How To Be Saved

How To Be Saved Many people wonder how they can be saved from the consequences of their sins and have eternal life. The Bible teaches that salvation is a gift from God that cannot be earned by human efforts or merits. Salvation is based on God's grace and mercy, which He offers to anyone who believes in His Son, Jesus Christ, as their Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ died on the cross for the sins of the world and rose again from the dead, proving His power over sin and death. Anyone who confesses their sins, repents of their wrongdoings, and trusts in Jesus Christ as their only way to God will be saved. Salvation is not a one-time event, but a lifelong relationship with God that involves obedience, growth, and service. To be saved, one must follow the steps below: 1. Recognize that you are a sinner and that you need God's forgiveness. Romans 3:23 says, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." 2. Acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died for your sins and rose again from the dead. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." 3. Repent of your sins and turn away from your old way of living. Acts 3:19 says, "Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord." 4. Receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior by faith. Romans 10:9 says, "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." 5. Confess your faith in Jesus Christ publicly and join a local church where you can grow in your knowledge and love of God. Matthew 10:32 says, "Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven."

Thursday 8 February 2024

The Mark of the Beast will not be mandatory at first. It will be introduced gradually, through a demonic strategy of gradualism. This means that people will get used to it and accept it over time, without realising its true nature and consequences.

I remember the first time I saw the number of the beast on a bankcard. It was a long time ago, when I was still a young man attending a Baptist church. One of my friends from the youth group pointed it out to me. He said it was a sign of the end times, and that we should be ready for the coming of the Lord. At that time I felt curious. What did it mean? How did it get there? Was it a coincidence or a conspiracy?

The Mark of the Beast is a concept that refers to a system of identification and control that would be introduced after the arrival of a cashless society. Even though the idea of getting rid of physical cash has been around for some time, it is still widely used and may continue to be used for a while in the future. As a result, the implementation of the Mark of the Beast might take just as long to become a reality.

Some people believe that the Mark of the Beast is related to the number 666 and that it would be implanted on people's foreheads or right hands. Others think that it could be a form of biometric authentication or a digital currency that would require people to pledge allegiance to a certain leader or entity such as the Bible describes the Antichrist.

It is said that whoever receives this mark will be doomed to eternal punishment. However, few people have a clear idea of what this mark will look like or how it will be enforced. Some speculate that it will be a tattoo, a microchip, or a barcode. Others think that it will be a loyalty oath, a religious test, or a political affiliation. Just like you, the truth is that no one knows for sure what the Mark of the Beast will be until it is revealed and imposed on the world.

I understand that you have expressed a view in your video that you will not be able to tolerate the inability to buy or sell goods without the Mark. That is why I believe that once it becomes available, you will willingly accept it without delay. This would result in you pledging allegiance to the Antichrist and suffering the eternal consequences.

Under no circumstances will I take the Mark, even under pressure. I stand firm in my decision and will not change my mind.

Get off the cats tail. You have been obsessed with the Mark of the Beast for too long. It is time to take a break and focus on something else. Why don't you post about something more positive and engaging instead of repeating the same gloomy topic over and over? You might find that your subscribers will appreciate it more. Regardless of that, all you are about is advertising books that are full of misinformation. If I were marking your channel I would give it a D for a fail


Wednesday 7 February 2024

No one can make any definitive statements about the future or the meaning of religious scriptures until the events they describe have come to pass. This is beyond the scope and ability of any human being. 

Therefore, it is ridiculous and unfounded to claim that the situation at the Mexican border is close to fulfilling Daniel 7:7-8 because that would imply there is a North American Union or that the world has been divided up into ten super nations, which is not a geographical reality. 

Since the collapse of the United Nations in 2023, the world has been divided into four regions. The Asian Union, led by China and India, covers most of Asia and the Middle East. The African Union, spearheaded by Nigeria and South Africa, encompasses the entire African continent. The EU, expanded to include Russia and Turkey, dominates Europe and Central Asia. The Pacific Region, formed by the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, controls the Pacific Ocean and its islands. See Daniel Chapter 7. 

The Antichrist's power is limited to one large region with ten subdivisions or nations each with a crown or leader. Contrary to some popular claims, he is not the leader of ten vast territories or ten powerful countries. He has no authority or influence over such large parts of the world. 

If there is anything in the Bible to prove your false allegations about ten super nations then publish your findings. 

The Antichrist is just as deluded and dangerous as someone like Donald Trump who should not be followed or trusted and certainly should never be president of the United States again. The United States will never control a New World Order and Trump is not the Antichrist who will rule ten so-called super nations.  

I challenge you to show me evidence from the Bible that supports your claims about the ten super nations. You cannot do that because it is not there. I will stick to the literal interpretation of the Bible and disregard any group as a bunch of liars who twist the Bible for their benefit or gain. 

In your case, you are not willing to listen to other perspectives or consider the possibility that the Bible is a simple book that should not be misconstrued for personal gain. Your agenda is to sell end times material by coming forth with misleading and sensationalist information to attract those weak on the faith to your website. 

I find your attitude very disrespectful and arrogant.


It is unfair and dishonest to post the same message multiple times as you have done in this instance. This practice deceives the subscribers who expect to receive original and diverse content from the creators they follow. It also reduces the quality and credibility of the online community. Therefore, I strongly discourage your behaviour and urge you to respect your audience and fellow creators by producing unique and relevant content for each platform or channel and not post the same thing time and time again.

However, I will afford you the courtesy of a reply. Many people have speculated about the meaning and timing of the mark of the beast, but no one knows for sure what it is or when it will come. Some think it is a microchip that will be implanted in people's bodies, but this is just guesswork. The banks are working ferociously towards this technology but there are still real Christians like me out here who are doing everything they can to oppose their plans. I am not worried about it, because I am old and I may not live to see it. I anticipate it as very far off in the distant future.

What Is Neurolink. Neurolink is a company founded by Elon Musk that aims to develop brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) that can enhance human capabilities and treat neurological disorders. The company's flagship product is a device called Neuralink, which consists of a small implantable chip that connects to the brain via thin wires. Neuralink can record and stimulate neural activity, allowing users to control devices, communicate, access information, and experience new sensations with their minds. Neurolink claims that its technology has the potential to revolutionise fields such as education, entertainment, medicine, and social interaction. However, there are also ethical and social challenges associated with Neurolink, such as privacy, security, consent, regulation, and human identity. Neurolink is still in the early stages of development and testing, but it has already demonstrated some impressive results in animal and human trials. The company hopes to achieve mass adoption and integration of its BCI technology in the near future.

Recently, the government has passed a law that regulates the use of Neurolink and sets some standards and guidelines for its implementation. The law states that Neurolink can only be used for medical purposes, with the consent of the patient, and under the supervision of a qualified professional. The law also prohibits any unauthorised access, modification, or manipulation of the data transmitted by Neurolink, as well as any use of Neurolink for criminal or malicious purposes. The law aims to protect the rights and privacy of the users, as well as to ensure the safety and security of the technology. The law has been welcomed by some experts and advocates of Neurolink, who see it as a positive step towards the advancement of human potential and well-being.

Some opponents and sceptics of Neurolink have criticised the law, claiming that it is insufficient, vague, or biased. They argue that Neurolink has the potential to threaten human dignity, autonomy, and identity, and could be used for buying and selling. If this were to happen, some believe that it could be interpreted as the Mark of the Beast, as described in Revelation Chapter 13. It is worth noting that Elon Musk recently visited Israel to meet with Netanyahu but what was about no one knows.

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. Revelation 13:16-18 (KJV)

This passage speaks of a time when people will be required to bear a mark on their right hand or forehead, without which they cannot engage in buying or selling. The mark is associated with the name of the beast or the number 666. It is a symbol of allegiance and control, and it carries significant spiritual implications. 

However, the Neurolink implant is placed at the back of the head, which contradicts what the Bible says about the positioning of the Mark of the Beast


Tuesday 6 February 2024

Fundamentalist Born Again Christians believe that when the Lord returns, they will be caught up in the clouds to meet Him. This belief is based on 1 Thessalonians 4:11-17, which is entitled "The Day of the Lord" in the King James Version of the Bible.

Some people claim to know the exact date of the Lord's return by calculating seven years, with 360 days for each year, from the signing of the covenant mentioned in Daniel. However, this method is unreliable because no one knows the timing for the signing of the covenant. Therefore, it is better to be ready at any time and to live according to God's will, rather than to speculate about the details of the second coming.

It should be noted that the term "Rapture" is not used in the Bible to describe this event.

Believers should be prepared to be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord when He returns. The Bible clearly states that no one knows the day or the hour of the Lord's return, except for the Father.

Therefore, we should remain humble and watchful, rather than presumptuous and boastful, because no one knows whether they will still be alive at the time of the second coming.

It is wrong for anyone to claim that they will meet the Lord in the clouds, as this suggests that 1 Thessalonians 4:11-17 describes a Rapture when it does not.


Monday 5 February 2024

The First Heaven is a place of mystery that I have never visited. Therefore, I cannot tell you exactly where it is or what it looks like. However, I can share some general information about the Three Heavens. The First Heaven is said to be the lowest of the three Heavens and the closest to the Earth. It is also the home of the angels and the souls of righteous people who have passed away. The first Heaven has a beautiful garden with rivers and trees. The first Heaven is beyond our physical realm and is a spiritual state of peace and joy.

The second Heaven is the universe. A vast and amazing place, full of wonders and mysteries. The second Heaven is the realm where we can explore outer space among the stars, the sun and the moon. We don't need any spaceship or rocket: we just need our imagination. By thinking about a place, we can instantly travel there and see the beauty and diversity of creation. The second Heaven is a gift for us to enjoy and learn from.

The Third Heaven is where God's throne is and where Jesus ascended after His resurrection. The Bible also promises that those who believe in Jesus will live with Him in a new Heaven and new earth, where there will be no more sin, sorrow, or death. Heaven is a place of joy, peace, and love, where we will see God face to face and worship Him forever.

The journey to God's presence is not a simple one. There are three levels of Heaven, and we must ascend through them one by one. The Third Heaven is where God and His angels are. Only the purest and most faithful souls can reach the third Heaven and see God face to face.

Upon death, we enter a tunnel and reach the presence of the Lord who decides whether we can enter or not. We do not meet the Lord in the clouds before death or meet the Lord in the air. This is called a Rapture. However, the Bible does not teach this. The Bible teaches that we will be resurrected from the dead at the end of the age and reign with Christ on the earth. Dispensationalism is a human invention that is based on speculation and imagination, not on sound biblical interpretation.

Dispensationalism is a theological framework that views history as divided into distinct periods in which God interacts with mankind in a specific way. Each of these periods is defined as a specific dispensation. Dispensationalists use a literal interpretation of the Bible and believe that there is a distinction between Israel and the Church, and that Christians are bound by Mosaic law.

They also hold beliefs in premillennialism, Christian Zionism, and a pre, mid or post -tribulation rapture of the Church.

Dispensationalism originated in the 19th century in the teaching of John Nelson Darby and was popularized in the United States through the Scofield Reference Bible and Dallas Theological Seminary. Dispensationalism differs from covenant theology, which affirms that there is one people of God and continuity between the Old and New Testaments.

The Mosaic Law is the name given to the set of rules and regulations that God gave to Moses on Mount Sinai, as recorded in the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, also known as the Torah or the Pentateuch. The Mosaic Law covers various aspects of life, such as moral, ceremonial, civil, and dietary laws. The most famous part of the Mosaic Law is the Ten Commandments, which summarize the basic principles of God's relationship with his people and their relationship with each other. The Mosaic Law was intended to guide the Israelites as God's chosen people, to set them apart from other nations, and to prepare them for the coming of the Messiah. The Mosaic Law also reveals God's holy and righteous character, as well as human sinfulness and need for forgiveness.

Covenant theology is a way of understanding the Bible that focuses on the concept of a covenant, which is a solemn agreement between God and His people. Covenant theology sees the Bible as one unified story of God's grace and faithfulness to His covenant partners, from creation to the end of history. Covenant theology identifies three main covenants in the Bible: the covenant of redemption, the covenant of works, and the covenant of grace. The covenant of redemption is the eternal plan of God to save His elect people through the work of Christ. The covenant of works is the agreement between God and Adam in the garden of Eden, where Adam was required to obey God perfectly or face death. The covenant of grace is the promise of God to save sinners by grace through faith in Christ, who fulfilled the covenant of works on behalf of His people. Covenant theology helps Christians to see how all the parts of the Bible fit together and point to Christ, who is the mediator and fulfiller of all God's covenants.


The question of whether Christians are bound by the Mosaic law is a complex and controversial one. The Mosaic law refers to the set of commands, statutes, and ordinances that God gave to Israel through Moses at Mount Sinai. The law includes moral, civil, and ceremonial aspects, and covers topics such as worship, ethics, justice, and holiness. The law was part of the covenant that God made with Israel, and it was intended to reveal God's character, expose human sinfulness, and guide Israel as God's chosen people.

However, the New Testament teaches that the Mosaic law is not the ultimate or final revelation of God's will for his people. Jesus Christ came to fulfill the law and the prophets (Matt 5:17), which means that he perfectly obeyed the law in his life, and he accomplished the law's purpose in his death and resurrection. Jesus inaugurated a new covenant with his blood (Luke 22:20), which is based on grace and faith, not on works of the law (Rom 3:21-31; Gal 3:1-14). Jesus also gave a new commandment to his followers: to love one another as he loved them (John 13:34-35). This commandment summarizes and surpasses the moral essence of the law (Matt 22:34-40; Rom 13:8-10; Gal 5:14).

Therefore, Christians are no longer under the authority or obligation of the Mosaic law as a legal code or a covenant (Rom 6:14; 7:1-6; Gal 5:18; Heb 8:13). Christians are under the law of Christ (1 Cor 9:21; Gal 6:2), which is the law of love and liberty (Jas 1:25; 2:12). Christians are led by the Holy Spirit, who writes God's law on their hearts and enables them to obey God's will (Rom 8:1-17; 2 Cor 3:1-18; Heb 10:15-18).

This does not mean that Christians have nothing to learn from the Mosaic law or that they can disregard it completely. The Mosaic law is still part of God's inspired and authoritative word, and it reveals God's holiness, righteousness, and wisdom. The Mosaic law also points to Christ, who is the end and goal of the law (Rom 10:4; Gal 3:24). Christians can study the Mosaic law to understand God's character, to appreciate God's grace, to discern God's principles and patterns for living, and to apply them in light of Christ's fulfillment and teaching. Christians can also recognize that some aspects of the Mosaic law reflect God's universal moral standards that are binding on all people at all times, such as the Ten Commandments (Exod 20:1-17). However, Christians must always interpret and apply the Mosaic law in light of Christ and his new covenant, not as a means of salvation or a rule of life.


Sunday 4 February 2024

 WORLD WAR III: Nuclear War Race Which May Lead To World War III ...

The term world war is usually reserved for conflicts that involve multiple continents and a large number of countries. The First and Second World Wars are examples of such global conflicts that caused massive death and destruction. The third world war, however, has not yet happened and may never happen. There is no clear definition or criteria for what would constitute a world war, but some possible factors are the scale of violence, the involvement of major powers, the use of nuclear weapons, and the impact on the global order. Some people may argue that certain regional wars or proxy wars could be considered as part of a larger world war, but others may disagree. Therefore, it is hard to say when one can call it World War 111, as it depends on one's perspective and interpretation of history.

One of the most challenging questions to answer is how many conflicts are currently taking place in the world right now that could lead to a world war. Different sources may use different definitions, criteria, and methods to measure and monitor armed conflicts around the globe. According to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), which tracks ongoing conflicts of concern in the United States, there are 32 active conflicts as of January 2024. These include civil wars, insurgencies, terrorism, and international disputes. Some of the most prominent and deadly conflicts are the Russia-Ukraine war, which began in 2022 and has claimed over 10,000 lives; the Yemen civil war, which has caused one of the worst humanitarian crises in history; and the Afghanistan conflict, which has seen a resurgence of the Taliban after the withdrawal of US troops in 2021. However, other sources may have different numbers and classifications of conflicts.

It is easy for someone who has no power and influence like you to make bold claims about the state of the world. You may have access to Internet information, resources and networks to support your false views calling the current conflicts a world war, but that hardly makes it right. However, predicting that the world is already in World War 111 is outrageous. It shows a lack of understanding, evidence and credibility. It also undermines the efforts of those who are working for peace and stability. Such a statement is not only irresponsible but also dangerous, as it can spread fear and panic among the masses.

I want to address the false claims you have made about the world already being in a state of world war. It seems that you have designed these claims to coincide with false claims about Trump, by implying that he will ride the second horseman of the apocalypse in Revelation Chapter 6. Let me clarify that such an event will not happen to Trump because he is not the Antichrist.

The history of human civilisation is marked by conflicts and rivalries between different regions and cultures. One of the most influential struggles is the battle between the East and the West, which has shaped the political, economic, and cultural landscape of the world for centuries. The East and the West have different values, beliefs, and traditions, and each has sought to assert its dominance and superiority over the other. This clash has manifested in various forms such as wars, trade, diplomacy, religion, science, and art. The outcome of this battle is yet to be decided, and it continues to influence the present and future of humanity.

In the end times, the East will win the battle over the United States and will succeed for a short time in overpowering and defeating the West in battle. However, this cannot be Trump. These are the words of the Lord in Revelation Chapter 18 which describes the destruction of the United States at the hands of the Antichrist.


This kind of trivial dispute is not something I usually care about or participate in. I find it pointless and unproductive to waste time and energy on such matters. I have more important things to do and focus on than this. In this case, I will make an exception.

Your argument is going nowhere. You are just exchanging accusations and opinions without listening to each other. Every time he makes a point, you counter it with another one. This is not a productive way to resolve your differences. You need to stop and think about what we are trying to achieve here.

The number of subscribers on your channel, which is only 60K after many years of online presence, does not give you any advantage or disadvantage over him. Similarly, his channel size does not affect his credibility or quality either. Subscribers are not the only measure of success or influence in the online space. There are many other factors that matter, such as engagement, reach, impact, and reputation.

It is not monetized. Next lie. You generate income from your blog by asking for donations or promoting your books with every posting This is called monetization, and it means that you are using your content to create value for yourself and your audience. Monetization is seen by you as reward you for your efforts and so called expertise. However, monetization also comes with some challenges and risks, such as losing trust, credibility, or readership if you overdo it or do it in a way that is not aligned with your niche and goals and that is where you are now.

You are making a judgement about his spiritual state without knowing his heart. He may have reacted harshly to your contents because he disagrees with them or finds them offensive. That does not mean he is not a believer. You should not assume that he is not saved based on his based on his calling you or your contents names.

You are not the only one who knows things or has opinions. There are many people who think that selling books online is not a good idea for various reasons. You cannot ignore them or dismiss them as wrong just because they have a different point of view from you.

I have consistently expressed my opinion that this channel is filled with misinformation and should be disregarded due to the potential risks. Nevertheless, you have mostly declined to publish my comments because of your self-interest in continuing to spread falsehoods, which may misguide sincere Christians.

However, to classify your channel as shit is a vast understatement. There are much more suitable names to describe both you and your channel. He was being kind. Once again, you have taken offence and revealed your true lying and conniving nature common in all Messianic Jews


Saturday 3 February 2024 

The ASEAN Union is a political and economic union of 10 Southeast Asian countries established in 1967 with the Bangkok Declaration. The member countries are Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. The primary objectives of the union are to promote regional peace, stability, and cooperation in various areas such as trade, tourism, security, and culture. The ASEAN Union has a population of over 600 million people and a GDP exceeding $3 trillion. It is led by China, not to be confused with the European Union and that is the Kingdom Of The Antichrist.


Your argument is based on a flawed premise that the EU is the fulfillment of the biblical prophecy of the beast with ten horns and ten crowns in Revelation 13. You try to support this claim by linking the BRICS countries and the ten horns prophecy to the EU, but you provide no evidence or logic for this connection. You are simply imposing your interpretation of the prophecy on the current geopolitical situation, without considering the historical and cultural context of the book of Revelation. You have failed to prove your point.

BRICS is an acronym for a group of five emerging economies that have formed a strategic alliance. The members of BRICS are:
1. Brazil
2. Russia
3. India
4. China
5. South Africa

These countries have a significant influence on global affairs, especially in the areas of trade, development, and security. In addition to the original five members, some other countries have been admitted as full members of BRICS, such as Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. However, the core BRICS group still consists of the five founding nations and not the entire ten nations.

Many people have speculated about the identity and origin of the 10 horns of Revelation, which represent 10 kings or kingdoms that will arise in the end times. By referring to BRICS you are falsely claiming that five of these horns will come from the Middle East, based on an interpretation of Daniel's prophecies. However, there is no clear biblical evidence to support this claim. The Bible does not give any specific details about the geographic location or the ethnic identity of these 10 horns. They could come from anywhere in the world, or they could be a mixture of different regions and peoples. The only thing we know for sure is that they will be allied with the Antichrist and will oppose God and His people.

There is nothing in the Bible about a New World Order or World Government. Neither does the Bible say that the Antichrist will rule over the whole world, but only over one-fourth of it. The other three-fourths will be under the protection of God and His saints. The Kingdom of the Antichrist is not a global dictatorship, but a large economy such as China with a regional coalition of ten kings who will give their authority to the Antichrist for a short time. The Antichrist will not be able to deceive everyone, but only those who reject the truth and love the lie.

I understand that you were discussing the concept of BRICS and attempting to connect it with the EU as the ten horns and ten crowns of the Antichrist. However, I must point out that this idea is not supported by the prophecy of the ten horns and ten crowns. While it may appeal to those who believe your false rhetoric, it is important to recognise that BRICS is not a fulfilment of this prophecy.

Blessings You are now in a catch-22 type of situation. Once again, you are trying to predict the election ...