How To Be Saved

How To Be Saved Many people wonder how they can be saved from the consequences of their sins and have eternal life. The Bible teaches that salvation is a gift from God that cannot be earned by human efforts or merits. Salvation is based on God's grace and mercy, which He offers to anyone who believes in His Son, Jesus Christ, as their Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ died on the cross for the sins of the world and rose again from the dead, proving His power over sin and death. Anyone who confesses their sins, repents of their wrongdoings, and trusts in Jesus Christ as their only way to God will be saved. Salvation is not a one-time event, but a lifelong relationship with God that involves obedience, growth, and service. To be saved, one must follow the steps below: 1. Recognize that you are a sinner and that you need God's forgiveness. Romans 3:23 says, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." 2. Acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died for your sins and rose again from the dead. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." 3. Repent of your sins and turn away from your old way of living. Acts 3:19 says, "Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord." 4. Receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior by faith. Romans 10:9 says, "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." 5. Confess your faith in Jesus Christ publicly and join a local church where you can grow in your knowledge and love of God. Matthew 10:32 says, "Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven."

Friday 10 May 2024

If a person of Jewish descent (such as yourself) talks about quoting from the Bible, they are probably referring to the Hebrew Bible, which is also known as the Tanakh. The Tanakh is regarded as the sacred scripture of Judaism and consists of three parts: the Torah (the first five books of the Bible), the Nevi'im (the Prophets), and the Ketuvim (the Writings).

While Judaism and Christianity share some common scriptures, they have different interpretations and additional texts unique to each religion. In Christianity, the Old Testament and the New Testament are considered the scripture, which overlaps with the Old Testament in the Hebrew Bible which also includes additional books found in the Christian Bible.

Therefore, if someone with Jewish heritage mentions quoting from the Bible, they are more likely referring to the Hebrew Bible/Tanakh rather than the Christian Bible/Old Testament. 


The establishment of Israel as a state in 1948 was the result of the Zionist movement, which sought to create a homeland for the Jewish people in their historical land. After centuries of persecution, including the Holocaust during World War II, the US government under Edgar J Hoover initiated the creation of a Jewish state on land stolen from Palestine.

The State of Israel was founded to provide a haven for Jewish people and to establish a sovereign state where they could govern themselves and practice their religion freely. The historical and religious significance of the land of Israel to the Jewish people played a significant role in the establishment of the state.

While Israel has played a role in regional politics and has been involved in various conflicts with its Arab neighbours since its establishment, its primary purpose was not to act as a mediator in the Middle East for the Arab nations. Israel's focus has been on ensuring the security and well-being of its citizens and maintaining its sovereignty in the region.

The formation of Israel led to a significant movement of people who called themselves Jewish or had Jewish blood from various nations who came to Israel to establish it as their homeland. The establishment of Israel provided a national homeland for these alleged Jewish people, many of whom had faced persecution and discrimination in other parts of the world.

However, Jewish ancestry is not always necessary or applicable to be called a Jew. Judaism is both a religion and an ethnic identity. Someone can be considered Jewish based on their religious beliefs, practices, or conversion to Judaism, even if they do not have Jewish ancestry.

In terms of Jewish ancestry, some people are ethnically Jewish based on their family lineage and heritage. However, some individuals convert to Judaism through formal conversion processes and are accepted as Jews within the Jewish community.

Therefore, being Jewish can involve a combination of religious beliefs, cultural practices, heritage, and communal acceptance, rather than solely relying on ancestry. Jewish identity is complex and can encompass various factors beyond just genetic lineage.

Nevertheless, in the instance of the formation of the state of Israel, most would have converted to Judaism to call Israel their homeland. These people are not the descendants of the ancient Israelite's with most being fake Jews.  

Israel is the Holy Land, but the predominance of Jews running Israel are not genuine Jews but perverted child killers.


Thursday 9 May 2024

This website has very little to do with anything else other than running a pro-Israel propaganda stance and an anti-democratic agenda. As such, you cannot expect anyone from outside the United States to contribute to matters that have mostly to do with incidents within the United States and articles that demonize the Democrats. Even within the United States, there has to be a large portion of people who are pro-democrats who would not support your biased agenda. Accordingly, you have lost them as well. Yet you still go begging for money every week. I can't afford to contribute anything to such an unworthy cause as your website.


Matthew Miller is a spokesperson for the United States Department of State. He has been serving in this role since 2023. Matthew Miller is an American public official and a member of the Democratic Party. He holds the position of spokesperson for the United States Department of State under President Joe Biden. Matthew Miller's educational background includes attending The University of Texas at Austin. He is also seen as a fill-in for Biden when he is unable to face the scrutiny of the press and answer questions about the role of the United States in the Middle East, particularly the genocide against Palestinians. At this time, Biden is probably asleep.  

I am not suggesting that this man is the Antichrist—(neither is Trump) but when I first laid eyes on him at a press conference, I was overwhelmed with his appearance because of his uncanny resemblance to how I would imagine the Antichrist to look. His appearance is immaculate, with not a hair out of place. His persona is pure evil, with his long thin face and large protruding nose, he is clearly as Jewish as anyone could ever be. Take a look at him.


The Bible refers to "up in the clouds" as the "Day of The Lord." This day is based on a few key passages in the New Testament. According to 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, believers will be caught up in the air to meet the Lord when He returns. Similarly, 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 mentions the event of believers being transformed and caught up to meet the Lord. These passages describe a future event where Christ will return, and believers, both the living and the dead, will be caught up or gathered together to meet Him in the air or the clouds. 

However, the exact nature and timing of the Day of The Lord are topics of theological debate among Christians, with different interpretations existing within Christianity. It's worth noting that there is no mention of a Rapture in the Bible. Accordingly, there are not two events: the Day of the Lord and the supposed Rapture. 

When someone says they are going to meet someone "up in the clouds," they are suggesting that they will know when the Lord will return. However, it's important to note that no one knows the hour or the day of His return. Therefore, this phrase is metaphorical and often used to describe someone who is daydreaming or not grounded in reality. It implies that the person is not focused on practical matters and may be disconnected from the present moment. 

It's interesting to note that the father of dispensationalism, John Nelson Darby, taught an alien/demon abduction event under the guise of meeting the Lord in the air. This interpretation took off because Christians were fearful of having to endure the Great Tribulation. 


Wednesday 8 May 2024

Just in case you are not aware of the facts, Israel's heinous acts of genocide against the Palestinian people have now turned the whole world against them. Israel has now become isolated right around the globe. In turn, they are harming every citizen of every country supporting their apartheid regime.  

You are doing immense harm to yourself with your support of the genocide taking place in Gaza, not only now but forever.  

All I can do now is to watch and wait to see your fitting reward for supporting the Zionists. Just remember, you cannot escape or hide from God. He is there all the time and sees what you are putting online.  

The fact is supporting the genocide makes you just as guilty of war crimes as the Zionists themselves.  

You will not listen to any of this, as I am sure you will keep doing what you are that will only lead to your ultimate destruction. You are not showing yourself as a Born Again Christian but an unrepentant Jew.

That end for you has already begun with the UK now in one of the worst recessions in decades with high interest rates and even higher inflation. Now let's see what further pearls of wisdom you put online next plagiarized from wherever.  


Tuesday 7 May 2024

It's important to approach claims about predicting the outcome of future elections with a critical mindset, as many factors can influence an election. Drawing parallels between historical figures, such as Julius Caesar, or religious beliefs, like the Biblical Antichrist and contemporary figures can be subjective and speculative. While speculation and analogies are common in political discourse, it is essential to critically evaluate such claims and consider a wide range of factors that can influence future elections.

Public opinion polls, economic conditions, social issues, and international events can all influence voter behaviour, so it's crucial to monitor these factors to gain insights into potential electoral outcomes. However, it's impossible to definitively predict the outcome of an election far in advance.

Julius Caesar was a Roman political and military leader who acted as a dictator, but he was not considered to be a likely candidate for the Biblical Antichrist. The concept of the Antichrist in Christian theology is typically associated with a figure who opposes Christ and acts as a false messiah. While there have been various interpretations and speculations throughout history about the identity of the Antichrist, Julius Caesar did not fit the characteristics typically associated with this figure in Christian eschatology.

Similarly, there is no correlation between Julius Caesar and Donald Trump assuming power as a new Julius Caesar or the Biblical Antichrist. The political landscape is constantly evolving, and new candidates, policies, and events can significantly impact election outcomes. Therefore, it's essential to consider the current political climate and potential future developments.

In conclusion, it's essential to critically evaluate claims about predicting the outcome of future elections, considering numerous factors that can influence electoral outcomes. As of now, it is impossible to definitively state whether Donald Trump will win the next US election or assume power like Julius Caesar or the Biblical Antichrist.


Hamas has informed Qatari and Egyptian mediators that it has accepted their proposal for a new Gaza ceasefire and hostage release deal with Israel. An official from Hamas mentioned that the "ball is now in Israel's court" regarding the acceptance of the proposed deal.

Israel conducted air strikes on Rafah after warning Palestinians to evacuate parts of the city. The Israeli military had previously threatened an offensive against Hamas hold-outs in the southern city.

The evacuation order for eastern parts of Rafah led to many residents cramming into vehicles or on donkey carts. Tens of thousands of residents are believed to be affected by the ongoing operations. A Hamas official criticized the evacuation order and subsequent Israeli air strikes as a "dangerous escalation" in the region.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated that the proposal accepted by Hamas falls short of Israel's basic requirements. As a consequence, Israel has rejected the entire proposal. Netanyahu needs to continue with the war to remain in power. Should he agree to the new treaty, he would be removed from power and potentially arrested and sent to trial for war crimes at the Hague.  

On the other side of the coin, the recent University anti-war protests in the United States have sent a strong message to the Democrats to stop the war lest they lose the election now just six months away. However, the United States has no control over the butchers from Israel as they have vowed to continue with their murderous intentions of attacking and killing thousands of Palestinian civilians in Rafah under the pretext of hunting out Hamas resistance fighters. 

It is pointless for pro-Israeli futurists to constantly provide interpretations of the distant future that favor Israel, in an attempt to distract people from the current reality. The truth is that Israel has been responsible for the deaths of many innocent Palestinian civilians, and cannot be viewed as anything but a group of barbarians. It is important to focus on the facts and not allow ourselves to be misled by false interpretations of the Bible you are engaged with here.


Yes, there are individuals and groups involved in organizing and leading the recent student uprising in the United States that are calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. Pro-Palestinian protests demanding a ceasefire in Gaza and divestment from companies linked to Israel have spread across U.S. universities. These protests have gained momentum and support from students who are advocating for an end to the conflict in Gaza. More than 2000 people have been arrested nationwide as students continue their protests calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. The students are protesting Israel's offensive in Gaza, which was launched after a Hamas attack. The protests offer hope to students who are passionate about raising awareness and taking action on the issue.

Specifically, there isn't a specific individual controlling the recent student uprising in the United States calling for a ceasefire in Gaza related to anti-Israel sentiment. The recent student protests and calls for a ceasefire in Gaza are part of a larger movement by various student groups and activists who are advocating for peace, justice, and human rights in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

These movements are typically grassroots in nature and involve a wide range of individuals, student organizations, and advocacy groups with diverse motivations and backgrounds. While there may be influential figures or leaders within these movements, they do not control the entire movement, and decisions are often made collectively or through consensus.

It's important to recognize that support for a ceasefire in Gaza and criticism of Israeli policies are not necessarily anti-Israel sentiment but rather a call for a peaceful resolution to the conflict and respect for human rights. The diversity of opinions within these movements reflects the complex nature of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the different perspectives of those involved in advocating for change.

However is bothers me somewhat for you to believe conspiracy theories floating around the internet that suggest the University protests in the United States against the war in Gaza are all a part of a wider agenda by a specific individual to create anti Israel sentiment—which is total nonsense. What you are exhibiting by suggesting anything or agreeing to anything of the kind is extreme paranoia.

It is important to be mindful of the information we come across on the internet, especially when it comes to conspiracy theories. It is crucial to stay informed, but it is equally important to rely only on credible sources for the information we consume. Here are a few points to consider when encountering conspiracy theories:

1. Verify Sources: We should always check the credibility of the sources providing the information. Reliable sources are crucial in distinguishing fact from fiction.

2. Fact-Check: Look for corroborating evidence from multiple reputable sources. Fact-checking can help confirm the accuracy of the information.

3. Critical Thinking: We should approach information with a critical mindset. We must question the motives behind the information and consider alternative explanations.

4. Avoid Confirmation Bias: It is essential to be aware of our own biases and avoid falling into the trap of only seeking information that confirms pre-existing beliefs.

5. Consult Experts: When in doubt, we should consult experts in the relevant field who can provide informed perspectives on the topic.

It is essential to engage in thoughtful discourse and rely on verified facts rather than unsubstantiated claims or conspiracy theories. We should always be skeptical of information that seems too good or too bad to be true and remember to use our critical thinking skills to evaluate the information we come across.


Saturday 4 May 2024

Can you help me find information about the ten nations that will give their authority to the Beast for one hour, as prophesied in the Bible? Some people believe that Donald Trump is the Beast mentioned in the book of Revelations, and I'm curious to learn more about this topic. If you have any relevant videos or resources, please share them with me. Thank you.

The ten kings are ten horns on the beast who will give their authority over to the Beast for one hour prophetically speaking (42 months) but they are not the Beast.  

The ten kings are ten horns or ten nations. They are often associated with Revelation 17:12-13 which describes the ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom but will receive authority as kings along with the beast.

Here is a breakdown of the key points related to the ten kings and the beast in this passage:

  • Ten Kings: These rulers align themselves with the beast and give their authority to the beast briefly.

  • Ten Horns on the Beast: The horns symbolise power and authority in the Bible. In this context, the horns represent the ten kings who support the beast.

  • The Beast: In the Book of Revelation, the beast is a symbol of a powerful political and military leader who opposes God and persecutes believers. The beast is often interpreted as a symbol of a tyrannical and oppressive system.

  • Giving Authority to the Beast for One Hour: This is often interpreted as a short period in prophetic terms, symbolizing a temporary alliance or cooperation between the ten kings and the beast.

It's important to note that interpretations of the Book of Revelation can vary among different religious traditions and scholars. The symbolism in the book is rich and often subject to diverse interpretations.

Blessings I am concerned about YouTube channels that may be using fear-mongering tactics to attract viewer...