How To Be Saved

How To Be Saved Many people wonder how they can be saved from the consequences of their sins and have eternal life. The Bible teaches that salvation is a gift from God that cannot be earned by human efforts or merits. Salvation is based on God's grace and mercy, which He offers to anyone who believes in His Son, Jesus Christ, as their Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ died on the cross for the sins of the world and rose again from the dead, proving His power over sin and death. Anyone who confesses their sins, repents of their wrongdoings, and trusts in Jesus Christ as their only way to God will be saved. Salvation is not a one-time event, but a lifelong relationship with God that involves obedience, growth, and service. To be saved, one must follow the steps below: 1. Recognize that you are a sinner and that you need God's forgiveness. Romans 3:23 says, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." 2. Acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died for your sins and rose again from the dead. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." 3. Repent of your sins and turn away from your old way of living. Acts 3:19 says, "Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord." 4. Receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior by faith. Romans 10:9 says, "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." 5. Confess your faith in Jesus Christ publicly and join a local church where you can grow in your knowledge and love of God. Matthew 10:32 says, "Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven."

Wednesday 15 May 2024

If Donald Trump were to be re-elected as President of the United States while facing imprisonment for alleged offenses, it would pose significant challenges to the functioning of the government and the country as a whole. Here are several reasons why Trump would struggle to function effectively if elected while facing jail time:

Legal Issues and Distractions:

Being jailed for any alleged offenses would create a legal quagmire for Trump, diverting his attention from his presidential duties. Legal battles, court appearances, and potential imprisonment would consume a significant amount of his time and energy, leaving little room for focusing on governance.

Loss of Credibility and Trust:

A president facing imprisonment would lack the credibility and moral authority needed to lead a nation effectively. Trump's legal troubles would likely overshadow his policy initiatives and erode public trust in his ability to govern with integrity.

Political Unrest and Division:

Trump's presidency under the cloud of imprisonment would exacerbate political divisions in the country. His opponents would use his legal troubles to challenge his legitimacy, leading to heightened tensions and potential unrest.

International Standing and Diplomacy:

Trump's legal woes would undermine the United States' standing on the international stage. Foreign leaders may hesitate to engage with a president facing imprisonment, affecting diplomatic relations and global cooperation.

Government Dysfunction:

Trump's legal battles could result in a dysfunctional government, with key decisions delayed or disrupted by the uncertainty surrounding his presidency. The focus on legal issues would detract from addressing pressing national and international challenges effectively.

In conclusion, if Donald Trump were to be elected president again while facing imprisonment for alleged offenses, the functioning of the government and the stability of the country would be severely compromised. Legal distractions, loss of credibility, political unrest, diplomatic challenges, and government dysfunction would likely characterize a Trump presidency under such circumstances. A country needs to have a leader who can devote their full attention to governance and uphold the rule of law without being encumbered by legal troubles. It could effectively lead to a civil war within the United States.


The increase in the spread of nuclear weapons is a complex issue that involves both scaremongering and real threats related to their use. Here are some key points to consider:


- Media Sensationalism: Sometimes, the media can exaggerate the risks associated with nuclear weapons to attract attention or create fear such as the instance with Cutting Edge Ministries

- Political Agendas: Some politicians or interest groups may use the fear of nuclear weapons to push their agendas or gain support. However this threat is not real.

- Misinformation: False information or exaggeration about the capabilities of nuclear weapons can contribute to scaremongering when the neutrons in the warhead cannot be ignited until the sun is in the right position. Accordingly, there will never be an all out nuclear war.

Real Threats:

- Devastating Impact: The use of nuclear weapons can have catastrophic consequences, causing mass destruction, loss of life, and long-term environmental damage if they had a trigger which they do not.

- Proliferation Risks: The spread of nuclear weapons to more countries or non-state actors increases the likelihood of their use, either intentionally or accidentally. However, they cannot be used accidentally because they will not ignite.

- Arms Race: The proliferation of nuclear weapons can lead to an arms race, increasing tensions between states and raising the risk of conflict equates to scaremongering. I have more nukes than you therefore don’t play games with me.

- Accidental Use: There is a risk of accidental use of nuclear weapons due to technical failures, miscommunications, or human error is a misconception


It is important to acknowledge that while there may be elements of scaremongering when discussing nuclear weapons, it is essential to recognize that the threats associated with their proliferation and use are not real.

The international community must work together to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons, reduce existing arsenals, and promote peaceful resolutions to conflicts to mitigate the false risks they pose to global security.

Given the devastation caused by the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it seems unlikely that the world would want to intentionally go down that same path again. However, despots like Vladimir Putin continue to threaten the world with nuclear weapons despite their impracticality. 


Tuesday 14 May 2024

It's a common feeling to believe that people nowadays are mostly concerned about themselves and don't think much about others. There is certainly a lot of focus on individualism and self-centeredness. However, it's important to remember that many kind and compassionate people care for others and work towards making the world a better place. Acts of kindness, empathy, and generosity often go unnoticed, as negative aspects of human behavior tend to get more attention. 

Sometimes, the media tends to focus more on negative news, which can give us a distorted view of reality. It's important to look for positive stories, seek out ways to contribute to the community, and surround ourselves with people who share our values and beliefs. 

Despite the challenges and instances of selfishness in society, there are countless examples of people coming together to help each other, support causes, and create positive change. It's all about finding the right balance and focusing on the good in people rather than letting the negative outweigh it.

I understand that you have expressed your opinion on Eurovision, including your views on Satanism and the occult. However, it appears that you are more focused on sensationalism, scaremongering, and paranoia rather than providing relevant information. It seems that your main goal is to attract more subscribers, and you don't seem to care about others. 

I would like to point out that Eurovision is just a show, and watching it will not lead anyone to convert to Satanism or take up the occult. That is not the real world. Although Eurovision was not the best show, it is simply an example of how the music industry is evolving towards low-quality content. Sensationalism is a common theme in today's entertainment industry, and it seems that you are following a similar pattern by emphasizing it. I will also see you in the clouds on the Day of the Lord if we are both still alive at that time?


There have been discussions and opinions about Eurovision performances possibly having elements related to Satanism. Eurovision is known for its diverse performances, including elaborate costumes and staging. However, interpretations of performances, especially regarding themes like Satanism or occult references, can vary widely depending on individual perspectives, beliefs, and cultural backgrounds.

It's important to be cautious about sensationalized claims in the media or online about performances promoting Satanism or other controversial themes. Ultimately, Eurovision, like any other show, is a matter of personal preference. It's up to each individual to decide what they are comfortable watching and supporting. If performances or themes do not align with your values or beliefs, you have a choice not to watch them.

Personal pain and suffering in various forms can lead to seeking the Lord and salvation. In times of personal pain and suffering, individuals may seek comfort in their faith and turn to the Lord for solace and support. Suffering often prompts individuals to question the meaning and purpose of their lives, leading them to explore their spirituality and pursue salvation to find meaning amidst their suffering. That has been my personal experience in mid teens.

Everyone must suffer to come to the cross. Once saved, there is no turning back. It is worse for someone to be saved and then turn their back on the Lord than if they were never saved at all.

Personal pain and suffering can also be transformative experiences that lead individuals to reevaluate their lives and priorities. Through seeking the Lord and salvation, individuals may find a path towards healing, forgiveness, and inner peace. Religious communities often provide a sense of belonging, support, and solidarity during hardship. Seeking the Lord and salvation within a church community can offer a sense of community and connection to help individuals navigate their pain and suffering.

Once saved, Satan cannot enter someone filled with the Holy Spirit, and the Satanic performances shown in Eurovision will have no effect at all. 

Beliefs about the Holy Spirit, Satan, and spiritual protection remain the same among different religious traditions except for Christians. In Christian beliefs, the Holy Spirit is a divine presence that dwells within believers to guide, comfort, and protect them. If someone has the Holy Spirit, they have protection from the influence of Satan.

Accordingly, the impact and interpretation of Eurovision performances or any other form of entertainment has no effect. Some individuals may believe that certain performances have a negative or satanic influence, while others may not see them in the same light. Ultimately, the unsaved have different perspectives based on their beliefs, values, and cultural backgrounds.

Whether or not someone believes that Satan can enter a person filled with the Holy Spirit or that Eurovision performances have an effect is not based on personal and subjective influence but is a verified found fact in the scriptures.


Monday 13 May 2024

While the Antichrist is a prominent figure in some interpretations of the end times, his specific actions are detailed in the context of the four horsemen of the apocalypse in Revelation Chapter 6. The Antichrist is also commonly associated with other passages in the Bible, such as those found in the books of Daniel and 2 Thessalonians, which describe a figure who opposes Christ and deceives many.

In the Book of Revelation, Chapter 6, the opening of the first four seals is described, represented by four horsemen. These horsemen are often seen as symbols of different aspects of the end times or the apocalypse. Although the Bible does not explicitly mention the Antichrist in connection with these seals, there are various interpretations and beliefs about the significance of the horsemen and their actions, with the majority of Christians agreeing the four horsemen represent the Antichrist

Here is a brief overview of the four horsemen and their commonly accepted interpretations:

First Seal - The White Horse: The rider of this horse is often associated with conquest, possibly representing false peace or the spread of false religion. This rider symbolises the Antichrist or a deceptive leader.

Second Seal - The Red Horse: This horse and its rider are often linked to war and conflict. It is believed to represent widespread violence and bloodshed in the end times.

Third Seal - The Black Horse: The rider of this horse carries a pair of scales, symbolizing scarcity and famine. This horseman is often interpreted as representing economic hardship and scarcity of resources.

Fourth Seal - The Pale Horse: This horse is ridden by Death, followed by Hades. It represents death and the grave, with the power to kill a quarter of the earth's population through various means such as war, famine, pestilence, and wild beasts.

The first rider on the white horse of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse is often associated with conquest and may be interpreted as a political or military leader such as a Prime Minister or President. The rider's bow without arrows is a distinctive feature that signifies an absence of violence. However, the white colour of the horse symbolizes purity, righteousness, and a temporary false peace. It's important to note that true peace in the Middle East will only be achieved when Christ returns, even though the mention of a seven-year Middle East peace covenant is not explicitly stated in the Book of Revelation, but only in Daniel Chapter 9, Verse 27.

The United States has always impeded Middle East peace. Rather than seeking a treaty with the leaders of the respective states, they have always sided with and supplied weapons to Israel. This stance has allowed Israel to initiate and continue with the current genocide against unarmed Palestinian citizens. Therefore, the Antichrist cannot be from out of the United States. Furthermore, as Trump was heavily allied with Netanyahu the last time he was in power (as a leopard will not change his spots) if he were to win the American presidency again he would not work with the Palestinians towards a lasting Middle East peace agreement. Accordingly, Trump cannot be the Antichrist who comes forth by confirming a seven-year Middle East peace treaty.


Saturday 11 May 2024

Israeli tanks have now surrounded Rafah. This action has resulted in the encirclement of a "red zone" as part of the expanding army operations. The tanks have sealed off the eastern side of the southern Gaza city of Rafah, capturing and shutting down the only crossing between the enclave and Egypt. This development has raised concerns and is a significant development in the ongoing conflict.

The world now views this action as the beginning of the campaign of terror by the IDF to move into Rafah under the pretext of capturing Palestinian resistance fighters and murdering thousands of Palestinian civilians. If this is not demonic then I would like to know what it is? If there is anyone, either Jew or gentile, bond of free, who is complicate with barbarous actions of the Israeli army they are just as guilty of the perpetrators themselves of wanton acts of brutality.


The issue of attitudes towards Israel is a complex and multifaceted one, shaped by historical, political, religious, and social factors. Here are some key points to consider:

Reasons for Criticism of Israel:

- Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine has been a central issue for decades, with both sides experiencing significant loss and suffering. Criticism of Israel often stems from its actions in this conflict, including military operations, settlements in disputed territories, and the blockade of Gaza.

- Human Rights Concerns: Some critics of Israel point to alleged violations of human rights, particularly concerning the treatment of Palestinians in the occupied territories, checkpoints, and the Israeli military's use of force.

- International Law: Many countries and organizations consider the construction of Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem as illegal under international law, leading to condemnation of Israel's actions.

- Political Alliances: Israel's close relationship with certain powerful countries, such as the United States, has also drawn criticism, especially when these alliances are seen as influencing international decisions or enabling Israeli actions.

Perception of Demonization:

Some supporters of Israel argue that the criticism it faces has crossed the line into demonization, where the country is portrayed in an exaggeratedly negative light, often with dehumanizing language or comparisons to historical atrocities like the Holocaust. This can contribute to a sense of isolation and unfair treatment among Israelis and their supporters.

Different Perspectives:

It's important to recognize that perspectives on Israel vary widely around the world. While some view Israel as a democratic state defending itself against real security threats, others see it as an occupying power that suppresses the rights of Palestinians. These differing viewpoints contribute to the complex global discourse around Israel.

Demonic Connotations:

Describing the world's stance towards Israel as "demonic" suggests a belief in supernatural or inherently evil forces at play. While there are certainly deep-seated emotions, biases, and conflicts involved in discussions about Israel, attributing these to demonic influences may not reflect the full complexity of the situation.

In conclusion, the international community's attitudes towards Israel are influenced by a range of factors, including historical events, human rights concerns, political dynamics, and differing perspectives on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. While criticism of Israel is common, characterizing this as demonic as you have said oversimplifies a complex and contentious issue and it is complete BS.


The concept of Blood Moon prophecies refers to the belief that a series of four consecutive total lunar eclipses (known as a tetrad) hold significant prophetic meaning. Some people interpret these events as signs of impending doom, spiritual transformation, or fulfillment of biblical prophecies.

However, it's important to note that the reliability of Blood Moon prophecies is highly debated. Many scientists and skeptics argue that these interpretations are based on subjective and speculative connections between astronomical events and prophetic predictions. They view them as pseudoscience or superstition rather than reliable indicators of future events.

Religious scholars and theologians also have varying opinions on the validity of Blood Moon prophecies. Some believe that these events hold spiritual significance, while others consider them to be misinterpretations or exaggerations of ancient texts.

In summary, the reliability of Blood Moon prophecies is a matter of personal belief and interpretation. While some individuals find meaning in these events, others question their validity. It's essential to approach such prophecies with critical thinking and consider multiple perspectives before concluding.

This is an instance of someone calling “The kettle calling the tea pot black” "The kettle calling the teapot black" is an idiom that refers to the act of someone criticizing or accusing another person of a fault or behaviour that they are equally guilty of.

This phrase implies hypocrisy, where the accuser is guilty of the same type of thing they are accusing the other person of. It is a way of pointing out the irony or inconsistency in someone's actions or statements when they are worse.

In the context of discussions about Bible inconsistencies and Blood Moon prophecies, this phrase can be used to highlight the irony of someone criticizing others for believing in such prophecies when someone like you is just as guilty of inconsistencies in their own beliefs.


The Star of David is a symbol closely associated with Judaism. It is also known as the Shield of David or Magen David in Hebrew. The origins of the Star of David have been a topic of discussion for a long time, but there is no conclusive evidence of its exact origins. However, it is believed to have emerged as a Jewish symbol in the late Middle Ages, around the 14th century.

The Star of David gained prominence as a Jewish symbol and can be seen on Jewish ritual objects, synagogues, Jewish flags, art, and jewellery. The symbol consists of two interlocking triangles that form a six-pointed star. Each triangle represents a different aspect of Jewish identity. One triangle points upwards, symbolizing the connection between God and man, while the other triangle points downwards, symbolizing the connection between the Jewish people and the earth.

Several theories suggest the possible origins of the Star of David. According to some scholars, the symbol's association with Jewish mysticism, particularly Kabbalah, played a role in its adoption as a Jewish symbol. Another theory is that the symbol was linked to King David, the biblical king of Israel, who was known for his shield. Over time, the six-pointed star became associated with King David and Judaism.

The Star of David gained recognition as a Jewish symbol in the 19th century. It was later used on the flag of the Zionist movement and eventually became a central symbol on the flag of the State of Israel. The Star of David is a well-known symbol of Judaism that represents Jewish identity, faith, and heritage. Although its exact origins are not entirely clear, it has become one of the most recognizable symbols of the Jewish religion. 

Kabbalah also spelled Kabbalah or Cabal, is a part of Jewish tradition that deals with the mystical interpretation of the Bible and the nature of God. It is an esoteric method, discipline, and school of thought in Jewish mysticism that explores the relationship between the infinite and the finite, the spiritual and the material, and the divine and the human. 

Kabbalah involves the study of sacred texts, meditation, prayer, and the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment. It has been passed down through generations and has influenced various aspects of Jewish culture and spirituality. Although its association with Jewish mysticism and the occult may explain the origins of the Star of David, there is no definitive information available on its origin. The only source mentioning the origins of the Star Of David is an unnamed African American on YouTube who explained the origin of the Star of David, but it remains unverified.

However, there still is no doubt that it was stolen by the Jews who accepted it as their symbol. Never ask a Jew where it originated because he will not be forthcoming with any reliable information on its origins whatsoever.


Friday 10 May 2024

Can you imagine? Withholding key ammunition resupply to a national government who is under-fire from a hostile enemy, one who publicly threatens to finish the job which Germany's Nazi Party did not complete—his annihilation.

An incredibly inflammatory and derogatory statement such as this is a remark or comment that is designed to provoke strong negative emotions, such as anger, outrage, or offense. These statements are often disrespectful, hurtful, or discriminatory towards a particular group of people based on their race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or other characteristics.

Such statements can incite conflict, perpetuate stereotypes, and contribute to a hostile or toxic environment. It's important to be mindful of the language we use and strive to communicate in a respectful and considerate manner to foster understanding and harmony among individuals and communities.

However, this appears to be the type of false rhetoric you live off so you can continue to scam people with misinformation that is just so wild and way out there that it is ridiculous.

Wild and outlandish misinformation refers to false or misleading information that is particularly extreme, sensationalized, or exaggerated. This type of misinformation spreads quickly through various channels, including social media, online platforms, and word-of-mouth. It may be intentionally created to deceive or manipulate people, or it may be the result of misunderstandings, rumours, or conspiracy theories.

Here are some key points to keep in mind about wild and outlandish misinformation:

Prebunking, or providing people with accurate information before they encounter false information, can help individuals develop critical thinking skills to identify and reject misinformation.

The future of online misinformation is a topic of debate among experts. While some hope for technological advancements to reduce misinformation, others believe that the online space will continue to be a fertile ground for false information.

The rise of social media has made it easy for misinformation to spread, making it challenging to control the spread of false or misleading content.

Research suggests that people are vulnerable to misinformation due to various factors. Understanding why misinformation spreads and how much we are exposed to it is crucial in combating its impact.

The term "misinformation" has gained significant attention and recognition. Understanding the concept of misinformation is essential in identifying and addressing its impact.

It's important to critically evaluate information, fact-check sources, and rely on reputable sources to combat the spread of wild and outlandish misinformation such as this nonsense. You will be held accountable to the Lord for your online words and actions.

Blessings I am concerned about YouTube channels that may be using fear-mongering tactics to attract viewer...