The question of whether there is anywhere in the bible about Jews being saved is not a simple one to answer. Different interpretations of the biblical texts may lead to different conclusions. However, some possible passages that could be relevant are:
- Romans 11:25-27, where Paul writes that "all Israel will be saved" after "the fullness of the Gentiles has come in". This could mean that a large number of Jews will come to faith in Jesus as the Messiah in the future, or that God's covenant people includes both believing Jews and Gentiles who are united in Christ .
- Isaiah 59:20-21, which Paul quotes in Romans 11:26-27, where God promises to send a Deliverer from Zion who will "turn away ungodliness from Jacob" and establish a new covenant with them. This could refer to Jesus, who came from the line of David and offered himself as a sacrifice for sin, or to a future deliverer who will restore Israel to God .
- Genesis 15:6, where Abraham "believed the LORD, and he counted it to him as righteousness". This shows that salvation for Jews in the Old Testament was based on faith in God's promises, not on works of the law or circumcision. Abraham is the father of all who believe, whether they are Jews or Gentiles (Romans 4:11-12) .
- John 3:16-18, where Jesus says that "whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life". This implies that salvation for Jews in the New Testament is also based on faith in Jesus as the Son of God and the Messiah, not on ethnic identity or religious rituals. Jesus is the fulfillment of the law and the prophets, and the only way to the Father (John 14:6) .
These are some of the possible biblical passages that could address the question of Jews being saved. However, they are not exhaustive or definitive, and different views may exist among Christians. The important thing is to trust in God's grace and mercy, and to share the gospel with all people, regardless of their background or beliefs.
However, there is still nothing that I can find anywhere in the bible that states unequivocally that when Christ returns he will take all Jews home to be in Heaven. That is what you have said in this posting and it is simply not right. I have searched the scriptures diligently, but I have not found any clear evidence that supports your claim. Where is the biblical basis for this? This is not a minor issue, but a matter of eternal salvation. You are misleading yourself and others by promoting a false doctrine that contradicts the gospel. You need to repent and correct your error before it is too late.
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