How To Be Saved

How To Be Saved Many people wonder how they can be saved from the consequences of their sins and have eternal life. The Bible teaches that salvation is a gift from God that cannot be earned by human efforts or merits. Salvation is based on God's grace and mercy, which He offers to anyone who believes in His Son, Jesus Christ, as their Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ died on the cross for the sins of the world and rose again from the dead, proving His power over sin and death. Anyone who confesses their sins, repents of their wrongdoings, and trusts in Jesus Christ as their only way to God will be saved. Salvation is not a one-time event, but a lifelong relationship with God that involves obedience, growth, and service. To be saved, one must follow the steps below: 1. Recognize that you are a sinner and that you need God's forgiveness. Romans 3:23 says, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." 2. Acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died for your sins and rose again from the dead. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." 3. Repent of your sins and turn away from your old way of living. Acts 3:19 says, "Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord." 4. Receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior by faith. Romans 10:9 says, "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." 5. Confess your faith in Jesus Christ publicly and join a local church where you can grow in your knowledge and love of God. Matthew 10:32 says, "Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven."

Friday 23 August 2024

### Who Was Dr. Chuck Missler?

**Dr. Chuck Missler** (1934–2018) was a prominent American author, speaker, and Bible teacher known for his unique approach to interpreting the Scriptures. Here are some key points about his life and work:

- **Background**:

- Dr. Missler had a background in engineering, having earned a degree in electrical engineering and an MBA.

- He worked in the aerospace industry and was a senior executive at several technology companies before dedicating his life to biblical studies.

- **Ministry and Teachings**:

- He founded **Koinonia House**, a Christian ministry that focuses on disseminating biblical teachings.

- Missler was known for his in-depth Bible studies, particularly emphasizing the integration of science and faith.

- He authored numerous books and produced a vast array of teaching materials, including audio and video lectures.

- **Key Themes**:

- His teachings often focused on prophecy, the Hebrew Scriptures, and the application of biblical principles in contemporary life.

- He utilized technology and a systematic approach to study the Bible, often referencing historical, archaeological, and scientific data.

### Do His Teachings Stand the Test of Time?

The longevity and relevance of Dr. Chuck Missler's teachings can be evaluated through various lenses:

- **Popularity**:

- His works continue to be referenced and discussed in many Christian circles, indicating a sustained interest.

- Many of his lectures are still available and are frequently shared online.

- **Relevance**:

- Missler's emphasis on prophecy and current events resonates with many believers who seek to understand biblical texts in the context of modern-day happenings.

- His approach to integrating faith with science appeals to those who appreciate a rational examination of spiritual matters.

- **Criticism**:

- Some of his interpretations, particularly in eschatology (the study of end times), have been met with skepticism by various theologians and scholars.

- Critics argue that some of his theories lack solid grounding in traditional biblical exegesis.

- **Enduring Impact**:

- His influence is evident in the proliferation of similar ministries and teachings that adopt a technological and analytical approach to the Bible.

- The discussions surrounding his teachings continue to inspire both followers and critics, indicating a lasting impact on the discourse surrounding Christianity and biblical studies.

In summary, Dr. Chuck Missler's teachings have found a significant audience and continue to be relevant for many, although they are also subject to critique. The enduring nature of his work suggests that it has made a lasting impact, even if it remains controversial in some theological circles.


The **Church of England** is making significant changes by increasingly dropping the word **"church"** from its discussions and branding. This shift is part of an effort to modernize and attract a broader audience. Here are some key points regarding this development:

1. **Modernization Efforts**: The Church aims to create new worshipping communities that resonate more with contemporary society, which includes avoiding traditional terminology that may seem outdated.

2. **Impact on Attendance**: There are concerns that church closures and the rebranding could lead to a decline in overall attendance, as some congregants may be unwilling or unable to seek out alternative places of worship.

3. **Cultural Shift**: This move reflects a broader trend within the Anglican Church to adapt to changing cultural dynamics and to appeal to younger generations who may feel disconnected from traditional church settings.

4. **Recent Studies**: Recent studies suggest that this approach could help in drawing in more crowds, as the Church seeks to redefine its identity in a modern context.

This decision has sparked discussions about the future of religious institutions and their role in society.


3. The time is now arrived to speak about the time when Communists selected the Democrat Party to be the vehicle by which Communism would take America over!

The statement CEM mentioned reflects a **specific political perspective** and interpretation of historical events. Here’s a breakdown of the various views on this topic:

### Historical Context

- **Communism in the 20th Century**: The rise of communism, particularly in the early to mid-20th century, was viewed with suspicion by many in the United States, especially during the **Cold War**.

- **Political Parties**: The **Democratic Party** and **Republican Party** have evolved over time. In the early 20th century, the Democratic Party had a more progressive wing that sometimes aligned with socialist ideas.

### Theories and Claims

- **Conspiracy Theories**: Some claim that communists infiltrated various institutions, including the Democratic Party, to influence American politics. These claims often lack substantial evidence and are considered conspiracy theories by many historians.

- **Political Rhetoric**: During election cycles, especially during the **Red Scare**, political opponents often labeled each other as communists or socialists to discredit them.

### Current Perspectives

- **Scholarly Opinion**: Most historians and political scientists argue that while there were leftist movements within the Democratic Party, the assertion that communists "selected" the party as a vehicle for takeover is an oversimplification and often exaggerated.

### Conclusion

The statement reflects a **particular ideological viewpoint** and is not widely accepted as fact by historians. It is essential to approach such claims critically and consider multiple perspectives and sources when evaluating historical and political narratives.


Tuesday 20 August 2024

You are spending a lot of time posting YouTube videos with a certain perspective and then spending a lot more time defending that opinion while refusing to listen to reasoning. At the same time, you have yet to prove your claims about Trump while insisting he will win the next election unopposed. If he does win, you will still lose because you would still not have proven Trump is who you say he is. 

However, if he does not win, the resultant chaos and panic Trump will cause from that sort of outcome could result in a civil war or unrest unparalleled since the last battle between the North and the South. That is not how the Bible describes the Antichrist as coming forth as a peacemaker on a White Horse.

Spending a significant amount of time creating YouTube videos to express a particular perspective and then dedicating even more time to defending that opinion is often referred to as **"content creation"** and can be associated with several concepts:

- **Echo Chamber**: This refers to a situation where people are exposed only to opinions that reinforce their own, often leading to a strong defense of those views.

- **Niche Content**: Creating content focused on a specific topic or viewpoint can lead to a dedicated audience that also aligns with those beliefs.

- **Online Activism**: If the perspective is related to social or political issues, this could also be considered a form of online activism or advocacy.

- **Confirmation Bias**: This is the tendency to search for, interpret, and remember information that confirms one's preexisting beliefs, often leading to prolonged defense of those views.

Overall, this behaviour highlights the importance of engagement and interaction in online communities, as creators often feel compelled to defend their opinions against criticism or differing views.

Rejecting or not publishing comments on YouTube that do not agree with a particular opinion is commonly referred to as **"comment moderation"**. When this practice specifically targets dissenting opinions, it can also be described as **"censorship"** or **"bias in moderation."**


Monday 19 August 2024

The term **"Set Palestine Free"** mentioned in this video generally refers to a movement or call for the liberation of Palestine, advocating for the rights and self-determination of the Palestinian people. Here are key aspects related to the term:

### Context and Meaning

- **Political Movement**: It is often associated with the broader Palestinian liberation movement, which seeks to end occupation and establish an independent Palestinian state.

- **Human Rights**: Advocates emphasize the importance of human rights for Palestinians, highlighting issues such as displacement, restricted access to resources, and lack of political representation.

- **Solidarity Campaigns**: The term is commonly used in various campaigns and protests aimed at raising awareness and garnering support for the Palestinian cause.

### Key Themes

- **Self-Determination**: The call for Palestinians to have the right to govern themselves and shape their future.

- **Ending Occupation**: A demand for the cessation of Israeli military occupation in the West Bank and the blockade of Gaza.

- **Refugee Rights**: Addressing the rights of Palestinian refugees who were displaced during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War and their descendants.

### Support and Opposition

- **Supporters**: Many human rights organizations, activists, and countries advocate for this cause, viewing it as a matter of justice and international law.

- **Opposition**: Some groups and individuals argue against the term, viewing it as politically charged or as a challenge to Israel's existence. Click the attached link.

In summary, **"Set Palestine Free"** symbolizes a call for justice, rights, and liberation for the Palestinian people, encapsulating the ongoing struggle for peace and self-determination in the region.

It is difficult to understand how someone can declare Israel as the chosen nation of God while Benjamin Netanyahu's government is committing genocide in Gaza. Criticizing others and then trying to discredit those who want to free Gaza displayed in the attached video seems contradictory to this idea.

While Israel has the right to exist and defend itself against terrorism, it does not justify seeking extreme revenge by killing over 40,000 Palestinians in retaliation for the October 07 attacks. Palestine should be freed from the wanton murder currently taking place within its borders.


Saturday 17 August 2024

"Reducing the world's population to 500 million" is often associated with conspiracy theories rather than established plans or policies. Here are some key points to consider:

1. Conspiracy Theories: Many claims about a deliberate plan to reduce the population stem from conspiracy theories involving figures like Bill Gates and organizations like the United Nations. These theories often lack credible evidence and are based on misinterpretations or exaggerations of statements made by public figures.

2. Population Control Discussions: While there are discussions about population control, they typically focus on empowering individuals through education, access to healthcare, and family planning rather than any coercive measures. The goal is often to improve quality of life and reduce poverty, not to forcibly reduce population numbers.

3. Misattributed Quotes: Some quotes that suggest a drastic population reduction have been misattributed to influential figures. For example, a quote that allegedly states that "at least 4 billion 'useless eaters' shall be eliminated" has been debunked as a misattribution.

4. Global Population Trends: The global population is projected to stabilize and potentially decline in the coming decades due to declining birth rates in many countries. This is a natural demographic transition rather than a result of any planned reduction.

while there are discussions about population dynamics, the notion of a coordinated plan to reduce the world's population to 500 million is largely a conspiracy theory without credible support.

In summary, the concern about marketing **useless**, **inaccurate**, and **sensationalist** end times material can be viewed from several perspectives. Here are some points to consider:

### Ethical Considerations

- **Responsibility of Truth**: Engaging in the dissemination of misleading information, especially regarding sensitive topics like end times, raises ethical questions about the responsibility to provide accurate and truthful content.

- **Impact on Society**: Sensationalist claims can induce fear and anxiety among individuals, affecting mental health and societal stability.

### Religious and Moral Perspectives

- **Sinfulness**: Many religious teachings emphasize honesty and integrity. Marketing misleading or sensationalist content could be seen as contrary to these values.

- **Exploitation of Fear**: Using apocalyptic narratives to sell products or ideas exploits people's fears and vulnerabilities, which can be viewed as morally wrong.

### Psychological Effects

- **Fear-Mongering**: Sensationalist end times material can lead to panic and irrational behavior, influencing people’s decisions and perceptions of reality.

- **Distraction from Positive Action**: Focusing on doomsday scenarios can detract from constructive discussions about important issues like climate change, social justice, and community building.

### Conclusion

In summary, marketing **useless**, **inaccurate**, and **sensationalist** end times material raises significant ethical, religious, and psychological concerns. Many would argue that promoting such content is indeed sinful, as it undermines truth, exploits fear, and distracts from meaningful action.


The **World Health Organization (WHO)** declared the ongoing **monkey-pox outbreak** a **Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC)** on **July 23, 2022**. This declaration was made in response to a significant rise in cases, particularly in non-endemic countries, and highlighted the need for coordinated global action to control the spread of the virus.

Here are some key points regarding the declaration:

1. **Reason for Declaration**: The outbreak was primarily concentrated in the **Democratic Republic of Congo** and had spread to neighboring countries, raising concerns about its potential to affect global health.

2. **Current Situation**: The WHO continues to monitor the situation closely, especially with new outbreaks reported in various regions.

3. **Public Health Response**: The declaration aims to mobilize resources and enhance public health responses to prevent further transmission and protect vulnerable populations.

It is inaccurate and sensationalist to suggest that monkey-pox fulfills Bible prophecies about the end of the age, which mention deadly pestilences. The verse from Luke 21:11 states, "And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven." Once again, CEM has reacted disproportionately to current world events to attract donations.


The agreement was that Biden would not run for re-election, but not that he should immediately resign. There would not have been anything wrong if he had chosen to resign due to ill health, but by not doing so, he has maintained that he has been well for years when he has been unwell. If he had resigned due to ill health, that would have been the scandal because then everyone would know without any doubt that Biden has only been the puppet of a shadow government all along, just like every president is.

This is not an admission on my part that I believe Trump is the Antichrist. Still, as Trump is not a puppet, that is why everything is now being directed at Kamala Harris to ensure that Trump is never elected again or that he can never become that powerful again. Civil war may break out in the United States.

I am expressing a complex perspective on political dynamics here, particularly regarding President **Biden**, former President **Trump**, and the role of **Kamala Harris**. Here’s a summary and breakdown of my points:

### Key Points

1. **Biden's Re-election and Health**

- There was an agreement that **Biden** should not run for re-election.

- His choice not to step down immediately raises questions about his health.

- A resignation due to health concerns could have revealed deeper issues regarding his leadership.

2. **Perception of Control**

- The notion that **Biden** is a "puppet" of a shadow government aligns with a common conspiracy theory about political figures.

- The implication is that all presidents are influenced by unseen powers.

3. **Trump's Position**

- While I do not label **Trump** as the Antichrist, I suggest that he operates outside of typical political control.

- There are concerns that political maneuvers are aimed at undermining **Trump**'s influence.

4. **Kamala Harris's Role**

- I have suggested that **Kamala Harris** is being positioned to counteract **Trump**'s potential rise to power by certain billionaires within the United States who are financing her winning the election

- This indicates a strategic political landscape where the focus is on preventing Trump's return.

### Conclusion

This perspective highlights a belief in the intricate dynamics of political power and the implications of health and leadership on public perception. It’s a complex interplay of personal health, political strategy, and public trust that shapes how leaders are viewed in the context of their roles. If you have further thoughts or specific questions about this topic, feel free to share, but Trump will not win the election and you will be made to look like the imbecile you are once he loses. Play your cards if you like but either way, you still lose in more ways than one. More on that later once Harris is the president.


Wednesday 14 August 2024

Israel's apprehension surrounding the **9th of Av** (Tisha B'Av), which falls on **August 12-13, 2024**, is rooted in historical and contemporary concerns. Here are some key reasons for this fear:

1. **Historical Significance**:

- Tisha B'Av commemorates the destruction of the **First and Second Temples** in Jerusalem, significant events in Jewish history that symbolize loss and tragedy.

- It is a day of mourning and reflection, marking various calamities that have befallen the Jewish people throughout history.

2. **Current Tensions**:

- In recent days, there have been heightened tensions in the region, particularly with **Iran**. Reports indicate that Israel is on high alert due to fears of a potential Iranian attack, which could coincide with this historically significant date.

- The atmosphere is charged with anxiety as some Israeli leaders have expressed concerns about possible retaliatory actions from Iran following recent events.

3. **Internal Strife**:

- There is also a sense of unease stemming from **internal divisions** within Israeli society. The current political climate has led to increased tensions, which some commentators liken to the historical concept of **sinat chinam** (baseless hatred), further amplifying fears during this period.

4. **Symbolic Resonance**:

- The day carries a heavy symbolic weight, and many in Israel believe that significant events, both positive and negative, can occur on Tisha B'Av. This belief adds to the anxiety surrounding the date.

In summary, the combination of historical significance, current geopolitical tensions, internal divisions, and the symbolic nature of Tisha B'Av contributes to Israel's fears as the date approaches.


Tuesday 13 August 2024

Kamala Harris More Trusted on Economy as Donald Trump Loses Major ...
Kamala Harris

Quote: "If Trump wins, a bird flu 'pandemic' is likely."

"I expect the next pandemic after Donald Trump gets back into office unless he finds a way to shut it down,” Renz wrote. “That said – can you imagine another plandemic with a Kamala Harris president? 'No way'.”

Progressing just like Covid-19! End of Quote

Yes, bird flu can affect humans. The disease is caused by viruses that naturally occur in birds. While most bird flu viruses do not infect humans, some strains have caused illness in people. Human infections usually occur after contact with infected poultry or contaminated surfaces.

The risk of human-to-human transmission is generally low, but certain strains of bird flu have the potential to mutate and spread more easily among humans, which is a concern for public health. It is important to monitor outbreaks of bird flu and take precautions when handling poultry or visiting areas where bird flu is present.

Health officials have stated that the chances of the H5N1 bird flu becoming a major threat to humans are minimal, but they are monitoring the situation closely. Media reports suggesting that the a U.S. administration may be under-prepared for a potential disease outbreak with Kamala Harris as president are false and mainly come from pro-Republicans.

There is no indication that a Democratic administration in the White House would not be prepared for the unlikely scenario of another pandemic. Past administrations, such as that of President George W. Bush, have addressed pandemic preparedness in the past.

The specific impact of a bird flu pandemic on the President of the United States would depend on various factors. However, any administration would be ready to respond effectively to such health crises.

It's important to remember that during Trump's presidency, he was unprepared for COVID and treated it less seriously than he should have, mainly focusing on the economy. This was a significant factor in his loss in the last election. Once again, CEM has made a mistake by referencing another potential pandemic, as it brings back the bad old memories of Trump's handling of COVID.

Blessings It's important to consider the potential risks of combining Pentecostal/Charismatic teaching...