How To Be Saved

How To Be Saved Many people wonder how they can be saved from the consequences of their sins and have eternal life. The Bible teaches that salvation is a gift from God that cannot be earned by human efforts or merits. Salvation is based on God's grace and mercy, which He offers to anyone who believes in His Son, Jesus Christ, as their Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ died on the cross for the sins of the world and rose again from the dead, proving His power over sin and death. Anyone who confesses their sins, repents of their wrongdoings, and trusts in Jesus Christ as their only way to God will be saved. Salvation is not a one-time event, but a lifelong relationship with God that involves obedience, growth, and service. To be saved, one must follow the steps below: 1. Recognize that you are a sinner and that you need God's forgiveness. Romans 3:23 says, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." 2. Acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died for your sins and rose again from the dead. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." 3. Repent of your sins and turn away from your old way of living. Acts 3:19 says, "Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord." 4. Receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior by faith. Romans 10:9 says, "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." 5. Confess your faith in Jesus Christ publicly and join a local church where you can grow in your knowledge and love of God. Matthew 10:32 says, "Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven."

Saturday 4 May 2024

The ten kings are ten horns on the beast who will give their authority over to the Beast for one hour prophetically speaking (42 months) but they are not the Beast.  

The ten kings are ten horns or ten nations. They are often associated with Revelation 17:12-13 which describes the ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom but will receive authority as kings along with the beast.

Here is a breakdown of the key points related to the ten kings and the beast in this passage:

  • Ten Kings: These rulers align themselves with the beast and give their authority to the beast briefly.

  • Ten Horns on the Beast: The horns symbolise power and authority in the Bible. In this context, the horns represent the ten kings who support the beast.

  • The Beast: In the Book of Revelation, the beast is a symbol of a powerful political and military leader who opposes God and persecutes believers. The beast is often interpreted as a symbol of a tyrannical and oppressive system.

  • Giving Authority to the Beast for One Hour: This is often interpreted as a short period in prophetic terms, symbolizing a temporary alliance or cooperation between the ten kings and the beast.

It's important to note that interpretations of the Book of Revelation can vary among different religious traditions and scholars. The symbolism in the book is rich and often subject to diverse interpretations.


Hamas is a Palestinian Islamist political organization and militant group that has a significant presence in the Palestinian territories. It was founded in 1987 during the First Intifada, an uprising against Israeli occupation. While Hamas is considered a resistance movement by some, it is designated as a terrorist organization by several countries including the United States, Canada, the European Union and of course Israel and many Jews but not all.  

Hamas's stated goal is to liberate Palestine, including modern-day Israel, through armed struggle. They reject the existence of Israel and advocate for the establishment of an Islamic state in the region. Hamas has been involved in numerous conflicts with Israel, including launching rockets from Gaza into Israeli territory and engaging in armed confrontations.

It is important to note that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a complex and deeply rooted issue with historical, political, and humanitarian dimensions. Perspectives on Hamas vary widely, with some viewing them as freedom fighters resisting occupation and others condemning their use of violence and targeting of civilians. But who is worse? The Israeli butchers or those who defend their right to exist such as Hamas.  

I would have thought that it was Israel who did not want a separate state and not Palestine. So who is right in all this, someone like you who is heavily biased towards Israel or the real facts of the matter which is that Israel is doing everything in its power to prevent Palestine from ever having their state by continuing with their current campaign of terror in Gaza. Maps that do not show the presence of Israel do not determine anything. Instead what the world currently sees is well over 35,000 Palestinians murdered by the IDF and another 80,000 critically injured. Who can blame them if they feel any form of hostility towards the Israeli butchers? From what version of the Bible did you quote Zechariah 12 to 14? The Hebrew Bible or a Christian translation.


Friday 3 May 2024

There is some good news on the horizon at last. It appears that the International Criminal Court (ICC) is considering issuing arrest warrants for senior Israeli officials, including Benjamin Netanyahu, for potential war crimes. Israeli officials are reportedly concerned about the possibility of arrest warrants being issued by the ICC. However, it is important to note that the information provided is based on news reports and may be subject to change.  

As the USA is so intent on continuing what it calls the war on Gaza by potentially allowing Israel to slaughter tens of thousands of civilians in Rafah (so that Netanyahu can stay in power) certain US top officials should be considered as subjects for arrest warrants as well.

It's important to approach such sensitive topics cautiously and recognize that legal processes can be complex and often politically charged. Here are some key points to keep in mind regarding the situation:

  • The International Criminal Court (ICC) is an independent international organization that investigates and prosecutes individuals accused of committing serious international crimes, including war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide.

  • The ICC operates based on the Rome Statute, which outlines its jurisdiction and mandate. It can investigate and prosecute individuals from member states, and non-member states under certain conditions, or cases referred by the United Nations Security Council.

  • The decision to issue arrest warrants for senior Israeli officials, including Benjamin Netanyahu, would be a significant development if it were to occur. However, it's important to note that such decisions are made based on thorough investigations and legal procedures.

  • Allegations of war crimes and other serious violations of international law should be taken seriously and investigated impartially to ensure accountability and justice.

  • The situation in Gaza and the broader Israeli-Palestinian conflict are complex and have been ongoing for decades. Any actions or policies that result in civilian casualties or violate international humanitarian law must be thoroughly examined.

  • The involvement of any country, including the United States, in conflicts or situations that could potentially lead to war crimes should be subject to scrutiny and accountability mechanisms.

It's crucial to follow developments in this area through reliable news sources and official statements to stay informed about any progress in legal actions or investigations related to the allegations of war crimes.


This will not help with your book sales or to grow subscribers as it only relates to subject matter of interest me, and that is all. It with regards to aliens. The existence of aliens and other-dimensional beings has been a subject of speculation and debate for a long time. Here are some different perspectives on this topic:

- Aliens from Another Planet: Some people believe aliens are physical beings from other planets. The idea is that intelligent life forms could exist elsewhere, and they might have the technology to visit or communicate with Earth.

- Interdimensional Beings: some theories suggest that aliens or other entities could be inter-dimensional beings rather than physical creatures from planets other than Earth. This perspective implies that these beings exist in dimensions beyond our normal perception.

- Spiritual or Supernatural Beings: Another view is that aliens or similar entities could have spiritual or supernatural origins. Some people believe that encounters with aliens could be interpreted as encounters with spiritual beings, demons, or other entities from a realm beyond our understanding.

While aliens do exist, their origins remain a mystery. People have different beliefs regarding their existence. Those who deny their existence are the real conspiracy theorists. I don't believe they are coming to Earth through CERN, as that is only a recent invention when they have been here before Christ.

I have always favored the vies that aliens were from other planets, but the vast distances involved in getting to Earth made it seem unlikely despite the mind-boggling speeds of their crafts. I now lean towards the idea that they might be demons from Hell. They are Spiritual or Supernatural Beings and cannot be photographed.

They are Inter-dimensional and can travel from Hell (or a dimension beyond our understanding) onto Earth since the original sin. One young man was horrified when he saw a ten-foot demon in his backyard. At first, he thought it was an alien, but he later concluded that what he saw was a Demon. He did not make any money from this claim, and he had trouble sleeping after his encounter.


Wednesday 1 May 2024

Once again you have insulted me by focusing on Judaism. Is this another one of your prophecy updates or is this another book advertisement? Sometimes it is hard to decipher with the likes of you

The idea that Jesus' crucifixion is revealed in the first Hebrew word in the Old Testament is a theory based on a linguistic interpretation. The Hebrew word in question is "בְּרֵאשִׁית" (Bereshit), which is the first word in the Bible and translates to "In the beginning." The theory suggests that when the letters of this word are rearranged, they form the phrase "בַּר אֵשִׁית" (Bar Esh), which can be understood as "Son Fire" or "Son of Fire." Some proponents of this theory see this as a hidden reference to Jesus as the Son of God who was sacrificed through crucifixion.

The King James Version of the Bible that I read every day is one of the most widely used English translations. The King James Version does not explicitly mention or support the theory about Jesus' crucifixion being revealed in the first Hebrew word of the Old Testament. This theory is more of a linguistic interpretation and is not a mainstream or widely accepted theological understanding of the text.

It's essential to approach such interpretations cautiously and consult scholars and experts in biblical studies for a more in-depth analysis of the original Hebrew text and its possible meanings.

The Hebrew Bible, also known as the Tanakh, is the canonical collection of Jewish texts that is considered sacred and authoritative by Jews. (but is not recommended for Christians) It is divided into three main sections:

1. The Torah (Law):

  • It consists of the first five books of the Hebrew Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

  • The Torah is also known as the Pentateuch and is attributed to Moses.

2. The Nevi'im (Prophets):

  • This section includes historical books such as Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings, as well as the major and minor prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the Twelve Minor Prophets.

3. The Ketuvim (Writings):

  • This section contains various types of writings, including Psalms, Proverbs, Job, the Five Scrolls (Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, and Esther), Daniel, Ezra-Nehemiah, and Chronicles.

The Hebrew Bible serves as the foundational text for Judaism and is also recognized as PART of the Christian Old Testament. It is written in Hebrew with some portions in Aramaic and provides insights into Jewish history, laws, ethics, and beliefs.

I will never consider anything in the Hebrew Bible as coming from God because it heavily favors Judaism. As for your book, "The Messiah Code", I will avoid that like the plague for the disgusting piece of pure Jewish propaganda it is. Call me rude or call me late for dinner, but you need to stop calling yourself a Christian when it is clear you heavily favor Judaism, not Christianity.


Tuesday 30 April 2024

The gist of your argument is centered on a potential contender for the US presidency who may or may not emerge victorious in the upcoming election. By labeling Trump as the Antichrist, you are implying that his election win would have a global impact. However, regardless of the election outcome, its direct impact would be limited to the United States alone, contrary to your belief. Even if he were to win, it wouldn't affect the entire world in the same manner as the advent of the Antichrist would. Nonetheless, you have the right to express your opinion, and I respect that.


The Bible discusses the Antichrist and his identity, but there is much debate and differing interpretations among Christian traditions. The New Testament books of 1 John, 2 John, and Revelation primarily discuss the Antichrist. However, there is no specific verse that explicitly states the Antichrist's identity will be known before he confirms the covenant of Daniel. Despite this, there must be a clear sign to identify the Antichrist, as no one has yet come forward to qualify. While the book of Daniel in the Old Testament mentions a covenant in chapter 9, it does not specifically name the Antichrist as the signatory, although it appears likely.

Different interpretations exist regarding when the Antichrist's identity will be revealed. Some believe it will not be known until a specific point in the end times, possibly when he confirms a covenant or makes a significant public appearance. Others suggest that clues and signs may be present before the final revelation, but that scenario is unlikely.

It's important to note that there is no consensus on the identity of the Antichrist among theologians, scholars, and Christian denominations due to various interpretations of biblical prophecies, including those related to the Antichrist. The identification of the Antichrist is subject to diverse interpretations within different religious beliefs. Furthermore, the concept of the Antichrist is often seen as metaphorical instead of a literal individual representing evil, deception, or anti-Christian forces. Throughout history, various individuals have been speculated to be the Antichrist by different groups, but none have been universally accepted as fulfilling the role.

The interpretation of biblical prophecies and the nature of the Antichrist continue to be topics of debate among theologians, scholars, and believers. This ongoing discussion contributes to the lack of consensus on the identity of the Antichrist. Additionally, the emergence of the Antichrist is associated with specific future events that have not yet occurred, according to some beliefs. Therefore, the absence of a universally recognized Antichrist must be attributed to the timing of these coming events.

Overall, given the complexity of religious beliefs, interpretations of prophecy, and diverse theological perspectives, it is unlikely that a mere YouTube channel with only 20,000 followers that identifies Trump as the Antichrist will be taken seriously. Convincing the whole world that Trump is the Antichrist will be nearly impossible unless the whole world recognizes him regardless of what evidence is presented to the contrary.


Monday 29 April 2024

The interpretation of the little horn in the book of Daniel, as a reference to a particular individual, such as Donald Trump as the Antichrist, is a matter of theological interpretation and speculation. The evidence presented here to support your claim that Trump is the little horn/the Antichrist appears insufficient and leaves plenty of room for uncertainty.

While some may believe it, I do not. Different religious traditions and scholars have varying views on the identity of the Antichrist and how biblical prophecies relate to contemporary figures. You are wasting your time with this sort of nonsense unless you are gaining financial gain using deceptive practices which appears to be the case.

The book of Daniel in the Bible presents apocalyptic visions and prophecies that have been subject to varying interpretations throughout history. In the book of Daniel, the little horn is a symbol of a powerful and arrogant ruler who oppresses God's people. Different interpretations associate the little horn with figures from the past, present, or future, including political leaders. The concept of the Antichrist is found in the New Testament, particularly in the books of 1 John and 2 John.

The Antichrist is believed to be a figure who opposes Christ and deceives people. Some people have drawn similarities between biblical prophecies and current leaders, including associating them with the Antichrist.

However, these interpretations are highly speculative as is your opinion regarding Trump as the Antichrist and are not universally accepted. 

It is important to be careful when interpreting religious prophecies and to consider the various perspectives within different faith traditions. I have followed this principle and found that your presentation linking Trump to the Antichrist is flawed and lacking in credibility.

If you are interested in exploring this topic further, it would be beneficial to consult with religious scholars or sources within your faith community for a more detailed analysis and understanding of these prophecies to see why and where you are making so many mistakes. However, this is a deliberate form of scam or deception.


The Bible does not explicitly state that the Antichrist is Jewish but most Christians believe that has has to be a counterpart to Christ who is alleged by some to have been Jewish. The concept of the Antichrist is found in the New Testament, particularly in the books of 1 John and 2 John, as well as in the Book of Revelation. Different interpretations and beliefs exist regarding the identity and characteristics of the Antichrist. The Antichrist will be a figure opposed to Christ who will deceive many people. 

However, the Bible does not specify the ethnicity or nationality of the Antichrist. In particular, it does not suggest he will arise out of an area that was not in existence during the time of Christ such as the USA. Daniel Chapter 11: 37 suggests that he has to be Jewish to be accepted by the Jews as their New Age Messiah.

The idea that the Antichrist has to be Jewish is a belief held by some individuals based on interpretations of certain biblical prophecies. Here are a few reasons why some people hold this belief:

  1. Biblical Prophecies: Biblical prophecies suggest that the Antichrist will be associated with Israel or the Jewish people. This has led some to conclude that the Antichrist must therefore be Jewish.

  2. Connection to End Times Scenarios: In some end times scenarios, the Antichrist is seen as a figure who will deceive many and lead the world into a period of tribulation. The idea that the Antichrist could come from within the Jewish community adds a layer of complexity to these apocalyptic narratives.

  3. Historical Prejudices: Throughout history, there have been instances of anti-Semitic beliefs that have sought to demonize Jewish people. However, this has had no connection to the arrival of the Antichrist. Connecting the Antichrist to Judaism does not reflect some of these prejudices and stereotypes because the Bible still means what it says and says what it means when the most valid of all interpretations see the Antichrist as a Jew.

It is important to note that these beliefs are not universally accepted within Christian theology, and interpretations of biblical prophecy can vary widely among different religious traditions and denominations. The idea that the Antichrist must be Jewish is not just a speculative interpretation even though it is not a universally agreed-upon doctrine it is still the only interpretation of the Bible to make real sense for the correct identity of the Antichrist.


Popular misconceptions about the Antichrist are often based on a combination of various interpretations of biblical texts, historical events, and cultural influences. The concept of the Antichrist is primarily derived from the New Testament, especially the books of Daniel, 2 Thessalonians, and Revelation. However, different Christian traditions and denominations may have varying interpretations of the passages that mention the Antichrist, leading to a wide range of beliefs about this figure.

Throughout history, various individuals and figures have been labelled as the Antichrist by different groups based on political or religious reasons. This has contributed to the creation of misconceptions and myths surrounding the Antichrist. Additionally, popular culture, literature, media, and YouTube channels have played a significant role in shaping modern ideas and misconceptions about the Antichrist. These forms of entertainment often portray the Antichrist in sensationalized and inaccurate ways.

The concept of the Antichrist is closely linked to beliefs about the end times or eschatology. Different interpretations of biblical prophecies and predictions about the end of the world can influence how people perceive the Antichrist and his role in these events. However, trying to predict the Antichrist, such as the false premise that Trump is the Antichrist, is a continuation of an age-old practice and is not supported by biblical evidence.

In conclusion, it is important to approach the topic of the Antichrist with a critical mindset and consider various perspectives when exploring the beliefs and myths surrounding this figure. Popular misconceptions about the Antichrist are often a complex mix of biblical interpretation, historical events, and cultural influences.

Blessings I am concerned about YouTube channels that may be using fear-mongering tactics to attract viewer...