How To Be Saved

How To Be Saved Many people wonder how they can be saved from the consequences of their sins and have eternal life. The Bible teaches that salvation is a gift from God that cannot be earned by human efforts or merits. Salvation is based on God's grace and mercy, which He offers to anyone who believes in His Son, Jesus Christ, as their Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ died on the cross for the sins of the world and rose again from the dead, proving His power over sin and death. Anyone who confesses their sins, repents of their wrongdoings, and trusts in Jesus Christ as their only way to God will be saved. Salvation is not a one-time event, but a lifelong relationship with God that involves obedience, growth, and service. To be saved, one must follow the steps below: 1. Recognize that you are a sinner and that you need God's forgiveness. Romans 3:23 says, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." 2. Acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died for your sins and rose again from the dead. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." 3. Repent of your sins and turn away from your old way of living. Acts 3:19 says, "Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord." 4. Receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior by faith. Romans 10:9 says, "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." 5. Confess your faith in Jesus Christ publicly and join a local church where you can grow in your knowledge and love of God. Matthew 10:32 says, "Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven."

Monday 10 June 2024

The prophecy of Ezekiel 38 is about Gog and the future invasion of Israel. In this prophecy, it is foretold that a great battle will occur in Israel in the "latter days" involving a people from "Magog" led by a king named Gog. The prophecy speaks of a time when God will display His fury and intervene in the affairs of the nations. It is a significant part of the Book of Ezekiel, outlining events that will take place in the future according to the prophet's vision. Gog is a leader or president who rules over the land of Magog, which is believed to refer to Russia proven by the name Gog appearing in biblical and historical contexts related to Russia.

Attackers in Ezekiel 38:

  • Gog: The leader mentioned in the prophecy, associated with the land of Magog, Meshech, and Tubal.

  • Magog, Meshech, and Tubal: These names are found in Genesis 10:2 and are believed to refer to geographical areas or countries in eastern modern Turkey.

  • Persia: This corresponds to modern-day Iran.

  • Cush: This region is associated with modern-day Ethiopia.

  • Put: This is believed to be in the area of modern-day Libya.

  • Gomer: Associated with South-eastern Europe.

  • Togarmah: Most interpretations suggest that this refers to the people in old Armenia, which historically encompassed the eastern half of today's Turkey.

The passage in Ezekiel 38 describes a coalition of nations led by Gog that will come against Israel in the latter years. The context of the prophecy suggests a significant battle in the future involving these nations.

It's essential to approach the interpretation of biblical prophecies with caution and to consider various perspectives. Linking specific prophecies to contemporary events requires careful analysis and understanding of the historical and cultural contexts such as I am committed to understanding.

The prophecy in Ezekiel 38 is part of a larger narrative that includes the restoration of Israel and the events leading up to the battle. After the completion of the battle of Magog Gog it will take 7 days to bury the dead such will be the wrath of God against Israel for the atrocities they are committing in Gaza currently.


The fence around the White House has been put up in response to pro-Palestinian activists planning to surround the White House in protest against the conflict in Gaza. The White House is preparing for a large protest, with barriers being erected to maintain order and security.

Here are some key points related to the situation:

  • Pro-Palestinian protesters are demanding an end to the conflict in Gaza and American support for Israel.

  • The White House has stated support for peaceful protests but not chaos and violence.

  • Barriers have been set up to manage a potential pro-Hamas protest marking eight months since the conflict in Gaza began.

It appears that the fencing around the White House is a precautionary measure to ensure the safety and security of the area during the planned protest.

Summarizing, the fence erected around the white house has been designed to prevent Palestinian protesters from entering the grounds in protest against the recent slaughter of 274 Palestinians in Gaza by the IDF to rescue 4 Israeli hostages. This one act alone is an abomination in the eyes of the Lord. He will not turn his back on the actions of Israel.


Here is a summary of the Israeli forces' hostage rescue operation in Gaza's al-Nuseirat area and the casualties in the Hamas conflict.

Israeli forces conducted a hostage rescue operation in Nuseirat. The operation occurred in a crowded, built-up refugee camp in central Gaza. It was the largest rescue operation since a previous incident involving Hamas.

Casualties in the Hamas conflict: At least 274 Palestinians were reported to have died during the Israeli raid, all to rescue 4 hostages. Hamas accused Israel of committing a "horrific massacre" of civilians in Nuseirat.

Details of the operation: Israeli forces, supported by air strikes, engaged in intense gun battles with Hamas during the rescue operation. The operation resulted in the freeing of hostages but also led to a significant number of casualties.

Global outrage has followed this slaughter by the IDF against defenceless Palestinian citizens, with Israel breaking its promise not to attack safe areas containing civilians.

Joe Biden congratulated Israel on the successful rescue of the hostages, undermining his peace initiative making it farcical and comical.


The concept of the Antichrist and the events surrounding the end times are indeed subject to interpretation and debate among theologians and scholars. The Bible does not provide a detailed, clear-cut description of the Antichrist's powers, abilities, or characteristics. Christian denominations and individuals may have varying beliefs and interpretations regarding this figure.

Here are some key points to consider when discussing the Antichrist:
- The term "Antichrist" is mentioned in the Bible in the letters of John (1 John 2:18, 22; 1 John 4:3; 2 John 1:7), describing those who deny the divinity of Jesus Christ.
- The Book of Revelation does refer to a figure commonly associated with the Antichrist, known as the Beast, who plays a significant role in the end times.
- The Antichrist is often portrayed as a deceiver, a false messiah, and a figure who opposes Christ and his followers.

- While some interpretations depict the Antichrist as a powerful and charismatic world leader, others emphasize spiritual deception and the perversion of truth.

It's important to approach discussions about biblical prophecy with an open mind and a spirit of curiosity. Interpretations of these complex and symbolic texts can vary, and it's essential to engage in respectful dialogue and study to deepen our understanding of these profound topics.

I haven't come across anywhere in the Bible that claims the Antichrist to be as strong, powerful, and all-knowing as you make him out to be. The descriptions of the four horsemen of the apocalypse tell us what he will do, but the way you have answered some of these questions leaves me doubting if you fully understand the topic. This all seems like an extreme exaggeration and a work of fiction on your part.


Saturday 8 June 2024

Just to remind you, The Illuminati card game is a strategic card game created by Steve Jackson Games (SJG). It was inspired by the 1975 book "The Illuminatus! Trilogy" by Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea. The game features cards with various themes such as politics, conspiracy theories, and secret societies. Players take on the role of a secret society trying to take over the world.

It's important to note that the game is purely fictional and meant for entertainment purposes. The themes and ideas presented in the game are not based on reality or actual events. The game has gained popularity for its interesting concepts and strategic game play rather than any connection to real-world conspiracies or organisations like the historical Illuminati.

Here is a brief explanation of the game:

  1. Objective: The goal of the game is for the Illuminati group to reach its goal first and win.

  2. Game Components: The game is played using two dice, printed money similar to Monopoly, special cards, and group cards.

  3. Gameplay: Players increase their wealth and power to take over the world until only they reign supreme.

It is common for game publishers like Steve Jackson Games to release expansion packs or new cards for their games based on player feedback, events, or trends in the gaming community.

The process of designing, producing, and releasing new cards or expansions for games can vary in time, with some companies able to respond quickly to events as Jackson does, while others taking longer to develop new content.

Players of games like Munchkin often enjoy collecting new cards and expansions to add variety and excitement to their game play experiences.

Steve Jackson didn't know what was going to happen in the future. All that's known is that he produced the specified cards after the events described in your newsletter had taken place. New cards have been produced almost overnight as soon as the events occurred. As for the rest, that is all pure guesswork that has paid off in his case.

If you are interested in playing the Illuminati card game, you can find it available for purchase online. However, it bothers me somewhat that you are treating this fictional card game as if it were real and then asking people to donate to this form of journalism I consider trash. This is a scam.

After Trump is convicted, nothing out of the ordinary will happen. If your content is any indication, it would seem you have been watching too many movies.


Christ returning for the he gathering of the elect and then descending to the Mount of Olives in East Jerusalem to establish his Millennial rule is a dispensationalism view that I do not agree with. Christ will return once only.

In dispensationalism, the belief is that Christ will return for the gathering of the elect and then descend to the Mount of Olives in East Jerusalem to establish His Millennial rule. This view is rooted in a particular interpretation of biblical prophecy. Here are some key points about this view:

  • Second Coming of Christ: Dispensationalism holds that Christ will return to Earth in two stages. The first stage involves the secret rapture of the Church, where believers are taken up to meet Christ in the air. The second stage involves Christ's visible return to establish His earthly kingdom.

  • Gathering of the Elect: According to dispensationalism, Christ will gather His chosen ones, known as the elect, at His return. This gathering is seen as a key event in the end times when believers will be united with Christ.

  • Mount of Olives and Millennial Rule: Dispensationalists believe that after gathering the elect, Christ will descend to the Mount of Olives in East Jerusalem. This location holds significance in biblical prophecy, especially in relation to Christ's return and the establishment of His Millennial rule, a thousand-year reign on Earth.

  • Interpretation of Prophecy: Dispensationalism emphasizes a literal interpretation of biblical prophecy, particularly concerning the end times. This approach often involves detailed timelines and events leading up to Christ's return and the establishment of His kingdom. However the problem with the Dispensationalism view is the Bible does not give times or dates for anything. As there is no scripture to clarify the Dispensationalism view it is based solely on speculation of guesswork.

  • Pre-Millennialism: Dispensationalism is closely associated with a pre-millennial view, which means that Christ will return before the Millennial reign. This contrasts with post-millennialism, which holds that Christ will return after a golden age of Christian influence on Earth.

Dispensationalism is a theological viewpoint that seeks to understand God's relationship with humanity through different periods of history, which are seen as distinct "dispensations." While Dispensationalism is a widely held view among certain Christian groups, it is indeed criticized by some for various reasons, including the lack of explicit scriptural support for its specific timelines and divisions.

Here are some points to consider regarding the criticism of Dispensationalism:

  1. Absence of Scriptural Timelines: the Bible does not provide explicit timelines or dates for the different dispensations proposed by Dispensationalism. Since there is no clear biblical mandate for the specific divisions and timelines proposed by Dispensationalism, some view it as speculative or based on human interpretation rather than direct scriptural guidance.

  2. Speculative Nature: The criticism often revolves around the speculative nature of Dispensationalism, especially in terms of predicting future events and timelines based on the interpretation of biblical prophecies. Critics point out that attempts to predict the timing of future events, such as the End Times or the return of Christ, can lead to inaccuracies and misunderstandings.

  3. Varied Interpretations: Another concern is that Dispensationalism can lead to diverse interpretations and conflicting views among scholars and theologians. Different proponents of Dispensationalism may have varying perspectives on the details of each dispensation, leading to a lack of consensus within the theological community.

  4. Alternative Views: Dispensationalism often advocate for alternative theological frameworks that focus on broader themes and principles in the Bible rather than strict periodization of history. These alternative views may emphasize continuity in God's plan for humanity across different eras rather than distinct dispensations.

It's important to note that while Dispensationalism has a significant following and has influenced various branches of Christian theology, it is not without its critics and detractors who raise valid concerns about its interpretive methods and implications. Ultimately, the debate surrounding Dispensationalism reflects the diversity of perspectives within Christian theology and the ongoing dialogue about how to best understand and interpret the teachings of the Bible.


Friday 7 June 2024

The image of the cross without Christ known as the crucifix, is a symbol deeply associated with Christianity and the concept of redemption. Here's how it relates to the idea of God's plan of redemption:

Symbolism of the Cross: The crucifix is a powerful symbol in Christianity representing the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross for the redemption of humanity's sins. It serves as a reminder of Jesus' suffering, death, and resurrection, central to Christian belief in salvation. God's Plan of Redemption: According to Christian theology, God's plan of redemption involves sending Jesus Christ, His Son, to earth to offer Himself as a sacrifice for the sins of humanity. The crucifixion is seen as the culmination of this plan, where Jesus' death on the cross is believed to atone for the sins of believers. Redemption through Sacrifice: The crucifixion is viewed as the ultimate act of love and sacrifice by God, demonstrating His mercy and forgiveness towards humanity. Through Jesus' death and resurrection, Christians believe they can be reconciled with God and receive salvation. Depiction in Art: Images of the cross have been a common theme in Christian art for centuries, serving as a visual representation of the central event in Christian faith. These images are meant to evoke contemplation, reverence, and gratitude for the sacrifice of Jesus.

Images of the cross, such as the crucifix, are symbolic representations of God's plan of redemption through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. They serve as a powerful reminder of the core beliefs of Christianity related to salvation, forgiveness, and the love of God for humanity.

Whether someone should attend a church or support social media that displays Christ still on the cross is a personal decision influenced by their beliefs and preferences. Here are some points to consider: Symbolism: For many so- called Christians, (such as Catholics and some religious Jews) the crucifix (with Christ on the cross) is a powerful symbol of Jesus' sacrifice and love. It serves as a reminder of the core beliefs of Christianity. Denominational Differences: Different Christian denominations have varying views on the use of crucifixes. Some traditions use them prominently in their worship spaces, while others prefer empty crosses to symbolize the resurrection which is the correct representation. Personal Preference: Some individuals may find comfort and inspiration in the visual representation of Christ's sacrifice on the cross. Others may prefer a more abstract or symbolic representation of their faith. However I am still in doubt about the salvation of such individuals Focus of Worship: It's essential to consider whether the presence of a crucifix enhances or detracts from your worship experience. Some incorrectly may find it aids in focusing on the significance of Christ's sacrifice, while others may feel it distracts from other aspects of their faith.

The image of Christ still on the cross at the end of this post is offensive to Christianity and all Christians. Christ has completed his work and is not still on the cross. This image seems to be made by someone who does not believe in God's plan of redemption, perhaps a non-Christian or a Jew? Call yourself a Christian or whatever you like, but sharing conspiracy theories and then asking people to accept the Lord when you haven't been saved yourself is hypocritical. You may think this image is harmless, but the Lord will see where your heart truly lies. You may have fooled many people, but I am not one of them.

Ultimately, whether you should attend a church or financially support online media that displays Christ on the cross (I would not) depends on your personal beliefs, comfort level, and how you connect with the symbolism of the crucifix. If you have reservations or preferences in this regard, you may want to explore different churches, denominations or social media that align more closely with your spiritual practices or in this instance non spiritual practices.


Thursday 6 June 2024

In a recent development, a New York jury has found Donald Trump guilty on all 34 felony counts of falsifying business records. This is the first time a former U.S. president has been convicted of a crime. The jury deliberated for 9½ hours to reach this verdict, in what is described as a historic case.

After the Trump verdict, most Republicans, such as the Cutting Edge Ministries, say they're okay with having a criminal as president. It will now be a case of how the American people view the respective criminals running for the presidency and who is the lesser scoundrel of the two—either the playboy clown or the senile old man who reads everything from a teleprompter.

Donald Trump is scheduled to be sentenced on July 11, just four days before the Republican National Convention. The penalties he faces range from a fine to up to four years in prison on each count. However, it is anticipated that he would likely be sentenced for the offences concurrently rather than consecutively.

Former President Donald Trump’s guilty verdict may indeed be hurting him in the polls, according to data published Wednesday. In a redo of a recent New York Times/Sienna College poll, Trump’s three-point edge over President Joe Biden before the jury rendered its verdict shrank to just one point when respondents were quizzed after the decision.

It is quite rare that out of a nation of well over 350 million American politics has resorted to these two. What has gone wrong with the USA?

The current political situation in the USA has been influenced by several factors. Here are some reasons based on real-time information:

  1. Partisan Fighting: Overwhelming majorities in both parties believe there is too much partisan fighting, which can lead to gridlock and hinder progress.

  2. Campaign Costs: Many Americans feel that campaigns cost too much, leading to concerns about the influence of money in politics.

  3. Lobbyists and Special Interests: The influence of lobbyists and special interests in shaping policies and decisions has raised concerns about the fairness and transparency of the political process.

  4. Negative Views: Americans hold unrelentingly negative views of politics and elected officials, with little hope for improvement in the near future.

  5. Challenging Problems: The country faces significant challenges such as climate change, immigration, inequality, gun control, debt, and deficits. The perceived inability of government and politicians to effectively address these issues contributes to the current political climate.

These factors have contributed to a sense of frustration and disillusionment among many Americans regarding the state of politics in the USA. Recognizing these challenges is the first step towards addressing them and working towards a more constructive and inclusive political environment.

There is no doubt that if Trump is reelected, the world will have far less security than it does now. The entire time he was previously in power, I felt anxious about his potential actions. The situation remains unchanged. Consequently, there will still be those who see Trump as a savior (such as the Cutting Edge Ministries) because of his false promise of economic prosperity and will vote based on their own financial interests.


Recently, there have been discussions and reports surrounding the permission granted to Ukraine to attack sites within Russia. This development comes in the context of the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia, fuelled by territorial disputes and historical tensions.

Here are some key points to consider regarding this sensitive issue:

  • Permission Granted: Reports suggest that Ukraine has been given the green light to target certain sites within Russia. This move marks a significant escalation in the conflict between the two nations.

  • International Reaction: The international community has expressed concern over the potential consequences of such actions. Many countries have called for restraint and a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

  • Legal and Ethical Implications: The permission to attack sites within another sovereign nation raises serious legal and ethical questions. International law prohibits acts of aggression against other countries, and such actions could have far-reaching consequences.

  • Humanitarian Concerns: The escalation of hostilities between Ukraine and Russia raises concerns about the impact on civilians in the region. It is essential to prioritize the safety and well-being of innocent people caught in the crossfire.

  • Diplomatic Efforts: Diplomatic channels remain crucial in resolving conflicts and preventing further violence. Dialogue and negotiations must be pursued to seek a peaceful solution to the ongoing crisis.

  • Global Stability: The conflict between Ukraine and Russia has implications for global stability. It is essential for all parties involved to exercise restraint and work towards de-escalation to avoid further destabilisation in the region.

The permission granted to Ukraine to attack sites within Russia represents a dangerous escalation in an already volatile situation. It is crucial for all parties to prioritise peace, dialogue, and respect for international law to prevent further harm and suffering in the region. Diplomatic efforts must be intensified to find a sustainable solution to the conflict and protect the well-being of all people involved.

However, it will not be possible to negotiate with Putin because he is steadfast in his desire to control Ukraine. This is akin to controlling the Jews and the genocide they are committing in Gaza

Russia-Ukraine Conflict: Russian forces have made "tactically significant advances" near Kharkiv, with the war now in its third year. The conflict continues to escalate, and it is crucial to monitor the latest developments.

Retaliatory Actions Against Putin: There are discussions about possible retaliatory measures against Putin. Putin has warned against certain actions, and countries are considering their responses to the ongoing situation.

Putin's Nuclear Weapons Threats: Putin has made veiled threats to use tactical nuclear weapons against the West. This has raised concerns about the potential consequences of such actions.

In conclusion, given that Russia is currently pushing back Ukrainian forces, some are arguing that any retaliatory action is justified to stop Putin. Putin's threats to use nuclear weapons is sabre rattling. If he follows through, the devastation inflicted on Russia in response will be unimaginable, and it could potentially be catastrophic for the whole nation. China (despite supplying Russia with weapons) is not expected to intervene. Putin has been the instigator from the beginning by attacking Ukraine. It is now time to respond decisively and hit Russia hard before potential future complications arise, such as the possibility of Trump returning to the presidency of the United States.


Barry R. Smith was a controversial figure known for his evangelistic and apocalyptic messages. He was often criticized for using fear tactics to try to persuade people to adopt his religious beliefs. Some detractors claimed that he attempted to scare people into embracing his version of Christianity in order to be Born Again and find a place in Heaven.

This approach of using fear to motivate spiritual decisions is a topic of debate within religious communities, with some seeing it as effective in prompting repentance and others viewing it as manipulative or coercive. Even while his supporters saw him as one of the world’s biggest conspiracy theorists, Smith's methods and messages generated mixed reactions and opinions among both supporters and critics. Smith often headed his meetings with the term, New World Oder.

The concept of a global government (New World Oder) you advocate here is a complex and controversial topic.

Global Government: The idea of a global government refers to a hypothetical system in which a single political authority would govern the entire world. Such a system would supersede national governments and have authority over international issues such as security, economy, and environment.

Real or Made Up Concept: Currently, there is no formal global government in place. The world is primarily governed by independent sovereign states with their own governments. However, there are international organizations like the United Nations (UN) that facilitate cooperation between countries on various global issues.

Secret Individuals and Organizations: While there is no concrete evidence to suggest the existence of a secret global government, conspiracy theories sometimes speculate about secretive groups or individuals exerting influence over global affairs. These theories often lack substantial evidence and are widely regarded as speculative.

Global Influence: It is important to note that certain powerful individuals, corporations, and organizations do have significant influence on global politics, economics, and societal issues. This influence can manifest through lobbying, financial power, media control, and other means. However, this falls short of a formal global government.

While the concept of a global government is not a current reality, there are influential entities that shape international affairs. The idea of a secret global government remains largely speculative and lacks substantial evidence. It is essential to critically evaluate sources and information when considering such complex and controversial topics.

It seems like you're using scare tactics or fear-mongering to manipulate people for personal gain, such as attracting more subscribers to a channel. It's important to be aware of such tactics and critically evaluate the information presented to you. Here are a few points to consider in such situations:

  • Critical thinking: It's essential to think critically and question information that is presented to you, especially if it seems designed to evoke fear or manipulate emotions.

  • Fact-checking: Verify the information you receive from sources that use scare tactics. Look for reputable sources to confirm the validity of the claims being made.

  • Emotional manipulation: Be cautious of content that preys on your emotions, particularly fear. Emotional manipulation can cloud judgement and lead to hasty decisions.

  • Seek diverse sources: It's beneficial to seek information from a variety of sources to get a well-rounded view of a particular topic. This can help you avoid falling victim to biased or manipulative content.

  • Educate yourself: Take the time to educate yourself on various topics so that you can discern between factual information and fear-based manipulation.

In conclusion, by staying informed, thinking critically, and being aware of manipulative tactics, you can protect yourself from being swayed by scaremongering tactics of the kind displayed here and make more informed decisions based on reliable information.

It's important to recognize that information shared online or in postings can sometimes be specific to certain regions or contexts. Sensationalism and exaggeration are common in various media outlets, and it's crucial to discern what is relevant to your own situation or location. If a post seems overly sensationalized or focused on a specific region like the UK, it may not necessarily apply universally. It's always a good idea to fact-check and consider the broader perspective before drawing conclusions or making judgements based on sensational content. Most people (myself included) already have plenty of problems without needing to take the content of this post seriously. This channel and its contents do not lead to salvation.

Blessings I am concerned about YouTube channels that may be using fear-mongering tactics to attract viewer...