It is always amusing to see a smart remark from a person who has never created any content and has only 5 followers in 4 years. Such a person has no credibility or authority to judge the work of others. They are just wasting their time and energy on being negative and unproductive. They should either try to make something of value themselves or keep their opinions to themselves.
At the opposite end of the scale, some people may think that only those who post videos online have the right to express their opinions about the content that is being shared. However, this is not a valid argument. Posting or not posting videos online does not exclude someone from making comments about what is being posted. Everyone has the freedom of speech and the right to criticize, praise, or question the videos that they watch online. Posting videos online does not make someone an expert or an authority on a certain topic. It also does not mean that they are immune to feedback or criticism. Therefore, anyone who watches videos online can have their own views and perspectives, and they can share them with others without being dismissed or silenced. Get another line.
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