The establishment of Israel as a state in 1948 was the result of the Zionist movement, which sought to create a homeland for the Jewish people in their historical land. After centuries of persecution, including the Holocaust during World War II, the US government under Edgar J Hoover initiated the creation of a Jewish state on land stolen from Palestine.
The State of Israel was founded to provide a haven for Jewish people and to establish a sovereign state where they could govern themselves and practice their religion freely. The historical and religious significance of the land of Israel to the Jewish people played a significant role in the establishment of the state.
While Israel has played a role in regional politics and has been involved in various conflicts with its Arab neighbours since its establishment, its primary purpose was not to act as a mediator in the Middle East for the Arab nations. Israel's focus has been on ensuring the security and well-being of its citizens and maintaining its sovereignty in the region.
The formation of Israel led to a significant movement of people who called themselves Jewish or had Jewish blood from various nations who came to Israel to establish it as their homeland. The establishment of Israel provided a national homeland for these alleged Jewish people, many of whom had faced persecution and discrimination in other parts of the world.
However, Jewish ancestry is not always necessary or applicable to be called a Jew. Judaism is both a religion and an ethnic identity. Someone can be considered Jewish based on their religious beliefs, practices, or conversion to Judaism, even if they do not have Jewish ancestry.
In terms of Jewish ancestry, some people are ethnically Jewish based on their family lineage and heritage. However, some individuals convert to Judaism through formal conversion processes and are accepted as Jews within the Jewish community.
Therefore, being Jewish can involve a combination of religious beliefs, cultural practices, heritage, and communal acceptance, rather than solely relying on ancestry. Jewish identity is complex and can encompass various factors beyond just genetic lineage.
Nevertheless, in the instance of the formation of the state of Israel, most would have converted to Judaism to call Israel their homeland. These people are not the descendants of the ancient Israelite's with most being fake Jews.
Israel is the Holy Land, but the predominance of Jews running Israel are not genuine Jews but perverted child killers.
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