the particular speculation of the Antichrist arising from the House of Windsor. As Charles is currently battling cancer, some people are concerned about the stability of the Royal Family. However, I am not one of them.


Saturday 16 March 2024

The state of Israel was formed in 1948 primarily as a response to the persecution and genocide of Jews during the Holocaust, as well as in fulfillment of the Zionist movement's goal to establish a homeland for the Jewish people. Here are some key reasons for the formation of the state of Israel in 1948:

Holocaust and Jewish persecution: The Holocaust, during which six million Jews were systematically murdered by the Nazis, underscored the urgent need for a secure homeland for the Jewish people.

Zionist movement: The Zionist movement, which sought to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine, gained momentum during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This movement advocated for the establishment of a Jewish state in the historic land of Israel.

British Mandate: After World War I, the League of Nations granted Britain a mandate over Palestine, with the understanding that Britain would facilitate the establishment of a Jewish national home in the region.

United Nations Partition Plan: In 1947, the United Nations approved a plan to partition Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states, with Jerusalem to be placed under international administration. The plan was accepted by the Jewish leadership but rejected by the Arab states.

To bring all Jews around the world together: For their mutual benefit and security, all the Jews from right around the globe could be gathered in one place at the same time to prevent persecution in the future. This also gave their enemies the advantage of having them all together for a systematic extermination.

Declaration of the State of Israel: On May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion, the head of the Jewish Agency, declared the establishment of the state of Israel, marking the end of British rule in Palestine.

Arab-Israeli conflict: The formation of Israel led to immediate conflict with neighboring Arab states, resulting in the Arab-Israeli War of 1948-1949.

Overall, the formation of the state of Israel in 1948 was a culmination of historical, religious, and political factors, as well as a response to the tragic events of the Holocaust they are now revisiting on innocent Palestinian civilians.


The Quran, the central religious text of Islam, is believed by Muslims to be a revelation from God. It is considered to be a continuation and completion of the previous scriptures, including the Old Testament. While the Quran shares some similarities with the Old Testament, it is a distinct text with its own teachings and narrative.

According to the religion of Islam, the prophet Muhammad was visited by an angel in AD 610. Muhammad said that the angel appeared to him in the cave Hira, close to Mecca and commanded him: “Read!” Muhammad responded, “But I cannot read!” Then the angel embraced him and recited to him the first verses of the Surah Al-Alaq. The Qurʾān contains 114 chapters called SurahAl-Alaq means congealed blood, as the angel revealed to Muhammad that God created man from a blood-clot. From this first chapter of the Qurʾān, Muslims believe Muhammad continued to receive revelations, which make up the rest of the Quran, until he died in AD 631.

Here are some points to consider regarding the relationship between the Quran and the Old Testament:

  • The Quran acknowledges the figures and events from the Old Testament, such as Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and many others. It provides its own perspective on these figures and events.

  • There are parallels between certain stories in the Quran and the Old Testament, but there are also differences in the details and interpretations.

  • The Quran is written in Arabic and is organized in a different manner compared to the Old Testament. It is divided into chapters called surahs, which are further divided into verses called ayahs.

  • The Quran is considered the literal word of God as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad over a period of approximately 23 years, while the Old Testament is a collection of religious texts and stories from ancient Israelite tradition.

In summary, the Quran has some commonalities with the Old Testament. However, it is a distinct religious text with its teachings, structure, and historical context.

Some people believe that the Quran is a revised version of the Old Testament with additional content, similar to how Christian Zionists interpret the Rapture.

Regardless, it is unreasonable to expect a Muslim to find information about the Prophet in the Bible. What is the purpose of this argument and consequent posting?

So far, it seems that the argument only undermines your credibility. I hope my comment was helpful, and I wish you the best.


Yes, the term "Son of God" is mentioned in the Old Testament, particularly in the Book of Psalms and the Book of Proverbs. It's important to note that the interpretation of this term varies among different religious traditions and scholars.

In the Old Testament, the term "Son of God" is used in a variety of contexts, including referring to angels, the nation of Israel, and the Davidic king. For example:

  • In Psalms 2:7, it says, "I will proclaim the Lord’s decree: He said to me, ‘You are my son; today I have become your father."

  • In Proverbs 30:4, it says, "Who has gone up to heaven and come down? Whose hands have gathered up the wind? Who has wrapped up the waters in a cloak? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is his name, and what is the name of his son? Surely you know!"

  • These verses have been interpreted in various ways, and the concept of the "Son of God" in the Old Testament is the subject of much theological discussion and debate. It's important to consider the historical and cultural context of these texts when exploring their meanings.

  • So the Muslims are correct—and like everything else you touch, your arguments are flawed.

There was a time when you went full-on attacking the Roman Catholic Church because you saw it as a neat and tidy way to attract attention to the sale of your books by demoralizing and debasing everything to do with Catholics and the Pope.

Now, because Israel murders tens of thousands of Muslims in Gaza you are trying to find some pretext to excuse the genocide Netanyahu is reigning down on unarmed Palestinian civilians.

It is unacceptable to make derogatory comments about someone's religion. Muslims should not be targeted in the same way as peaceful Catholics. If you are posting negative comments about Muslims in the UK, please be aware that someone may take offense and this could put your safety at risk.

If you post hateful content online, you should be prepared to face the consequences. The internet was not designed to spread hatred by attacking other religions or beliefs.

Blessings It's important to consider the potential risks of combining Pentecostal/Charismatic teaching...