How To Be Saved

How To Be Saved Many people wonder how they can be saved from the consequences of their sins and have eternal life. The Bible teaches that salvation is a gift from God that cannot be earned by human efforts or merits. Salvation is based on God's grace and mercy, which He offers to anyone who believes in His Son, Jesus Christ, as their Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ died on the cross for the sins of the world and rose again from the dead, proving His power over sin and death. Anyone who confesses their sins, repents of their wrongdoings, and trusts in Jesus Christ as their only way to God will be saved. Salvation is not a one-time event, but a lifelong relationship with God that involves obedience, growth, and service. To be saved, one must follow the steps below: 1. Recognize that you are a sinner and that you need God's forgiveness. Romans 3:23 says, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." 2. Acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died for your sins and rose again from the dead. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." 3. Repent of your sins and turn away from your old way of living. Acts 3:19 says, "Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord." 4. Receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior by faith. Romans 10:9 says, "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." 5. Confess your faith in Jesus Christ publicly and join a local church where you can grow in your knowledge and love of God. Matthew 10:32 says, "Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven."

Friday 26 April 2024 

The sacrifice of a red cow in Judaism is an ancient ritual known as the "Red Heifer" sacrifice. It is a substitution type of theology in Judaism where the cow takes the place of Christ dying on the cross. However, it does not supersede the death and resurrection of Christ on the cross and neither does it lead to salvation. Unfortunately, some Jews believe that it does.

Here are some key points to understand about this practice:

- Red Heifer Sacrifice: In Jewish tradition, the Red Heifer sacrifice is a purification ritual described in the Hebrew Bible (Numbers 19:1-22). The ashes of the sacrificed red cow were used for purification purposes, particularly in the context of ritual impurity caused by contact with a dead body.

- Symbolism: The Red Heifer sacrifice is seen as a symbol of purity and atonement in Jewish tradition. The ritual was believed to cleanse individuals from impurity and allow them to participate in religious ceremonies.

- Christ's Sacrifice: Some interpretations draw parallels between the sacrifice of the Red Heifer in Judaism and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ in Christianity. Both are seen as acts of atonement and purification, but the theological significance differs enormously between the two faiths with Christina the only way.

- Covenant Theology: Covenant theology is a theological framework that views God's relationship with humanity as structured around covenants. The Red Heifer sacrifice is not directly related to covenant theology as it primarily deals with ritual purity rather than covenants between God and people.

- Replacement Theology: Replacement theology, or supersessionism, is the belief that the Christian Church has replaced Israel in God's plan. The practice of the Red Heifer sacrifice does not align with replacement theology as it is a distinct ritual within Judaism.

In summary, the sacrifice of the Red Heifer in Judaism has a long history and specific significance within Jewish religious practice. While some parallels can be drawn between this ritual and Christian beliefs, it is important to recognize the unique theological contexts of each tradition. The idea of salvation is deeply personal and spiritual, and varies among religious beliefs and traditions. The path to salvation is not through Red Cow sacrifices but through the repentance of sin.

Here are some points to consider:

- Repentance: In the teachings of the Old and New Testaments, repentance is essential for seeking forgiveness of sin and spiritual renewal. It involves recognizing one's mistakes, feeling genuine remorse, and making efforts to change one's ways.

- Forgiveness: Asking for forgiveness is often seen as a crucial part of Judaism. However, forgiveness alone does not save. Seeking forgiveness from a higher power, from others, and even from oneself can be a powerful step towards healing and reconciliation. However, it still does not lead to the Kingdom of God as only the Lord can save and man is not a God within himself.

- Different Perspectives: The interpretation of religious teachings can vary widely among Christianity and Judaism. Christianity prioritizes specific actions such as repentance, while Judaism emphasizes the importance of seeking forgiveness through prayer, rituals, or other means such as Red Heifer sacrifices.

Ultimately, the path to salvation is not a complex and multifaceted concept that can differ greatly depending on one's spiritual beliefs and cultural background. Salvation through the Lord Jesus is the only way and not through Red Cow sacrifices. It is not essential to explore other ideas within the context of faith tradition or personal values.


Thursday 25 April 2024

When something is clearly understood by everyone, there might not be a need to argue or convince further. Here are some key points related to this:

- Clarity in Communication: When an idea or message is crystal clear, it leaves little room for misinterpretation.

- Convincing vs. Clarifying: Sometimes, people may try to convince others of something even when it is already evident or well understood.

- Intent and Perception: The intentions behind communication can sometimes be misinterpreted, leading to unnecessary arguments or attempts to convince others.

- Effective Communication: Effective communication aims to convey ideas clearly, ensuring that the message is understood without ambiguity.

- Avoiding Unnecessary Conflicts: Clear communication can help prevent misunderstandings and unnecessary conflicts that arise from miscommunication.

In summary, when something is clear and understood by all parties involved, there might not be a need to argue or convince further. Clarity in communication plays a key role in fostering understanding and avoiding unnecessary conflicts.

It is important to note that deliberately misleading others by making false claims is not an effective way of communicating as you have attempted to do by claiming this posting was not click bait but an intentional book advertisement which everyone can see it was anyway. Clear communication is about conveying ideas and messages accurately and truthfully, without resorting to dishonest tactics as you have done here. It was clickbait and so why lie about it?


Numbers 19:2 in the Old Testament describes a purification ritual where a red heifer without blemish was sacrificed. The ashes of the heifer were mixed with water and used to cleanse individuals who had come into contact with a dead body. This ritual was used to purify those who had become ritually impure according to the laws outlined in the Old Testament. However, the red heifer sacrifice pertains to certain factions within Judaism only. It should not be considered as a necessary part of Christianity or the way to attain salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ.

Mosaic Law specified that the red heifer to be sacrificed was to be "without defect or blemish" and to have never borne a yoke (Numbers 19:2). The red heifer, also known as the red cow, was sacrificed by the priests as a sacrifice to Yahweh. The red heifer itself prophetically points to Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah and His death on the execution stake. It is considered a type and shadow of Jesus Christ. However, it is still practiced to this day by some unsaved Jews as a replacement for and instead of Christ sadly for those involved. 

The current practice of red cow sacrifices taking place today in Israel has only to do with far-right-wing Israeli groups who have been planning to sacrifice a red cow in the hope of fulfilling a Jewish prophecy. One organization in particular intends to slaughter red heifers at Al Aqsa Mosque in an attempt to replace it and build a New Temple. There is nothing in the Bible relating to the rebuilding of a Third Temple in Jerusalem. However, it is important to note that these plans and beliefs are specific to certain groups and are not universally accepted among all Jews within Israel and only by some misguided Christians who are not truly been Born Again.

The Old Testament is the first part of the Christian Bible, which is largely based on the Hebrew Bible and relates mainly to Israel. It consists of books that were written before the birth of Jesus Christ. The New Testament, on the other hand, is the second part of the Christian Bible and focuses on the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the early Christian Church.

The Old Testament contains numerous prophecies that are believed to have been fulfilled in the New Testament. For example, the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem was foretold in the Old Testament. Many events, characters, and themes in the Old Testament are seen as foreshadowing or pointing to events in the New Testament. For instance, the sacrifice of lambs in the Old Testament is seen as a foreshadowing of Jesus Christ as the sacrificial Lamb of God in the New Testament.

Both the Old and New Testaments contain teachings on morality, faith, and spirituality. The Old Testament provides the foundation for many of the moral and spiritual principles that are further developed in the New Testament. The New Testament is seen by Christians as the fulfillment of the promises and covenants made in the Old Testament. Jesus often referred to Old Testament scriptures and teachings to emphasize the continuity between the two parts of the Bible.

Christians view the Old and New Testaments as part of a unified plan of salvation orchestrated by God. The themes of redemption, forgiveness, and reconciliation run through both parts of the Bible, showing the consistency of God's character and plan throughout history. In summary, the Old Testament and the New Testament are intricately connected, with the New Testament building upon and fulfilling many of the themes, prophecies, and teachings found in the Old Testament.


Tuesday 23 April 2024

 Several factors can contribute to feelings of annoyance. Here are some common causes of annoyance:

  • Noise: Loud noises from construction, traffic, neighbors, or machinery can be a significant source of annoyance.

  • Disorganization: Messy environments or disorganized spaces can lead to frustration and annoyance.

  • Inconsiderate Behavior: People who are rude, disrespectful, or inconsiderate can easily trigger feelings of annoyance.

  • Delays: Waiting in long lines, traffic jams, or for someone who is running late can be irritating.

  • Jewish traditions: Some Christian converts of Jewish ancestry try to incorporate Jewish traditions, customs and festivals into mainline Christianity, which might be rejected by certain Fundamentalist Born Again Christians who find such teachings undesirable. 

  • Repetitive Sounds: Constant tapping, clicking, or other repetitive sounds can grate on one's nerves.

  • Unpleasant Odors: Strong smells from cooking, garbage, or chemicals can be irritating and cause annoyance.

  • Interruptions: Constant interruptions while working or trying to concentrate can lead to annoyance.

  • Miscommunication: Unclear communication, misunderstandings, or misinterpretations can frustrate and annoy individuals.

  • Crowded Spaces: Overcrowded areas or lack of personal space can trigger feelings of annoyance.

  • Slow Internet: Slow internet speeds or technical issues can be a common source of annoyance in the digital age.

  • Pet Peeves: Personal irritations or pet peeves, such as people chewing loudly or leaving lights on, can also cause annoyance.

These are just a few examples of the many factors that can contribute to feelings of annoyance in everyday life.


Monday 22 April 2024

Two American politicians, Kari Lake and Tom Cotton, have been accused of inciting violence while supporting the Trump MAGA campaign. However, their alleged actions may not be of concern for the rest of the world. Nevertheless, opinions on this matter may vary.

Some say the internal USA politics often concerns the rest of the world for several reasons:

  1. Global Impact: The United States is a major global power with a significant influence on international politics, economics, and security. Decisions made in U.S. politics can have far-reaching effects on other countries and regions.

  2. Trade and Economy: U.S. economic policies, trade agreements, and market trends can impact economies worldwide. Changes in regulations, tariffs, or economic stimulus packages can affect global trade and financial markets.

  3. Foreign Policy: The U.S. plays a key role in shaping international relations through its foreign policy decisions, military engagements, and diplomacy. Actions taken by the U.S. government can have implications for global peace and stability.

  4. Climate Change and Environment: U.S. policies on climate change, environmental regulations, and energy production can influence global efforts to address environmental challenges. International cooperation on climate issues often involves the U.S.

  5. Security and Defense: The U.S. is a major player in global security, with a significant military presence and involvement in international conflicts. Decisions on defense spending, alliances, and military interventions can impact global security dynamics.

  6. Human Rights and Democracy: The U.S. often advocates for human rights and democracy worldwide, so its internal political developments can affect how it engages with other countries on these issues.

  7. Technological Innovation: The U.S. is a leader in technological innovation, with many of the world's top tech companies based there. Policies related to technology, data privacy, and cybersecurity can have implications for global tech industries and consumers.

The United States' internal politics are closely monitored globally due to the country's significant influence on various aspects of global affairs. The actions and statements of political figures within the US can have far-reaching implications and are often scrutinized by international observers.

With regards to your mention of MAGA leaders Kari Lake and Tom Cotton encouraging vigilante violence, it is important to note that any endorsement or incitement of violence by public figures is a serious concern. Such actions can have a destabilizing effect on society, and undermine democratic norms and the rule of law.

While individual incidents like these may not always directly impact global affairs on a large scale, they can contribute to a broader narrative about the state of politics and governance in the United States. Instances of political leaders promoting or condoning violence can erode trust in institutions, sow division among the populace, and set dangerous precedents for the future.

Leaders at all levels must promote unity, respect for the rule of law, and a commitment to peaceful and democratic processes. Upholding these principles is essential not only for the well-being of the USA but also for maintaining its credibility and influence on the world stage.


There must be an organization to hold states accountable, including Israel. The UN is honourable, but corruption can occur due to greed.

Addressing the accountability of rogue states and ensuring international order is indeed a complex issue that involves the cooperation of multiple entities. Here are some points to consider:

  • The United Nations (UN) is the primary international organization responsible for maintaining peace and security among nations. It has various mechanisms in place to address rogue states' behavior, such as sanctions, peacekeeping missions, and diplomatic efforts.

  • The UN Security Council plays a crucial role in addressing threats to international peace and security. However, the Council's effectiveness can be hindered by the veto power of its permanent members (China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States), which can lead to gridlock in decision-making.

  • International law, including treaties, conventions, and customary international law, provides a framework for holding rogue states accountable for their actions. Bodies like the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the International Criminal Court (ICC) can adjudicate disputes and prosecute individuals for international crimes.

  • Regional organizations, such as the African Union, European Union, and Organization of American States, also play a role in addressing regional security challenges and holding member states accountable to shared norms and values.

  • Civil society organizations, human rights groups, and the media play a vital role in raising awareness about human rights abuses and holding governments accountable for their actions. Public pressure can sometimes lead to changes in government behavior.

  • Economic sanctions imposed by coalitions of countries can be an effective tool to pressure rogue states to change their behavior. However, sanctions should be carefully targeted to avoid harming the civilian population.

  • Dialogue and diplomatic efforts are essential in resolving conflicts and addressing the root causes of rogue behavior. Engaging in constructive dialogue and negotiations can help build trust and find peaceful solutions to disputes.

In conclusion, addressing the behavior of rogue states requires a multifaceted approach involving international organizations, legal frameworks, regional cooperation, civil society engagement, and diplomatic efforts. While challenges exist, concerted international action and cooperation are essential to promoting accountability and upholding international norms and values.


Sunday 21 April 2024

The man in question mentioned in your posting, Calin Georgesch, is a Romanian agronomist and senior expert in sustainable development. He was born in Bucharest, Romania in 1962 and holds degrees from Carol I National Defense University (2007) and the University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine (1999 and 1986). He gained recognition in the field after serving for 17 years in the environmental area within the United Nations system. He was previously the Executive Director of the United Nations Global Sustainable Index Institute in Geneva/Vaduz (2015-2016).

Although he is an expert in sustainable development, this does not necessarily make him a whistle-blower for the United Nations. Whistle-blowers typically expose misconduct, fraud, or other unethical behaviour within an organization, which is entirely different from being an expert in a certain field.

There is no publicly available information to confirm whether Calin Georgesch is a Christian. Personal beliefs or religious affiliations may not always be readily accessible for public figures unless they choose to disclose them themselves. However, as his religious affiliation is not known we cannot simply assume he is a Christian. Therefore, we need to be cautious in taking his words and the credibility of the source you have copied this from into account as reliable. That caution applies in double portions to someone like you whose only agenda is to sell books.

In summary, there are grave misgivings in taking something like this that could have come from anywhere on the Internet would be factual.


The United Nations (UN) is a global organisation that focuses on maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations, promoting social progress, better living standards, and human rights. Like any large organisation or institution, the UN has various policies, procedures, and activities that are not publicly disclosed for reasons such as security, confidentiality, or sensitivity.

Here are some points to consider regarding the perception of secrets within the United Nations:

  • Confidentiality: The UN often deals with sensitive diplomatic matters that require a certain level of confidentiality to protect the interests of member states. This confidentiality is necessary for effective negotiations and peacekeeping efforts.

  • Security Council Meetings: The UN Security Council holds closed-door meetings to discuss critical international issues, and the details of these discussions are not always disclosed to the public. This practice ensures that sensitive information is not compromised.

  • Whistleblower Protection: The UN has whistle-blower protection mechanisms to encourage staff members to report misconduct, fraud, or violations of regulations. This promotes transparency and accountability within the organization.

  • Transparency Efforts: The UN has made efforts to increase transparency in recent years by publishing more reports, data, and information on its activities. However, some information may still be kept confidential for valid reasons.

While the UN's operations are generally transparent and subject to oversight, it is not uncommon for any large organization, especially one dealing with global political issues, to have aspects of its work that are not disclosed to the public. This does not necessarily mean that the UN is hiding secrets or engaging in conspiracy theories; rather, it reflects the complex nature of international relations and diplomacy.

The relationship between Israel and the United Nations, particularly regarding UN resolutions, is a complex and highly debated topic in international relations. It is important to understand the context and nuances surrounding this issue:

  • UN Resolutions on Israel: The UN has issued numerous resolutions concerning Israel, especially regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and related issues. These resolutions cover various aspects such as settlements, borders, human rights, and the status of Jerusalem. Some of these resolutions have been critical of Israel's actions.

  • Controversy and Debate: The implementation and enforcement of UN resolutions, particularly those related to Israel, have been a subject of controversy and debate. Some argue that Israel is unfairly targeted or that certain resolutions are biased against Israel. Others believe that these resolutions are necessary to address human rights violations or promote peace in the region.

  • Role of the UN: The UN plays a crucial role in addressing international conflicts and promoting peace through diplomatic means. UN resolutions are part of this effort to address global issues and uphold international law. However, the effectiveness and impact of these resolutions can vary depending on the willingness of parties to comply with them.

  • Political Dynamics: The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is deeply rooted in historical, political, and religious factors, making it a highly sensitive and complex issue. The positions of different countries, including veto-wielding members of the UN Security Council, can influence the outcomes of resolutions related to Israel.

It is essential to consider the diverse perspectives and historical context when discussing the relationship between Israel and UN resolutions. While some may criticize the UN for its handling of issues related to Israel, others view the organization as a vital forum for addressing global challenges and promoting peace and security.

However, some people, particularly Christian Zionists, believe that Israel is not bound by international laws set into place by the United Nations. This belief can lead to misplaced blame on UN resolutions instead of holding Israel accountable for its misdeeds and war crimes.

Here is a content creator who supports a pro-Israeli stance by re-posting content from other sources. He falsely then links this garbage with alleged secrets of the UN designed to discredit the UN. However, these secrets do not exist.


Friday 19 April 2024

There is nothing to suggest that God has just sent a chilling warning to Iran over their failed attempt to strike Israel. The recent strikes by Israel can only be viewed as an escalation of its genocidal war against Gaza and is just the beginning of a broader Middle East War. Let's not forget that it was Israel who stuck out at Damascus in the first place and killed an Iranian commander.

Consequently, Iran is only acting in response to the war criminals of Israel who initiated the current Iran/Israel war to begin with. Russia must now supply weapons to Iran to allow them to smash the genocidal maniacs governing Israel right into the ground. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

You may be feeling happy and optimistic about Israel's recent victory, but it's important to remain cautious. Iran may have a surprise weapon of mass destruction up their sleeve, so it's important to wait and see what could happen next.

They have accomplished their goal of giving Israel a false sense of peace and security that could soon be shattered. So lets smash the Zionists or so says Iran. When discussing sensitive topics like potential conflicts or divine warnings, it's crucial to approach the information with caution and critical thinking. Consulting a variety of sources and perspectives can help in gaining a more comprehensive understanding of complex situations.


Cyrus Ingerson Scofield was a civil war veteran who found Christian faith as an adult and later served as a pastor in churches in Dallas and Massachusetts. He was associated with D.L. Moody and is well-known for his work on the Scofield Reference Bible. Here are some key points related to his life and impact on Christian theology:

  • Background: Cyrus Ingerson Scofield was a prominent figure in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, known for his contributions to Christian theology through his writings and Bible commentary.

  • Dispensationalism: Scofield propagated an interpretive framework of theology called Dispensationalism, which was originally formulated by John Nelson Darby, an Anglo-Irish theologian. This framework categorizes history into distinct periods or "dispensations" in which God interacts with humanity in different ways. However, it also introduces the concept of the Day of the Lord as two separate events with a fake Rapture that is not supported by any biblical evidence.

  • Scofield Reference Bible: Scofield's most significant work is the Scofield Reference Bible, first published in 1909. This study Bible included his commentary and notes alongside the biblical text, promoting Dispensationalist interpretations of scripture.

  • Influence: The Scofield Reference Bible had a significant impact on fundamentalist Christianity, particularly in the United States. It gained widespread popularity and became one of the best-selling Bibles in history.

  • End-Times Expectations: The publication of Scofield's Bible coincided with a period of heightened anticipation about the end of the world, contributing to its popularity among those interested in eschatology (study of end times).

  • Legacy: Scofield's Bible and his Dispensationalist teachings have influenced various aspects of modern Christian thought and culture. They have been linked to the rise of movements like Christian Zionism, authors such as Hal Lindsey (author of "The Late Great Planet Earth"), and the popular "Left Behind" series of novels.

  • Lasting Influence: Over the past century, Scofield's Bible has played a significant role in shaping the beliefs and practices of many Christians, particularly in the realm of prophecy, end-times theology, and interpretations of the Bible.

I am confident in saying that the Scofield Reference Bible is the worst Bible I have ever experienced. Therefore, even if you claim to have never read the Scofield Bible, I have no doubts that you have been heavily influenced by its dispensationalist teachings. Despite the fact that the King James Version may make it possible to create fiction similar to dispensationalism, I will continue to read it.

Blessings I am concerned about YouTube channels that may be using fear-mongering tactics to attract viewer...