How To Be Saved

How To Be Saved Many people wonder how they can be saved from the consequences of their sins and have eternal life. The Bible teaches that salvation is a gift from God that cannot be earned by human efforts or merits. Salvation is based on God's grace and mercy, which He offers to anyone who believes in His Son, Jesus Christ, as their Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ died on the cross for the sins of the world and rose again from the dead, proving His power over sin and death. Anyone who confesses their sins, repents of their wrongdoings, and trusts in Jesus Christ as their only way to God will be saved. Salvation is not a one-time event, but a lifelong relationship with God that involves obedience, growth, and service. To be saved, one must follow the steps below: 1. Recognize that you are a sinner and that you need God's forgiveness. Romans 3:23 says, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." 2. Acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died for your sins and rose again from the dead. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." 3. Repent of your sins and turn away from your old way of living. Acts 3:19 says, "Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord." 4. Receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior by faith. Romans 10:9 says, "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." 5. Confess your faith in Jesus Christ publicly and join a local church where you can grow in your knowledge and love of God. Matthew 10:32 says, "Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven."

Tuesday 20 February 2024

The topic of the posting was supposed to be interesting, but you have made it so boring and so dry that I almost fell asleep. You just read from portions of the internet, which was full of jargon and technical terms that were never explained. You used examples of anecdotes and visuals to make his points clearer or more engaging, but it did not work. You did not invite any feedback, or show any enthusiasm for your subject. It was like listening to a robot reciting a textbook. I learned nothing from his presentation and I felt like I wasted my time listening to your long tedious American accent that I find to be nauseating.

Salvation is not a matter of mere belief. It requires a change of heart and a turning away from sin. The Bible teaches that repentance is the essential condition for salvation. Without repentance, there is no forgiveness of sins. Simply asking for forgiveness will not save anyone who does not repent of their wickedness and follow God's commands. Forgiveness is only the first step towards a deeper and more meaningful relationship with God. You also need salvation. Salvation is the gift of God's grace that saves us from the consequences of our sins and restores us to His presence. Salvation is not something we can earn or deserve, but something we can receive by faith in Jesus Christ, who died for our sins and rose again. Salvation is not just a one-time event, but a lifelong process of growing in God's love and becoming more like Him. Salvation is not only for the afterlife, but for the here and now, as we experience God's peace, joy, and purpose in our lives.

I hope you can make some improvements in your life and start speaking in terms of repentance. Just seeking forgiveness is not sufficient. Nobody will benefit from merely listening to you. It's like visiting a GP with a problem and receiving only a partial solution. You will still need to find the complete solution on your own. That is what most of the GPs in my area are like—completely useless, just like you.


Sunday 18 February 2024

Former US President Donald Trump has been fined $2.4 million by the Federal Election Commission for violating campaign finance laws in the 2016 election. According to the FEC, Trump's campaign accepted donations from corporations and foreign nationals, failed to report or misreported millions of dollars in spending, and coordinated with a pro-Trump super PAC that spent more than $30 million on ads and other activities.

The FEC also found that Trump's campaign illegally reimbursed his personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, for a $130,000 payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels, who claimed to have had an affair with Trump. The payment was intended to silence Daniels and prevent her from going public with her allegations before the election. The FEC said that the payment was an in-kind contribution to Trump's campaign that exceeded the legal limit and was not properly disclosed.

Trump has denied any wrongdoing and has repeatedly attacked the FEC as a partisan and corrupt institution. He has also refused to pay the fine, claiming that he is the victim of a witch hunt and that the FEC has no authority over him. His lawyers have filed a lawsuit challenging the fine and seeking to overturn the FEC's decision.

The former president has been dealt another further severe blow by the New York Supreme Court, which has imposed hefty fines on him and banned him from working for any New York company for three years. The court found Mr Trump guilty of civil fraud, after he had misrepresented the value of his properties to secure better loan and insurance conditions. The fines amount to $US354.9 million ($544 million), which could have a significant impact on the Trump Organisation's finances, reputation and operations.

The legal troubles of Trump are far from over, as he faces multiple lawsuits and penalties that could drag on for a long time until the next presidential race. He has to deal with various charges and accusations, ranging from tax fraud to inciting violence, that will damage his reputation and finances.

Trump's prospects are bleak at the next election. He is facing an unprecedented level of scrutiny and opposition from all sides. He has no allies, few resources, and no credibility. He is doomed to fail again and again, until he is left alone and forgotten in a dismal nursing home. This is the inevitable outcome of his actions and choices. Trump is not the Antichrist and if finished.


You are reading this from a good source that deserves praise for its work. I share the same views and I think it is well-written. The text is informative and helpful for anyone who wants to learn more about the Bible and salvation. The source of this content is credible and reliable, and I respect its quality. Wherever you are reading this from provides facts and arguments that I find valid and correct.

You have made some good points in your argument, and I appreciate your effort to support them with evidence. However, I see that you cannot help yourself and have started to veer off course with incorrect viewpoints at the end. You seem to ignore the facts that contradict your position and rely on logical fallacies to make your case. This weakens your credibility and undermines your whole argument.

For example; some people claim that we are living in the end times, but they also say that before the end comes, the gospel has to be preached to the whole world. This is a contradiction, because the gospel has not reached every nation and people group yet. How can we expect the end to come if God's plan is not fulfilled? We should focus on spreading the good news of Jesus Christ instead of speculating about the date of His return.

You will also still need to stop spreading misinformation and false claims that can have serious consequences for public health and safety. It is important to rely on credible sources of information and evidence, and to avoid sharing unverified or misleading content. To prevent further harm and confusion, you need to stop these conspiracy theories and promote positive thinking and correct Bible literacy.

However, what you have mentioned are not the 10 Essential Christian Bible-Beliefs but a mishmash of other quotations from various sources. The 10 Essential Christian Bible-Beliefs are based on the teachings of Jesus Christ and the apostles, as recorded in the New Testament. They are the core doctrines that define Christianity and distinguish it from other religions. They are also the foundation for living a godly life and growing in spiritual maturity.

Here are the 10 Essential Christian Bible-Beliefs!

Christians believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God, and that it reveals his character, his will, and his plan for humanity. The Bible is not just a collection of stories, but a unified message of salvation through Jesus Christ. Here are 10 essential beliefs that Christians derive from the Bible:

- God is the creator and ruler of the universe. He is eternal, holy, and loving. He exists in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. (Genesis 1:1; Psalm 90:2; John 3:16; Matthew 28:19)

- Humans are made in the image of God, but they have sinned and fallen short of his glory. Sin separates them from God and leads to death and judgment. (Genesis 1:27; Romans 3:23; 6:23; Hebrews 9:27)

- Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who became a human being through the virgin birth. He lived a sinless life, performed miracles, taught the truth, died on the cross for our sins, rose from the dead, and ascended to heaven. He is the only way to God and the only mediator between God and humans. (John 1:1-14; 14:6; 1 Timothy 2:5; 1 Corinthians 15:3-4)

- Salvation is a gift of God by his grace through faith in Jesus Christ. It is not based on human works or merit. Anyone who believes in Jesus as their Lord and Savior is forgiven of their sins, reconciled to God, and given eternal life. (Ephesians 2:8-9; John 3:16; Romans 10:9-10)

- The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, who indwells every believer at the moment of conversion. He guides, teaches, empowers, and gifts believers for godly living and service. He also convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment. (John 14:16-17; 16:7-11; Acts 1:8; 1 Corinthians 12:4-11)

- The Church is the body of Christ, composed of all believers from every nation, tribe, and tongue. The Church exists to worship God, edify one another, and proclaim the gospel to the world. The Church is also called to practice baptism and communion as ordinances instituted by Christ. (Ephesians 1:22-23; 4:11-16; Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 2:42-47)

- The Bible is the final authority for faith and practice for Christians. It is inspired by God and without error in its original manuscripts. It is profitable for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. (2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:20-21; Psalm 19:7-11)

- Angels are spiritual beings created by God to serve him and his people. They are powerful, but not omnipotent or omniscient. They are holy, but some of them rebelled against God and became evil. Satan is the leader of these fallen angels, who oppose God and his purposes. (Hebrews 1:14; Psalm 103:20-21; Jude 6; Revelation 12:7-9)

- The Future is in God's hands, who knows the end from the beginning. He has revealed some aspects of his plan in the Bible, such as the return of Christ, the resurrection of the dead, the final judgment, and the new heaven and earth. Christians are called to live in hope and readiness for these events. (Isaiah 46:10; Matthew 24:36-44; Revelation 20:11-15; 21:1-5)

- The Glory of God is the ultimate goal of all things. He alone deserves all praise, honor, and worship. He displays his glory in his creation, his redemption, his providence, and his revelation. Everything exists for his glory and pleasure. (Psalm 115:1; Romans 11:36; Revelation 4:11)


Opinion | Does Donald Trump Want to Be Impeached? - The New York Times
A sombre Donald Trump

The Roman and Assyrian bloodline is a term used to describe the descendants of the ancient Roman and Assyrian empires, which dominated the Mediterranean and Mesopotamian regions respectively. The Roman and Assyrian bloodline is not a homogeneous group, but rather a diverse collection of people who share some cultural, linguistic, religious, or genetic traits inherited from their ancestors. Some examples of people who claim or are claimed to have Roman and Assyrian bloodline are the Italians, the Lebanese, the Syrians, the Iraqis, the Armenians, the Kurds. Many people and many nations in other words. 

You are wrong. You are not presenting any evidence or logic to support your claim that Trump is the Antichrist based on his ancestry. You are just making up a story that has no basis in reality or in the Bible. You are trying to connect dots that do not exist, and you are ignoring the facts that contradict your theory. Trump is neither Roman nor Assyrian, and even if he were, that would not prove anything about his role in the end times. You are spreading false information and fear among people who do not know better. You should stop and reconsider your sources and your motives.


The end times temple of God is a concept that refers to the belief that a third temple will be built in Jerusalem before the return of Jesus Christ. Some Christians and Jews believe that this temple will fulfil the prophecies of the Old and New Testaments, and that it will be the centre of worship and sacrifice during the millennium. Others believe that the temple is symbolic of the church or the body of Christ, and that no physical temple is necessary. The end times temple of God is a controversial and disputed topic among different religious groups and scholars.

Some people may wonder if there is a possibility of having a Temple of God on the earth, where they can worship and connect with the divine. However, this does not seem very plausible, considering the nature and attributes of God. God is not limited by space or time, and He does not dwell in buildings made by human hands. God is everywhere, and He can be accessed through faith, prayer and obedience. Therefore, a Temple of God on the earth would not be necessary or appropriate, as it would imply that God is confined or restricted to a certain place.

A common mistake that many people make is to jump to conclusions without considering all the facts and implications. This can lead to poor decisions, misunderstandings, and conflicts. It is important to think things through before taking action or forming an opinion. Thinking things through means analysing the situation, gathering relevant information, evaluating the pros and cons, and anticipating the consequences. By doing this, one can avoid making hasty and irrational judgements that may cause regret or harm later. Before sharing anything online, think about the potential consequences of your words and actions. Wake up to yourself.


Saturday 17 February 2024

Are you suggesting that Hamas attacked Israel on October 07th, because Israel brought in a red female cow to offer as a sacrifice in an alleged temple? That is total nonsense. There is no evidence to support such a claim. It is based on faulty logic, biased sources, and cherry-picked data. Anyone who believes this is either ignorant, misled, or dishonest. This is not a matter of opinion but of fact. Anyone who disagrees with this is welcome to present their arguments, but will be met with rigorous scrutiny and rebuttal. Who is putting you up to coming out with sort of crap. 

Hamas’ surprise attack on October 7 left Israel flat-footed, sparking a backlash that is still rippling through the country.

The operation saw at least 1,500 Hamas fighters pour across the border into Israel, in an assault that killed at least 1,200 Israelis, while others are still held hostage by the militant group.

But a report from the New York Times claimed Israel obtained Hamas’ plan for the attack more than a year in advance.

The report says Israeli officials dismissed the plan as aspirational and deemed it too complex for the group to carry out. Other outlets, including the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, have also reported the claim.

Israeli officials obtained a document describing Hamas’ battle plan for its October 7 terror attack more than a year before the militant group carried out the assault, the New York Times reported Thursday, citing documents, emails and interviews.

The roughly 40-page document did not give a date for the attack but outlined “point by point” the kind of deadly incursion that Hamas carried out in Israeli territory in October, according to the Times, which reviewed the translated document.

The document, which the Israeli authorities code-named “Jericho Wall,” detailed an assault that would overwhelm fortifications around the Gaza Strip, take over Israeli cities and target key military bases. It was followed with precision by Hamas on October 7, the Times said.

On that day, Hamas militants struck across the border from Gaza in a coordinated assault in what was the deadliest single-day assault on Israel since the country’s founding in 1948 Israel knew it was coming and they allowed it to happen so could launch all-out genocide against Gaza.


I have no ill feelings towards the Holy Land or the Jewish people. I respect their history and culture. I reject any accusations of antisemitism. I believe in peace and dialogue among all faiths and nations. However, I hate the group of five on the Israeli war cabinet who are murdering innocent men, women and children daily in Gaza. It is clear to me that many people in Israel are unhappy with the way Netanyahu and his allies are conducting this conflict.

I have seen the protests in the streets, where ordinary citizens are demanding an end to the violence and a peaceful resolution. This shows that not everyone in Israel supports the war or agrees with the government's policies. The reality of the war is evident in the mass protests that are happening around the world. People are expressing their opposition and discontent with the actions of the so-called leaders of nations. The war is not supported by the majority of the people, but by a few powerful elites who benefit from it.

I find the double standard of the United States and the United Nations abhorrent. It is alright for the United States to support the war in Gaza by sending weapons of mass destruction to Israel and every other conflict they have started for decades to boost their economy. In the eyes of the free world, it is not alright for Russia to attack Ukraine because Russian Global hegemony is not in the best interests.

If anyone chooses to support Israel in their genocide against the Palestinians because Israel is God’s chosen land and then dares to call themselves Christian is a stance they may have to account for on the Day of Judgement. I don't believe there is ever any excuse or reasoning to accept mass murder, no matter who is responsible or what self-justification they may have.


Thursday 15 February 2024

Get a life and a real job. You are a braggart and a boaster who is a waste of space. You are wasting your time and everyone else’s on boring, pathetic, trivial or obsessive matters. You do not have a meaningful or fulfilling existence and is clearly someone who should find something better to do with their time and energy.

What do you expect the Palestinians to do if Israel steals their land time and time again? Stand by and let them do it. These are not the terrorists, the U.S. and its massive military are the terrorists. One poor Palestinian farmer had a few of his sheep wander onto stolen Palestinian land, and Israel fined him 40,000 dollars for allegedly allowing his sheep to wander on their land. The audacity of the Jew is beyond the pale.

Jesus is the only way, but he is not the way to the Muslim in Gaza who is seeing everyone around him murdered by genocidal Israeli maniacs daily. All thanks to the industrial warfare of the U.S; who start one war after another to keep their economy buoyant by making weapons. Who is better to inflict the most amount of damage onto defenceless Palestinians than Israel as they fight the US proxy war by killing tens of thousands in Gaza as the U.S. keeps rolling out the weapons?

In the age of social media and online platforms, anyone can express their opinion and write an article on their belief. However, does that make it right? An opinion or belief is not right just because someone writes an article about it. It has to be based on facts, reason, and fairness.

You are not doing any original research or analysis. You are simply copying something from the internet and accepting it as true. You are using it on your channel without checking its accuracy or relevance. This is not a reliable or responsible way of presenting information. Instead, what you are presenting is misinformation.

Now you are starting this nonsense about a third temple, or the destruction of the dome of the rock by quoting something from the Internet that is the opinion of one person only. You are basing your argument on a single source from the web that claims there will be a third temple or the demolition of the dome of the rock. This is not a sensible way to approach this issue and is very foolish.

However to tie this opinion in with an excuse for the genocide taking place in Gaza is sheer idio-eccentricity because it implies a justification for the violence and oppressive acts perpetrated by the U.S. against unarmed civilians in Gaza.

Idio-eccentricity is a term that combines the meanings of idiocentric and eccentricity. Idiocentric means characterized by or denoting interest centered upon oneself or one's own ways, rather than upon others or the ways of others; self-centered. Eccentricity means deviation from what is normal or customary and connotes whimsicality or even mental aberration. Therefore, idio-eccentricity could be defined as a **personal peculiarity or mannerism that reflects self-centeredness and abnormality**. For example, someone who always wears a hat indoors and never listens to other people's opinions might be considered idio-eccentric. In you case coming out with so much misinformation and not listening to the opinions of others proves you have nothing between your ears or that you are deluded.

The Bible does not mention anything about a third Temple or the destruction of the Dome of the Rock, which is a Muslim shrine built on the Temple Mount, where the first and second Temples once stood. However, some Jewish and Christian groups believe that the third Temple will be rebuilt in the end times, before the coming or return of the Messiah. They also believe that the red heifer is a sign of this event, as it is necessary to cleanse the site and the people who will serve in the Temple. Some of these groups have been searching for and breeding red heifers in Israel and other countries, hoping to find one that meets the biblical requirements.

However, not all Jews and Christians agree with this interpretation or expectation. Some Jews believe that only God can initiate the building of the third Temple, and that human efforts are irrelevant or even sinful. Some Christians believe that Jesus fulfilled the law of Moses, including the need for sacrifices and rituals, and that the Temple is no longer relevant for worshiping God. They also believe that Jesus is the true Messiah, who will come again in glory and judge the world, not in relation to a physical Temple, but in relation to his spiritual body, which is the church.

According to the Bible, a red heifer is a rare and special animal that is needed for the purification of the priests and the Temple in Jerusalem. The Book of Numbers (chapter 19) describes the ritual of slaughtering a red heifer without any defect or blemish, and burning its body along with cedar wood, hyssop and scarlet material. The ashes of the red heifer are then mixed with water and sprinkled on anyone who has become ritually impure by touching a corpse or a grave. This is the only way to restore their purity and allow them to enter the Temple and worship God.

As there will never be a third temple, red heifers can never be sacrificed in a non-existent temple.

According to the Bible, the covenant of Daniel 9:27 is a prophetic agreement that a future ruler will make with the people of Israel for seven years, but will break it in the middle and stop the sacrifices and offerings in the temple. He will also set up an abomination that causes desolation, which is a sign of God's judgment on the nation. Some Christians believe that this covenant will be fulfilled by the Antichrist, who will deceive many with his false peace and then persecute those who do not worship him.

The Abraham Accords are a series of agreements that were signed in 2020 and 2021 between Israel and several Arab countries, such as the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan. These agreements normalized diplomatic relations and cooperation between the parties on various issues, such as trade, tourism, security and technology. They also aimed to promote peace and stability in the Middle East region.

Some people may think that the Abraham Accords could be related to the covenant of Daniel 9:27, because they involve Israel and many other nations, and because they could pave the way for a future leader to emerge and deceive the world with his false promises. However, there are also significant differences between the two covenants, such as the duration, the scope, the purpose and the outcome. The Abraham Accords are not a fulfilment of biblical prophecy, but rather a human attempt to solve political and economic problems. The covenant of Daniel 9:27 is a divine plan that will reveal God's sovereignty and justice over history.

You are deceived by Satan but you will never fool those who are truly Born Again.


The Red Heifer
A Red Heifer   

Sunday 11 February 2024

"Maliciously stupid; relentlessly incompetent; progressives know they are losing and they’ve an unquenchable thirst for power. I fear the left this November, and I am grateful we are armed."

To secure a Conservative victory this November, we must get control, of get rid of, the Dominion Voting Machines and the myriad of ways to cheat and to win the election!

The number of Democrats and Republicans in the United States per capita is not easy to determine, as different sources may use different methods of measurement and classification. However, according to some recent surveys and estimates, the Democratic Party has a slight edge over the Republican Party in terms of party affiliation and voter registration. For example, Gallup reported that as of December 2020, 31% of Americans identified as Democrats, 25% as Republicans, and 41% as Independents. World Population Review estimated that as of 2021, there were about 49 million registered Democratic voters and 38.8 million registered Republican voters. Statista showed that as of June 2021, 50% of U.S. adults identified as Democrat or leaning Democrat, while 39% identified as Republican or leaning Republican. 

However, these numbers do not necessarily reflect the voting outcomes or the economic power of each party. For instance, CNBC noted that in the 2020 presidential election, President-elect Joe Biden won 477 counties that together generate 70% of U.S. GDP, while President Donald Trump carried 2,497 counties that together generate 29% of U.S. GDP.

As a pro Republican website that also identifies as Christian and asks for donations, you should be careful about what you say. You are risking your trustworthiness and reputation by making statements like the one above. You should be coherent and respectful in your views and messages because the Democrats will not support you financially in any way at all. This is counterproductive and harmful to your cause and is called shooting yourself in the foot.

Not only do you support the genocide that is taking place in Gaza, but you also support mass murder within the confines of the United States itself by advocating people be allowed to arm themselves. You have now placed yourself in an indefensible situation of allowing anyone to have the ability to own a firearm to be able to shoot you.

There is no possibility at all that you will be able to secure a Conservative victory this November because you will not be able to control or get rid of the Dominion Voting Machines and the myriad of ways for the Democrats to cheat and win the election!

To the White House with the Democrats to stop the war in Gaza by bringing Israel to its knees. As the old saying goes, people usually get the government they deserve. If Trump wins, you deserve what you will get.


Saturday 10 February 2024

Google has received several complaints about your content from bloggers and thousands of others. That is because you are promoting violence and hatred towards the people of Gaza, who are suffering from the ongoing war. You are ignoring the humanitarian crisis and the human rights violations that are happening there.

Usually, Google has no incentive or reason to reduce the number of subscribers on your channel. Google benefits from having more subscribers on its platform, as it increases user engagement and ad revenue.

However, complaints have demanded that you stop spreading misinformation and propaganda. Furthermore, you show no respect for the views of those against the war.

Therefore, you can rest assured that your subscriber count is accurate and reflects the popularity of your content. That has nothing to do with Google culling the number of your subscribers. Sizeable numbers are unsubscribing from your channel because of the pro-Israeli propaganda stance that you describe as prophecy updates, which is total nonsense.

You seem to believe everyone sides with Israel and the genocide they are perpetrating in Gaza. The situation in Gaza has sparked widespread debate and protests globally, reflecting the diversity of views on this highly contentious issue, a fact that you have ignored totally. That is why you are rightly losing subscribers.

That is the best news I have heard for some time because if the loss continues, your channel may reach a point where you may shut it down altogether. Hopefully, I have helped with this process.

Blessings It's important to consider the potential risks of combining Pentecostal/Charismatic teaching...