How To Be Saved

How To Be Saved Many people wonder how they can be saved from the consequences of their sins and have eternal life. The Bible teaches that salvation is a gift from God that cannot be earned by human efforts or merits. Salvation is based on God's grace and mercy, which He offers to anyone who believes in His Son, Jesus Christ, as their Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ died on the cross for the sins of the world and rose again from the dead, proving His power over sin and death. Anyone who confesses their sins, repents of their wrongdoings, and trusts in Jesus Christ as their only way to God will be saved. Salvation is not a one-time event, but a lifelong relationship with God that involves obedience, growth, and service. To be saved, one must follow the steps below: 1. Recognize that you are a sinner and that you need God's forgiveness. Romans 3:23 says, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." 2. Acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died for your sins and rose again from the dead. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." 3. Repent of your sins and turn away from your old way of living. Acts 3:19 says, "Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord." 4. Receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior by faith. Romans 10:9 says, "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." 5. Confess your faith in Jesus Christ publicly and join a local church where you can grow in your knowledge and love of God. Matthew 10:32 says, "Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven."

Monday, 5 February 2024

The First Heaven is a place of mystery that I have never visited. Therefore, I cannot tell you exactly where it is or what it looks like. However, I can share some general information about the Three Heavens. The First Heaven is said to be the lowest of the three Heavens and the closest to the Earth. It is also the home of the angels and the souls of righteous people who have passed away. The first Heaven has a beautiful garden with rivers and trees. The first Heaven is beyond our physical realm and is a spiritual state of peace and joy.

The second Heaven is the universe. A vast and amazing place, full of wonders and mysteries. The second Heaven is the realm where we can explore outer space among the stars, the sun and the moon. We don't need any spaceship or rocket: we just need our imagination. By thinking about a place, we can instantly travel there and see the beauty and diversity of creation. The second Heaven is a gift for us to enjoy and learn from.

The Third Heaven is where God's throne is and where Jesus ascended after His resurrection. The Bible also promises that those who believe in Jesus will live with Him in a new Heaven and new earth, where there will be no more sin, sorrow, or death. Heaven is a place of joy, peace, and love, where we will see God face to face and worship Him forever.

The journey to God's presence is not a simple one. There are three levels of Heaven, and we must ascend through them one by one. The Third Heaven is where God and His angels are. Only the purest and most faithful souls can reach the third Heaven and see God face to face.

Upon death, we enter a tunnel and reach the presence of the Lord who decides whether we can enter or not. We do not meet the Lord in the clouds before death or meet the Lord in the air. This is called a Rapture. However, the Bible does not teach this. The Bible teaches that we will be resurrected from the dead at the end of the age and reign with Christ on the earth. Dispensationalism is a human invention that is based on speculation and imagination, not on sound biblical interpretation.

Dispensationalism is a theological framework that views history as divided into distinct periods in which God interacts with mankind in a specific way. Each of these periods is defined as a specific dispensation. Dispensationalists use a literal interpretation of the Bible and believe that there is a distinction between Israel and the Church, and that Christians are bound by Mosaic law.

They also hold beliefs in premillennialism, Christian Zionism, and a pre, mid or post -tribulation rapture of the Church.

Dispensationalism originated in the 19th century in the teaching of John Nelson Darby and was popularized in the United States through the Scofield Reference Bible and Dallas Theological Seminary. Dispensationalism differs from covenant theology, which affirms that there is one people of God and continuity between the Old and New Testaments.

The Mosaic Law is the name given to the set of rules and regulations that God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai, as recorded in the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, also known as the Torah or the Pentateuch. The Mosaic Law covers various aspects of life, such as moral, ceremonial, civil, and dietary laws. The most famous part of the Mosaic Law is the Ten Commandments, which summarize the basic principles of God's relationship with his people and their relationship with each other. The Mosaic Law was intended to guide the Israelites as God's chosen people, to set them apart from other nations, and to prepare them for the coming of the Messiah. The Mosaic Law also reveals God's holy and righteous character, as well as human sinfulness and need for forgiveness.

Covenant theology is a way of understanding the Bible that focuses on the concept of a covenant, which is a solemn agreement between God and His people. Covenant theology sees the Bible as one unified story of God's grace and faithfulness to His covenant partners, from creation to the end of history. Covenant theology identifies three main covenants in the Bible: the covenant of redemption, the covenant of works, and the covenant of grace. The covenant of redemption is the eternal plan of God to save His elect people through the work of Christ. The covenant of works is the agreement between God and Adam in the garden of Eden, where Adam was required to obey God perfectly or face death. The covenant of grace is the promise of God to save sinners by grace through faith in Christ, who fulfilled the covenant of works on behalf of His people. Covenant theology helps Christians to see how all the parts of the Bible fit together and point to Christ, who is the mediator and fulfiller of all God's covenants.


The question of whether Christians are bound by the Mosaic law is a complex and controversial one. The Mosaic law refers to the set of commands, statutes, and ordinances that God gave to Israel through Moses at Mount Sinai. The law includes moral, civil, and ceremonial aspects, and covers topics such as worship, ethics, justice, and holiness. The law was part of the covenant that God made with Israel, and it was intended to reveal God's character, expose human sinfulness, and guide Israel as God's chosen people.

However, the New Testament teaches that the Mosaic law is not the ultimate or final revelation of God's will for his people. Jesus Christ came to fulfill the law and the prophets (Matt 5:17), which means that he perfectly obeyed the law in his life, and he accomplished the law's purpose in his death and resurrection. Jesus inaugurated a new covenant with his blood (Luke 22:20), which is based on grace and faith, not on works of the law (Rom 3:21-31; Gal 3:1-14). Jesus also gave a new commandment to his followers: to love one another as he loved them (John 13:34-35). This commandment summarizes and surpasses the moral essence of the law (Matt 22:34-40; Rom 13:8-10; Gal 5:14).

Therefore, Christians are no longer under the authority or obligation of the Mosaic law as a legal code or a covenant (Rom 6:14; 7:1-6; Gal 5:18; Heb 8:13). Christians are under the law of Christ (1 Cor 9:21; Gal 6:2), which is the law of love and liberty (Jas 1:25; 2:12). Christians are led by the Holy Spirit, who writes God's law on their hearts and enables them to obey God's will (Rom 8:1-17; 2 Cor 3:1-18; Heb 10:15-18).

This does not mean that Christians have nothing to learn from the Mosaic law or that they can disregard it completely. The Mosaic law is still part of God's inspired and authoritative word, and it reveals God's holiness, righteousness, and wisdom. The Mosaic law also points to Christ, who is the end and goal of the law (Rom 10:4; Gal 3:24). Christians can study the Mosaic law to understand God's character, to appreciate God's grace, to discern God's principles and patterns for living, and to apply them in light of Christ's fulfillment and teaching. Christians can also recognize that some aspects of the Mosaic law reflect God's universal moral standards that are binding on all people at all times, such as the Ten Commandments (Exod 20:1-17). However, Christians must always interpret and apply the Mosaic law in light of Christ and his new covenant, not as a means of salvation or a rule of life.


Sunday, 4 February 2024

 WORLD WAR III: Nuclear War Race Which May Lead To World War III ...

The term world war is usually reserved for conflicts that involve multiple continents and a large number of countries. The First and Second World Wars are examples of such global conflicts that caused massive death and destruction. The third world war, however, has not yet happened and may never happen. There is no clear definition or criteria for what would constitute a world war, but some possible factors are the scale of violence, the involvement of major powers, the use of nuclear weapons, and the impact on the global order. Some people may argue that certain regional wars or proxy wars could be considered as part of a larger world war, but others may disagree. Therefore, it is hard to say when one can call it World War 111, as it depends on one's perspective and interpretation of history.

One of the most challenging questions to answer is how many conflicts are currently taking place in the world right now that could lead to a world war. Different sources may use different definitions, criteria, and methods to measure and monitor armed conflicts around the globe. According to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), which tracks ongoing conflicts of concern in the United States, there are 32 active conflicts as of January 2024. These include civil wars, insurgencies, terrorism, and international disputes. Some of the most prominent and deadly conflicts are the Russia-Ukraine war, which began in 2022 and has claimed over 10,000 lives; the Yemen civil war, which has caused one of the worst humanitarian crises in history; and the Afghanistan conflict, which has seen a resurgence of the Taliban after the withdrawal of US troops in 2021. However, other sources may have different numbers and classifications of conflicts.

It is easy for someone who has no power and influence like you to make bold claims about the state of the world. You may have access to Internet information, resources and networks to support your false views calling the current conflicts a world war, but that hardly makes it right. However, predicting that the world is already in World War 111 is outrageous. It shows a lack of understanding, evidence and credibility. It also undermines the efforts of those who are working for peace and stability. Such a statement is not only irresponsible but also dangerous, as it can spread fear and panic among the masses.

I want to address the false claims you have made about the world already being in a state of world war. It seems that you have designed these claims to coincide with false claims about Trump, by implying that he will ride the second horseman of the apocalypse in Revelation Chapter 6. Let me clarify that such an event will not happen to Trump because he is not the Antichrist.

The history of human civilisation is marked by conflicts and rivalries between different regions and cultures. One of the most influential struggles is the battle between the East and the West, which has shaped the political, economic, and cultural landscape of the world for centuries. The East and the West have different values, beliefs, and traditions, and each has sought to assert its dominance and superiority over the other. This clash has manifested in various forms such as wars, trade, diplomacy, religion, science, and art. The outcome of this battle is yet to be decided, and it continues to influence the present and future of humanity.

In the end times, the East will win the battle over the United States and will succeed for a short time in overpowering and defeating the West in battle. However, this cannot be Trump. These are the words of the Lord in Revelation Chapter 18 which describes the destruction of the United States at the hands of the Antichrist.


This kind of trivial dispute is not something I usually care about or participate in. I find it pointless and unproductive to waste time and energy on such matters. I have more important things to do and focus on than this. In this case, I will make an exception.

Your argument is going nowhere. You are just exchanging accusations and opinions without listening to each other. Every time he makes a point, you counter it with another one. This is not a productive way to resolve your differences. You need to stop and think about what we are trying to achieve here.

The number of subscribers on your channel, which is only 60K after many years of online presence, does not give you any advantage or disadvantage over him. Similarly, his channel size does not affect his credibility or quality either. Subscribers are not the only measure of success or influence in the online space. There are many other factors that matter, such as engagement, reach, impact, and reputation.

It is not monetized. Next lie. You generate income from your blog by asking for donations or promoting your books with every posting This is called monetization, and it means that you are using your content to create value for yourself and your audience. Monetization is seen by you as reward you for your efforts and so called expertise. However, monetization also comes with some challenges and risks, such as losing trust, credibility, or readership if you overdo it or do it in a way that is not aligned with your niche and goals and that is where you are now.

You are making a judgement about his spiritual state without knowing his heart. He may have reacted harshly to your contents because he disagrees with them or finds them offensive. That does not mean he is not a believer. You should not assume that he is not saved based on his based on his calling you or your contents names.

You are not the only one who knows things or has opinions. There are many people who think that selling books online is not a good idea for various reasons. You cannot ignore them or dismiss them as wrong just because they have a different point of view from you.

I have consistently expressed my opinion that this channel is filled with misinformation and should be disregarded due to the potential risks. Nevertheless, you have mostly declined to publish my comments because of your self-interest in continuing to spread falsehoods, which may misguide sincere Christians.

However, to classify your channel as shit is a vast understatement. There are much more suitable names to describe both you and your channel. He was being kind. Once again, you have taken offence and revealed your true lying and conniving nature common in all Messianic Jews


Saturday, 3 February 2024 

The ASEAN Union is a political and economic union of 10 Southeast Asian countries established in 1967 with the Bangkok Declaration. The member countries are Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. The primary objectives of the union are to promote regional peace, stability, and cooperation in various areas such as trade, tourism, security, and culture. The ASEAN Union has a population of over 600 million people and a GDP exceeding $3 trillion. It is led by China, not to be confused with the European Union and that is the Kingdom Of The Antichrist.


Your argument is based on a flawed premise that the EU is the fulfillment of the biblical prophecy of the beast with ten horns and ten crowns in Revelation 13. You try to support this claim by linking the BRICS countries and the ten horns prophecy to the EU, but you provide no evidence or logic for this connection. You are simply imposing your interpretation of the prophecy on the current geopolitical situation, without considering the historical and cultural context of the book of Revelation. You have failed to prove your point.

BRICS is an acronym for a group of five emerging economies that have formed a strategic alliance. The members of BRICS are:
1. Brazil
2. Russia
3. India
4. China
5. South Africa

These countries have a significant influence on global affairs, especially in the areas of trade, development, and security. In addition to the original five members, some other countries have been admitted as full members of BRICS, such as Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. However, the core BRICS group still consists of the five founding nations and not the entire ten nations.

Many people have speculated about the identity and origin of the 10 horns of Revelation, which represent 10 kings or kingdoms that will arise in the end times. By referring to BRICS you are falsely claiming that five of these horns will come from the Middle East, based on an interpretation of Daniel's prophecies. However, there is no clear biblical evidence to support this claim. The Bible does not give any specific details about the geographic location or the ethnic identity of these 10 horns. They could come from anywhere in the world, or they could be a mixture of different regions and peoples. The only thing we know for sure is that they will be allied with the Antichrist and will oppose God and His people.

There is nothing in the Bible about a New World Order or World Government. Neither does the Bible say that the Antichrist will rule over the whole world, but only over one-fourth of it. The other three-fourths will be under the protection of God and His saints. The Kingdom of the Antichrist is not a global dictatorship, but a large economy such as China with a regional coalition of ten kings who will give their authority to the Antichrist for a short time. The Antichrist will not be able to deceive everyone, but only those who reject the truth and love the lie.

I understand that you were discussing the concept of BRICS and attempting to connect it with the EU as the ten horns and ten crowns of the Antichrist. However, I must point out that this idea is not supported by the prophecy of the ten horns and ten crowns. While it may appeal to those who believe your false rhetoric, it is important to recognise that BRICS is not a fulfilment of this prophecy.


A curse is a type of negative magic that is intended to harm, afflict, or manipulate someone or something. Curses can be cast by individuals, groups, or even entities, such as demons or spirits. Curses can have various effects, such as causing illness, bad luck, misfortune, death, or other calamities. Curses can also target specific aspects of a person's life, such as their health, wealth, relationships, or happiness.

There are different types of curses, such as hexes, jinxes, bindings, banes, and maledictions. Some curses are temporary and can be lifted or broken by performing certain rituals, spells, or actions. Other curses are permanent and can only be removed by the original caster or by a powerful practitioner of magic. Some curses are conditional and depend on the fulfillment or violation of certain rules or agreements. Some curses are hereditary and can be passed down from generation to generation.

Curses can be cast for various reasons, such as revenge, jealousy, hatred, envy, greed, fear, or malice. Curses can also be cast for personal gain, such as to obtain power, wealth, love, or fame. Curses can also be cast for religious or ideological purposes, such as to punish sinners, oppress enemies, or enforce doctrines. Curses can also be cast unintentionally or accidentally, such as by uttering a curse word, breaking a taboo, or violating a sacred site.

Curse the butchers of Israel and curse you with your biased stance favouring Israel against all the indicators of decent human dignity and compassion. You're no better than those inflicting carnage, mayhem, destruction and murder of innocent men, women and children of Gaza. 


Friday, 2 February 2024

That weak, sniveling excuse for a human being, Benjamin Netanyahu, had the shock of his life when he found out that the Biden administration is withdrawing its support for Israel with the forthcoming U.S. elections now right on the horizon.

The US has announced a new policy of imposing sanctions on individuals and entities involved in illegal settlements in the occupied territories of Palestine. The sanctions include freezing assets, banning travel, and prohibiting transactions with US persons or entities.

The U.S said the move was aimed at advancing the prospects of a two-state solution and upholding international law and human rights. The policy was welcomed by the Palestinian leadership and condemned by Israel, which called it a "betrayal" and a "reward for terrorism". The US said it was not taking sides in the conflict, but rather applying consistent principles to all parties.

As well as the Illegal settlements, the United States has already placed sanctions on the four animals who crept into a Palestinian hospital disguised as Muslims and shot two men while they slept. 

These monsters make Ted Bundy and the Green River Killer look like a Sunday School teacher in comparison with their atrociousness.

South Africa has also accused Israel of committing genocide against the Palestinians in Gaza during its military operation that started in October 2023. Israel denied the allegations and argued that the court had no jurisdiction over the matter. The case attracted international attention and sparked protests and demonstrations outside the court.

The ICJ issued its first decision on January 26, 2024, ordering provisional measures against Israel to prevent further harm to the Palestinians. The court did not order a ceasefire, but instructed Israel to refrain from any acts that could fall under the genocide convention and to ensure that its troops do not commit any genocidal acts in Gaza. The court also said that there was plausibility to South Africa's claims that the Palestinians needed protection from genocide, but did not make a definitive ruling on the matter.

The decision was seen as a partial victory for South Africa and a setback for Israel, which faced increased international pressure and criticism for its actions in Gaza. The case is expected to continue for several years before the court reaches a final judgement on whether Israel committed genocide or not.

Because of the ruling against Israel for genocide in the international court for war crimes in the Hague, Israel now has only a few weeks to get their act together before they can be arrested eventually and tried as the war criminals they are.


I have noted that you have shown the president of France Macron seated on a throne as if he were either the Antichrist or the False Prophet. Next to him is an empty throne indicating that it is yet to be filled with either one. 

Therefore with this imagery you are indicating he is either one or the other or that the Antichrist will come out of the EU when that is yet to be proven. Just because you have said that in a book hardly makes it right. 

The President of the European Commission or the Chancellor of Germany could be considered influential figures in this region and either one of those titles would have to go to one of those two but not necessarily France or Macron.

The book of Revelation, chapter 13 in the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible, describes a vision of John where he sees a beast rising out of the sea. Here are some key points from Revelation chapter 13.

  1. John stands upon the sand of the sea and sees a beast rising out of the sea

  2. The beast has seven heads and ten horns, with ten crowns upon its horns.

  3. The beast receives power from the dragon.

  4. The beast is worshipped by those who dwell on the earth.

  5. The beast speaks blasphemies against God and makes war with the saints.

The beast is a symbol of a mighty nation that dominates the world with its military and economic power. It has ten allies that are part of its sphere of influence, but not fully under its control. These allies are smaller and weaker than the beast, but they cooperate with it and follow its agenda. The beast's territory is much larger than the combined area of these ten allies. The ten horns are not ten superpowers that the beast commands, but rather ten subordinate nations that depend on the beast for their survival.

It is imperative to note that the Antichrist will not arise from the EU because the ten horns with ten crowns upon them remain inexplicable from your perspective. It is a known fact that the Dragon represents China.


The book of Revelation, chapter 13 in the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible, describes a vision of John where he sees a beast rising out of the sea. Here are some key points from Revelation chapter 13.

  1. John stands upon the sand of the sea and sees a beast rising out of the sea

  2. The beast has seven heads and ten horns, with ten crowns upon its horns.

  3. The beast receives power from the dragon.

  4. The beast is worshipped by those who dwell on the earth.

  5. The beast speaks blasphemies against God and makes war with the saints.

The beast is a symbol of a mighty nation that dominates the world with its military and economic power. It has ten allies that are part of its sphere of influence, but not fully under its control. These allies are smaller and weaker than the beast, but they cooperate with it and follow its agenda. The beast's territory is much larger than the combined area of these ten allies. The ten horns are not ten superpowers that the beast commands, but rather ten subordinate nations that depend on the beast for their survival.

The prophecy in question has been subject to different interpretations by scholars, theologians, and arm chair experts alike. The imagery of the ten horns and ten crowns is open to various interpretations, and opinions on what it represents can differ. 

According to the prophecy, the Beast has ten horns and ten crowns. If we assume that the world has been divided into ten super nations, each of those regions has to have one ruler or one crown. However, it is unclear who the crown or leader of those ten super nations is, as all we can see are crowns for each of the respective nations within the alleged ten super nations. We don't see any clear evidence of a leader or a crown from each one of the ten super nations. 

It's important to note that the concept of ten super nations is not a universally recognized geopolitical reality. However, if we were to consider this concept hypothetically, we could attribute potential leaders or figures to these regions based on current geopolitical structures and influential figures.

It is also important to note that many of these regions has more that one crown. Therefore the prophecy of the ten crowns cannot be considered in the context of ten super nations.

Here's a hypothetical breakdown of leaders or influential figures for each of the ten super nations:

North America

 This region could be represented by the President of the United States, who is often considered a prominent figure in the geopolitical landscape.

South America

 The leader of Brazil, as the largest country in South America, could be a significant figure in this region.


 The President of the European Commission or the Chancellor of Germany could be considered influential figures in this region.


 The President of Nigeria, as the most populous country in Africa, could be seen as a significant leader in this region.


 The President of China or the Prime Minister of India, considering their large populations and global influence, could be key figures in this region.

Middle East

The Beast Out Of The Sea

 The leaders of countries like Saudi Arabia, Iran, or Israel could be seen as influential figures in this region.

Russia and Eurasia

  The President of Russia would likely be a prominent figure in this region.

Australia and Oceania

  The Prime Minister of Australia could be an influential figure in this region.

Central Asia

  This region could potentially be represented by leaders such as the President of Kazakhstan or other influential figures in Central Asia.


 As Antarctica is not a fully sovereign nation, this region might not have a traditional political leader. However, we could consider key figures involved in international agreements and research initiatives related to Antarctica.

To reiterate, this breakdown is purely hypothetical and based on current geopolitical structures. The interpretation of the prophecy in the Book of Revelation and its application to modern geopolitics is a complex and multifaceted topic that varies among different religious and scholarly perspectives. In this instance all you are dealing with is purely speculative with no basis of reality.

Blessings For the past ten years, there has been a YouTuber who has insisted that Donald Trump is the Bibl...