David Bay;
Many people desire financial blessings
in their lives, but they may not know how to attract them. Financial
blessings are not just about having a lot of money, but also about
having a healthy relationship with money and using it wisely. Here
are some tips on how to invite financial blessings into your life:
Be grateful for what you have.
Gratitude is a powerful magnet for abundance. When you appreciate
what you already have, you open yourself to receive more. Express
your gratitude daily for the money you earn, the bills you pay, the
things you buy, and the opportunities you have.
Be generous with what you have.
Generosity is another way to attract financial blessings. When you
share what you have with others, you create a flow of abundance in
your life. You can be generous by donating to a cause, giving to a
friend, or tipping well. Remember that what you give comes back to
you multiplied.
Be mindful of what you spend.
Mindfulness is a key to managing your money well. When you are
mindful of what you spend, you avoid wasting money on things that
don't bring you joy or value. You also make better decisions that
align with your goals and values. Before you buy something, ask
yourself if you really need it, if you can afford it, and if it will
make you happy.
Be positive about what you expect.
Positivity is a force that attracts financial blessings. When you are
positive about what you expect, you create a vision of abundance in
your mind. You also raise your vibration and attract more
opportunities and resources. Instead of worrying about lack or
scarcity, focus on abundance and prosperity. Affirm that money comes
to you easily and frequently.
Be faithful to what you believe. Faith
is the foundation of financial blessings. When you have faith in
yourself, in your abilities, and in the universe, you trust that
everything will work out for your highest good. You also surrender to
the divine plan and let go of the need to control everything. Believe
that financial blessings are your birthright and that they will
manifest in your life.
However, there is a distinct problem
with people like you who fail to ask for financial assistance with
every newsletter when you are so undeserving. You are not abiding by
any of the above rules. All you are about is one great big
money-grab. It is one point to lie by calling Edom Palestine.
Attempting to make the word of God say something it does not is
sinful. Edom is an area around the ancient Jordan in the Old
Testament. There is no place in the world today known as Edom. All
you are doing is endeavouring to prey on people's lack of knowledge.
Your website is not providing any value
to your readers. Anyone can look up the same facts that you are
presenting on your site. Why would they pay you for something they
can get for free elsewhere? You have no right to complain about your
declining readership or to beg for donations. You need to offer
something more original and engaging if you want to survive.
One of the common arguments used by
some Christian Zionists to justify the modern state of Israel's claim
to the land of Palestine is that the Bible never mentions Palestine
as being small among the Heathen or greatly despised. They assert
that this phrase, found in Ezekiel 36:1-5, refers to Israel and
proves that God has a special plan for restoring Israel to its former
glory. However, this interpretation is based on a faulty reading of
the biblical text and ignores the historical and cultural context of
Ezekiel's prophecy.
First of all, the word "Palestine"
does not appear in the original Hebrew text of Ezekiel 36. The Hebrew
word translated as "Heathen" is goyim, which simply means
"nations" or "peoples". The word translated as
"despised" is bazah, which means "to scorn" or
"to hold in contempt". Therefore, a more literal
translation of Ezekiel 36:2 would be: "Thus says the Lord God:
Because the enemy has said of you, 'Aha! The ancient heights have
become our possession,' therefore prophesy and say, 'Thus says the
Lord God: Because they have made you desolate and swallowed you up on
every side, so that you became the possession of the rest of the
nations, and you are taken up by the lips of talkers and slandered by
the people.'"
Secondly, the context of Ezekiel 36
makes it clear that the prophecy is not about Israel as a whole, but
about a specific region within Israel: the mountains of Israel. This
region, also known as Samaria or Ephraim, was the northern part of
the divided kingdom of Israel that was conquered by the Assyrians in
722 BC and later by the Babylonians in 586 BC. The inhabitants of
this region were either killed, exiled, or assimilated by their
conquerors. Ezekiel's prophecy is a message of hope and restoration
for these scattered and oppressed people, who had lost their identity
and heritage as God's chosen people.
Thirdly, the historical and cultural
context of Ezekiel 36 shows that the prophecy is not about a future
restoration of Israel to its modern political boundaries, but about a
spiritual renewal of Israel as God's covenant people. Ezekiel was
writing during the Babylonian exile, when many Jews had lost their
faith and hope in God's promises. He was calling them to repentance
and obedience, to prepare them for their return to their homeland
after 70 years. He was also pointing them to a future messianic age,
when God would send his Son to establish his kingdom on earth. In
this age, God would not only restore Israel physically, but also
spiritually. He would give them a new heart and a new spirit, he
would cleanse them from their sins, he would put his Spirit within
them, and he would make them his holy people (Ezekiel 36:24-28).
Therefore, to use Ezekiel 36 as a proof
text for Christian Zionism is to misuse and abuse the biblical text.
It is to ignore its original meaning and context, and to impose a
modern political agenda on an ancient prophetic message. It is to
miss the true fulfilment of Ezekiel's prophecy in Jesus Christ, who
is the true Israel and the true heir of all God's promises. It is
also to disregard the plight and rights of the Palestinian people,
who are also created in God's image and loved by him.
That is not the worst of it though.
Even though the Bible never mentions Palestine as being small among
the Heathen or greatly despised. You have not referred to Ezekiel 36
to prove your point. Instead you have referred to (Obadiah 1-2) and
taken the bible completely out of context .
" The vision of Obadiah. Thus
saith the Lord God concerning Edom (Palestinians) ... I have made
thee small among the heathen: thou art greatly despised."
Biblical interpretation is the process
of understanding the meaning and message of the biblical texts. It
involves applying various principles and methods to bridge the gaps
between the original context, language, and genre of the biblical
authors, and the contemporary context, language, and genre of the
modern readers. Biblical interpretation is both a science and an art,
as it requires careful analysis and creative imagination to
faithfully communicate God's word to different audiences and
situations. Biblical interpretation is also a spiritual discipline,
as it requires prayer, humility, and obedience to the ultimate author
of Scripture, who is God himself. You now need to apply those basic
principles in your lives.
Thousands of Pro-Palestinian protesters
right around the globe testifying against the brutality and
inhumanity of Israel against the unarmed and defensiveness
Palestinians testify to the fact that they are not small amongst the
Heathen, nor are they greatly despised. Global antisemitism is now
rampant, partially due to websites such as this for stirring up
Anti-Palestine sentiment.
I can foresee that your period of
mendacious online behaviour will soon come to an end. Zionists, such
as the writers at Cutting Edge Ministries, have been posting
inaccurate and unreliable information on various platforms for
decades, but this is not sustainable any longer. You have a tendency
to exaggerate, distort or fabricate facts to suit your agenda or to
gain attention. You have now reverted to your old habits and lost all
credibility and trustworthiness.