End times Bible prophecy meetings are not explicitly mentioned in the Bible, as they are a modern phenomenon. However, the concept of studying and discussing end times prophecy is rooted in biblical teachings.
Biblical prophecy contains predictions about the end times and can be found in books like Daniel, Revelation, and the teachings of Jesus in the Gospels. While referencing these prophecies, use a well-recognized version of the English Bible, such as the King James Version instead of the Torah.
As the Bible encourages believers to gather together for fellowship, teaching, and encouragement (Hebrews 10:25), end times prophecy meetings can provide a platform for believers to study and discuss these prophecies in a Christian manner.
Jesus instructed his followers to be watchful and aware of the signs of the times (Matthew 24:42-44) and end-times prophecy meetings can help believers stay informed and prepared for the future. However, Christ also warned of False Prophets appearing at the end of the age.
Believers must exercise discernment when attending such meetings, as not all interpretations of end-times prophecy are the same. Therefore, compare interpretations with the actual biblical text and do not rely on Hebrew or Israeli translations of the Bible.
While studying end-times prophecies, the primary focus should always be on Jesus Christ and his teachings. End times prophecy meetings should not show favour or bias towards Israel, Judaism, or Red Heifer sacrifices in Israel. Conspiracy theories and speculation should also be avoided.
Ultimately, end-times prophecy meetings should point believers towards a deeper relationship with Christ and a life of faithfulness. That will not happen in this instance.
In conclusion, while end times Bible prophecy meetings are not explicitly commanded in the Bible, they can be a valuable tool for believers to study, discuss, and prepare for the future as long as they are conducted with a biblical foundation and a focus on Christ providing all of the above criteria is met.
However, in the instance of this man, I cannot see how he could abide by essential criteria for an end-times meeting given what I have seen constantly displayed on his YouTube channel, amounting to nothing more than sheer speculation with too many references to Judaism.
This man will not conduct an end-times Christian Bible meeting but will conduct a meeting heavily leaning towards Judaism and not Christianity. Avoid it at all costs. Don't be deceived by a wolf masquerading in sheep's clothing.