How To Be Saved

How To Be Saved Many people wonder how they can be saved from the consequences of their sins and have eternal life. The Bible teaches that salvation is a gift from God that cannot be earned by human efforts or merits. Salvation is based on God's grace and mercy, which He offers to anyone who believes in His Son, Jesus Christ, as their Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ died on the cross for the sins of the world and rose again from the dead, proving His power over sin and death. Anyone who confesses their sins, repents of their wrongdoings, and trusts in Jesus Christ as their only way to God will be saved. Salvation is not a one-time event, but a lifelong relationship with God that involves obedience, growth, and service. To be saved, one must follow the steps below: 1. Recognize that you are a sinner and that you need God's forgiveness. Romans 3:23 says, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." 2. Acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died for your sins and rose again from the dead. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." 3. Repent of your sins and turn away from your old way of living. Acts 3:19 says, "Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord." 4. Receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior by faith. Romans 10:9 says, "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." 5. Confess your faith in Jesus Christ publicly and join a local church where you can grow in your knowledge and love of God. Matthew 10:32 says, "Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven."

Thursday 28 December 2023

A common misconception about the biblical prophecy of the beast is that he will have authority over ten kingdoms or regions of the world. However, a careful reading of the text reveals that the beast himself has ten horns, not that he rules over them. This implies that the beast is a single ruler who possesses ten horns as symbols of his power and influence. One theory is that the horns may represent the military, political, economic, religious, or other aspects of his dominion. The beast is not a coalition of nations, but a person who will rise to prominence and challenge God's sovereignty. The ten horns are appendages, or nations that are part of his rule but they do not describe super nations he will rule over.

One possible scenario for the future of Asia is the formation of a regional bloc known as the ASEAN Union, which has China as its dominant member. This bloc consists of ten nations, including the current ASEAN members and China, and aims to promote economic integration, political cooperation, and security stability in the region. The bloc seeks to balance the influence of other major powers, such as the US, India, and Japan, and to assert its interests in global affairs. The bloc has significant advantages for China, as it enhances its leadership role in Asia, expands its market access and trade opportunities, and strengthens its strategic position against potential rivals. However, it still faces many challenges and uncertainties, such as the diversity and sovereignty of the member states, the resistance and competition from other actors, and the internal and external pressures on China's governance and development.

The Beast is a powerful and fearsome entity that dominates a vast territory in the world. He is not only the ruler of a single nation, but he also has many allies, vassals, and tributaries that are loyal to him or fear his wrath and those are the ten horns. He has a monstrous appearance, with various appendages, horns, and other features that make him stand out from other beings. He is revered by some as a god, and hated by others as a tyrant. He has a grand vision for his realm, and he will stop at nothing to achieve it.


The God complex is a psychological phenomenon that involves a person believing that they have superior abilities, authority, or knowledge than others. They may feel entitled to special treatment, disregard the rules or norms of society, and manipulate or exploit others for their own benefit. Serial killers often exhibit this complex, as they view themselves as above the law, as the ultimate judge of life and death, and as the master of their own destiny. They may rationalize their crimes as a way of fulfilling a divine mission, correcting a perceived injustice, or expressing their artistic vision. They may also derive a sense of pleasure, power, or control from killing, which reinforces their inflated ego and sense of superiority.

Before the October 07th vicious attacks against the Israeli population Benjamin Netanyahu sought more power for himself by trying to change the constitution of Israel but was met with heavy protests from the public for trying to do so. He was not satisfied with the authority and influence he already had as the prime minister. He wanted to secure his position and legacy by altering the fundamental law of the land. He proposed a series of amendments to the constitution of Israel, claiming that they would strengthen democracy and national security. However, many critics and opponents saw his move as a power grab, an attempt to undermine the checks and balances of the system and to evade accountability for his actions. His controversial plan sparked a fierce debate and a political crisis in the country.

By butchering Palestinians suggests that Netanyahu might have experienced similar psychological effects as the serial killer, who tries to exert complete dominance over his victims by ending their lives. Ultimately, that is what serial killing is all about – control. He has not only killed his enemies, but also their families, friends, and even innocent bystanders. He has shown no mercy, no remorse, no compassion. He has become a monster, driven by a twisted sense of justice and a thirst for blood. He has lost his humanity, his morality, his soul.

He has now gone way beyond what should be expected for normal revenge. He has gone too far. Not wanting to stop himself from killing indicates that he is doing so for the power and control it affords him. Once the slaughter stops so does his tenure as Prime Minister. This serial killer is out of control, butchering and destroying lives with the complete backing and authority of the United States. There is nothing God-like or divine about anything Netanyahu is doing, and none of this should be referred to the Holy Bible.

This article aims to clarify that the author's criticism is directed solely at the individual who holds the highest office in Israel, and not at the nation as a whole or its people who are demanding his resignation. The author respects the sovereignty and legitimacy of Israel, as well as the democratic rights and freedoms of its citizens. The author's intention is not to accuse or condemn, but to express a professional opinion based on factual evidence and moral principles.


Wednesday 27 December 2023

Your personality seems to be characterized by a high level of sensitivity and emotional reactivity, which makes you prone to perceive any remark as an insult or a criticism. You tend to hold on to negative feelings and resentments for a long time, without letting go or forgiving. This can affect your relationships and your well-being in the long run.

For example, if I were to jokingly call you cock-eye you would find it very difficult to think of an off the cuff comment like that as anything other than rude and offensive. True, it is not complimentary.

I could have been called names myself about one of my eyes. One of my eyes had a condition that caused the eyelid to fold inward. This is called is entropion. This can result in the eyelashes rubbing against the cornea, causing pain, redness, and sensitivity to light. Entropion can be caused by ageing, injury, infection, or congenital defects. Treatment options include surgery, medication, or artificial tears. This condition could have made me a target of ridicule and insults from others. Fortunately, I had enough financial resources to undergo a surgical procedure that corrected the issue.

People have names for me as well such as old bastard. I was not unattractive when I was young but with the old man I now am I have lost all my youthful looks and appearance with a big gut to match. I have been called a lot nicknames in my life. A lot of people had them for me and I heard what they have said. It didn't and still does not bother me. I ignored them all. Age has taken its toll on me. Now I am slightly balding, with wrinkles, grey hair and bad teeth.

I have lived a long life and seen many things. People have given me different names over the years, but I never paid attention to them. I am happy with who I am and how I now look. I had a youthful charm and a fit body when I was young, but time has changed me. I have grown old and lost my hair, my skin has wrinkled, my hair has turned gray and my teeth have decayed. But I don't regret anything. I accept myself as I am and I am grateful for what I have.

Blessings for the New Year

 A major development in the global political landscape has taken place recently, as the ten nation confederacy that was formed last year has expanded to include ten more countries. This confederacy, which was initially composed of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela and Bolivia, has now welcomed Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Cuba, Haiti and the Dominican Republic as its new members. The confederacy aims to promote regional integration, economic cooperation, social justice and environmental protection among its members. It also seeks to assert its collective voice and interests in the international arena, especially in relation to the United States and China. The confederacy has been praised by some analysts as a model of democratic and peaceful cooperation among developing nations, while others have criticized it as a potential threat to the stability and security of the Western Hemisphere.

That is not the same ten nation confederacy that was formed by the USA in response to attacks by houri rebels against shipping in the red sea that has now been expanded to twenty nations.

The confederation of twenty nations that the United States of America initiated after the houri rebels attacked the commercial vessels in the red sea is different from the previous alliance of ten nations that existed before. The new confederation has more members, more resources, and more military capabilities to deal with the threat posed by the rebels. The confederation also has a broader mandate to protect the regional stability and security, as well as the freedom of navigation in the vital waterway. The confederation is not a permanent entity, but a temporary coalition that aims to restore peace and order in the area.

When it comes to end times interpretation it is never wise to jump at shadows by suggesting the ten nations formed before to combat the houri rebels could have had some relationship to the ten horns of Revelation Chapter 13. One should be careful not to make hasty conclusions about the end times based on current events. The alliance of ten nations that emerged to fight the houri rebels does not have any connection to the ten horns mentioned in Revelation Chapter 13. This post could mislead and confuse people who are seeking the truth about biblical prophecy. It would be better for everyone if you deleted this post or corrected the title.

I wrote this comment to share my thoughts and insights on the topic. I hope this comment was helpful to you and other readers who are interested in learning more. I appreciate your feedback and questions, so feel free to reply or message me. Thank you for reading my comment.


The question of who will control a global government is a matter of much speculation and debate among Christians and non-Christians alike. Some interpret the biblical prophecies of the end times as indicating that there will be a powerful and evil ruler, known as the Antichrist, who will dominate the world with a false religion and a totalitarian regime. Others believe that the global government will be a benevolent and peaceful one, led by Jesus Christ himself, who will return to establish his kingdom on earth. Still others reject the idea of a global government altogether, and argue that the bible does not support such a scenario.

There is no definitive answer to this question, as different biblical passages can be understood in different ways, depending on one's theological perspective and worldview. However, some of the main biblical texts that are often cited in relation to this topic are:

- Daniel 7: This chapter describes four beasts that represent four successive kingdoms that will rule over the earth. The fourth beast is said to be "terrifying and frightening and very powerful" (verse 7), and to have ten horns, which are ten kings who will arise from it. Among them, another horn will appear, which will speak boastfully and oppress God's people. This horn is commonly identified as the Antichrist, who will rule over the final world empire before God's judgment.

- Revelation 13: This chapter depicts two beasts, one from the sea and one from the earth, that work together to deceive and persecute the inhabitants of the world. The beast from the sea is said to have seven heads and ten horns, which are also interpreted as representing a global government under the Antichrist's authority. The beast from the earth is said to perform signs and wonders, and to cause people to worship the first beast and receive its mark on their right hand or forehead. Those who do not comply will be killed.

- Revelation 17: This chapter portrays a woman sitting on a scarlet beast with seven heads and ten horns, which are again symbols of the Antichrist's world empire. The woman is called "Babylon the Great", and is described as "the mother of prostitutes and of the abominations of the earth" (verse 5). She represents a false religious system that will seduce and corrupt the nations of the world. She will also be hated by the beast and its allies, who will eventually destroy her.

- Revelation 19-20: These chapters describe the second coming of Jesus Christ, who will defeat the beast and its armies at the battle of Armageddon, and bind Satan for a thousand years. During this period, Christ will reign over the earth with his saints, in what is known as the millennial kingdom. After this, Satan will be released for a short time, and will gather his followers for a final rebellion against God. They will be consumed by fire from heaven, and Satan will be thrown into the lake of fire. Then, God will create a new heaven and a new earth, where he will dwell with his people forever.

The new world order is a term that refers to the emergence of a global political and economic system that transcends the traditional boundaries of nation-states. Some proponents of this idea argue that it is a positive and inevitable development that fosters cooperation, peace, and prosperity among the diverse peoples of the world. Others, however, view it as a sinister and oppressive scheme that threatens the sovereignty, identity, and freedom of individuals and nations. The concept of a new world order has been influenced by various historical events, ideologies, and movements, such as the end of the Cold War, the rise of globalization, the spread of democracy and human rights, and the emergence of new challenges such as terrorism, climate change, and pandemics. The new world order is not a fixed or concrete reality, but rather a contested and evolving vision that reflects the hopes and fears of different actors and interests in the global arena.

Some people may think that the world will end soon, based on their interpretation of certain prophecies or signs. However, the bible does not support such a scenario. The bible teaches that God created the earth to be inhabited and that he has a purpose for it and its inhabitants. (Isaiah 45:18; Numbers 14:21) The bible also shows that God is not the cause of the suffering and evil in the world, but rather that he will eliminate them in his due time. (Psalm 37:9-11; Revelation 21:3,4) Therefore, rather than fearing the end of the world, we can have confidence in God's promises and look forward to a better future.

Many people believe that we are living in the end times, when the world will witness a great war between the East and the West. According to some prophecies, this war will be the final battle of good and evil, and will determine the fate of humanity. Some say that the East represents the forces of darkness, while the West stands for the light. Others argue that both sides are corrupted by greed and power, and that there is no clear distinction between right and wrong. Whatever the case may be, it is clear that the tensions between the East and the West are rising, and that a clash is inevitable. Some of the signs of this conflict are the political and economic instability, the environmental degradation, the religious extremism, and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Many fear that this war will be nuclear, and that it will cause unprecedented destruction and suffering. Some hope that this war will be averted, or that it will be followed by a new era of peace and harmony. Others prepare for the worst, and seek refuge in faith or survivalism. No one knows for sure when or how this war will start, or how it will end. But one thing is certain: in the last days, the final conflict will rage between the East and the West.

The question of whether the Bible mentions ten super nations is a matter of interpretation and debate among some Christians. Some believe that the ten horns of the beast in Revelation 13 and 17 represent ten future world powers that will arise in the end times and oppose God's people. Others argue that the ten horns are symbolic of the totality of human governments throughout history that have persecuted the saints. There is no clear consensus on how to identify the ten horns or what role they will play in God's plan. However, some possible candidates for the ten super nations are:

- The European Union

- The United States of America

- Russia

- China

- India

- Brazil

- Japan

- Iran

- Turkey

- Egypt

These nations are among the most influential and populous in the world today, and some of them have historical or prophetic connections to the biblical narrative. However, this list is not definitive or authoritative, and it may change as world events unfold. Ultimately, the Bible does not give us enough details to pinpoint the exact identity of the ten super nations, but it does warn us to be alert and faithful in the face of increasing opposition and deception in the last days.

Many people believe that the Bible prophesies a New World Order of ten super nations led by the U.S. However, this is a misinterpretation of the biblical passages that refer to the end times. The Bible does not support such a premise, and in fact warns against the deception and tyranny of the Antichrist, who will rise to power in the last days and deceive many nations with his false signs and wonders. The Bible teaches that only Jesus Christ, the Son of God, can establish a true and lasting kingdom of peace and justice on earth, and that he will return in glory to judge the living and the dead. Therefore, Christians should not be deceived by any human leader or alliance that claims to bring about a New World Order, but rather trust in God's sovereign plan and await his coming with hope and faith.

To suggest that the mouthpiece of the U.S. government, Joe Biden, is doing whatever he can to bring in a global government is misrepresenting what the Bible actually says and is misleading. These are conspiracy theories that have no basis in reality or in the Bible. The Bible does not mention any specific nations or leaders in relation to the end times, and it does not endorse any political agenda or ideology.


Israel is now facing theatres of war on seven fronts, a situation that poses unprecedented challenges and risks for its national security and regional stability. The seven fronts are: the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran and Yemen. On each of these fronts, Israel faces different enemies, threats and scenarios, ranging from rocket attacks, terrorist infiltrations, cyber warfare, proxy wars and nuclear ambitions. Israel has to deal with these threats simultaneously, while also managing its relations with its allies and partners, such as the United States, Egypt, Jordan and the Gulf states. Israel's strategy is to deter its adversaries, defend its borders, disrupt their capabilities and diplomacy their interests. However, this strategy is not without costs and consequences, as it may escalate the conflicts, provoke retaliation, alienate potential mediators and undermine international legitimacy. Israel's challenge is to balance its security needs with its political goals, and to find ways to de-escalate the tensions and pursue dialogue and cooperation with its neighbours.

The recent escalation of violence between Israel and Gaza has put the Jewish state in a difficult position, both diplomatically and militarily. On one hand, Israel faces international criticism and pressure for its airstrikes on densely populated areas, which have killed hundreds of civilians and displaced thousands more. On the other hand, Israel faces a relentless barrage of rockets from Hamas and other militant groups, which have targeted its major cities and disrupted its daily life. Israel claims that it has the right to defend itself from these attacks, but also that it seeks to restore calm and avoid further casualties. However, achieving both goals seems increasingly challenging, as the conflict has no clear end in sight and the prospects for a lasting peace remain dim.

The global situation for Israel has become very uncertain and risky. The country faces many challenges and threats from different regions and actors, such as Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, Syria, Turkey, and the Palestinian Authority. Israel also has to deal with the changing attitudes and policies of its allies, such as the United States, the European Union, and some Arab states. Israel needs to find ways to protect its security and interests, while also pursuing peace and cooperation with its neighbours.

Israel is facing a difficult situation on the world stage, as many countries are criticising its policies and actions. Some people believe that praying for divine intervention may help Israel overcome its challenges, but this does not change the reality of the situation. Israel still needs to deal with the consequences of its decisions and the reactions of other nations. Divine intervention may provide some comfort and hope, but it is not a substitute for realistic and pragmatic solutions.

It would not phase me in the slightest to see Israel dealt the same type of Justice by Putin they have been dealing to defenseless Palestinians.

However, the beast of all beasts, the liar of all liars, Benjamin Netanyahu is adamant that he will continue with his atrocities by butchering as many Palestinian citizens as possible. Rounding up as many men and boys as possible, he is subjecting them to humiliation and torture that would put even the Nazis to shame. Hitler disposed of as many Jews as he could in a manner that was as clean and quick. This animal is going way beyond the pale in every way possible with his acts of pure barbarism.

As the Jews await their Messiah, we can now be confident that he has arrived and will sign the covenant of Daniel in 2024 and then decimate the planet with a war to end all wars. Christians call the Jewish Messiah the Antichrist and mid-way through the seven years he will break the covenant and unleash a wave of disaster upon Israel as yet unimaginable.

The Jewish Messiah is a concept that refers to a future leader of the Jewish people who will fulfill the prophecies and promises of the Hebrew Bible. The Messiah is expected to be a descendant of King David, to restore the sovereignty and independence of Israel, and according to some rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem to usher in an era of peace and justice for all humanity. The Jewish Messiah is not a divine or supernatural being, but a human being chosen by God to accomplish His will.

The Jewish concept of the Messiah differs from the Christian one, which identifies Jesus of Nazareth as the Messiah. Christ was not a Jew in other words. Jews do not accept Jesus as the Messiah because he did not fulfill the criteria of the Hebrew Bible, such as bringing about the redemption of Israel and the world. Jews also reject the idea that the Messiah is God incarnate or part of a Trinity, which contradicts the Jewish belief in the absolute unity and uniqueness of God.

The Jewish Messiah is not a predetermined figure who will appear at a fixed time, but a potential one who will emerge when the conditions are right. According to some Jewish sources, there are two possible Messiahs: one from the line of Joseph, who will fight the enemies of Israel and prepare the way for the final redemption; and one from the line of David, who will complete the task and reign as king. Some Jews believe that the Messiah has already been born, but is hidden until his mission is revealed. Others believe that the Messiah will come only when all Jews repent and observe God's commandments.

One of the most controversial topics in Christian eschatology is the identity of the Antichrist, the ultimate enemy of God and his people. According to some interpretations of biblical prophecies, the Antichrist will be a political and religious leader who will deceive many people and oppose Christ in the end times. However, not all Christians agree on who or what the Antichrist is or will be. Some Christians, especially those who hold a dispensationalist view of prophecy, (which I do not) believe that the Antichrist will be a Jewish Messiah who will claim to be the true Christ and will be accepted by the Jewish people as their long-awaited deliverer. They base this view on passages such as Daniel 9:27, 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, and Revelation 13:1-18, which they interpret as describing a future covenant, temple, and beast that are associated with the Antichrist. They also point to Jesus' words in John 5:43, where he said: "I have come in my Father's name, and you do not receive me. If another comes in his own name, you will receive him." They argue that this implies that the Jews will reject Jesus as their Messiah and will instead welcome a false one who will come in his own name and authority.

Christianity emerged from Judaism as a messianic movement that proclaimed Jesus as the Christ, the anointed one of God. Christians share many beliefs and scriptures with Jews, (I do not) and allege to owe much of their faith to their Jewish roots. (I do not believer that is so). To label the Jewish Messiah as the Antichrist is to deny the common ground and heritage that some deceived Christians have with Jews, and to foster a spirit of hostility and antagonism towards Jews that contradicts the message of love and reconciliation that Jesus taught.


Tuesday 26 December 2023

No matter what race, creed or religion every person on the planet is equal. This is a fundamental principle of human rights and dignity that should be respected and upheld by all. However, we live in a world where discrimination, prejudice and injustice still exist and affect the lives of millions of people. We need to work together to combat these evils and promote a culture of tolerance, diversity and inclusion. We need to recognise that our differences are not a source of division, but a source of richness and strength. We need to celebrate our common humanity and our shared values, while respecting our unique identities and beliefs. We need to learn from each other and cooperate for the common good of all.

The common good of all is a concept that refers to the well-being and benefit of the whole society, not just a few individuals or groups. It implies that everyone has a stake and a responsibility in promoting the values and interests that are essential for a flourishing and harmonious community. The common good of all also requires respect for the dignity and rights of each person, as well as solidarity and cooperation among different sectors and groups. The common good of all is not a fixed or static idea, but rather a dynamic and evolving one that adapts to the changing needs and circumstances of the society. It is not something that can be imposed or enforced by external authorities, but rather something that emerges from the collective deliberation and participation of the people. The common good of all is not a utopian or idealistic vision, but rather a realistic and pragmatic one that recognizes the diversity and complexity of human nature and society. It is not a zero-sum game, where one's gain is another's loss, but rather a win-win situation, where everyone benefits from the common good.

However Joe Biden and Benjamin Netanyahu there are the two world leaders who have gone against the common good of all mankind and are responsible for the greatest acts of terror and genocide against an unarmed and defenseless population since the holocaust.

Biden also faces some criticism and skepticism from some quarters of the world. Some of his policies and actions have been seen as inconsistent, contradictory or ineffective. For example, he has been accused of being too soft on China and Russia, two major rivals of the U.S., while being too harsh on allies like Saudi Arabia and Turkey. He has also been criticized for his handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan, which was widely regarded as chaotic and disastrous. He has also failed to persuade some countries to join his initiatives on climate change, vaccine distribution or human rights. He is rightly seen by many as useless, ageing and incompetence, someone who cannot put one foot in front of the other without stumbling and falling.

It is widely believed his election was rigged even though there is no concrete evidence to support this claim, Biden is still the worst president the United States has ever had the misfortune to elect. Through his presidency, the United States has been supplying weapons of mass destruction to allow Israel to butcher well over 20,000 defenseless Palestine citizens and maim thousands of others. The events of October 07th cannot be justified as a protective measure. They were a display of extreme violence and cruelty that violated human rights and dignity. However, the response of Israel is not a defence mechanism for October the 07th, what the world is witnessing now with what they are calling a war are acts of outright barbarism and brutality.

Benjamin Netanyahu is an Israeli politician who has been the prime minister of Israel three times, most recently since 2022. He is also the leader of the Likud party, a right-wing nationalist party that opposes the creation of a Palestinian state. Netanyahu was born in Tel Aviv in 1949 and moved to the United States with his family in 1963. He returned to Israel in 1967 and joined the elite commando unit Sayeret Matkal, participating in several military operations, including the rescue of a hijacked plane in 1972. His brother Jonathan was killed in the famous Entebbe raid in 1976, which inspired Netanyahu to found an institute dedicated to combating terrorism. Netanyahu studied at MIT and Harvard and worked as a management consultant before entering politics. He became Israel's ambassador to the United Nations in 1984 and was elected to the Knesset in 1988. He served as deputy foreign minister and deputy prime minister under Yitzhak Shamir before becoming the leader of Likud in 1993. He became Israel's youngest prime minister in 1996, but lost the 1999 election to Ehud Barak. He returned to power in 2009 after a decade as the leader of the opposition, and formed several coalition governments with other right-wing and religious parties. He faced several challenges during his tenure, including the Iranian nuclear threat, the Arab Spring, the Gaza wars, and the stalled peace process with the Palestinians. He also faced corruption allegations and protests from his opponents, who accused him of undermining democracy and the rule of law. He was ousted from power in 2021 by a diverse coalition led by Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid, but regained it in 2022 after a snap election that resulted in a deadlock.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is a despicable beast, a creature that has committed heinous crimes against humanity and nature. These sorts of animals are often found in the darkest corners of the world, hiding from the light and justice. These are the monsters that prey on the innocent and weak, spreading fear and suffering wherever they go. They have no remorse, no compassion, no morality. They are the enemies of all living things, and they must be stopped at all costs. Netanyahu is a denizen of the darkness and evil, an animal of a Jew, a monster responsible for the greatest act of terror and genocide in history.


The question of whether there is anywhere in the bible about Jews being saved is not a simple one to answer. Different interpretations of the biblical texts may lead to different conclusions. However, some possible passages that could be relevant are:

- Romans 11:25-27, where Paul writes that "all Israel will be saved" after "the fullness of the Gentiles has come in". This could mean that a large number of Jews will come to faith in Jesus as the Messiah in the future, or that God's covenant people includes both believing Jews and Gentiles who are united in Christ .

- Isaiah 59:20-21, which Paul quotes in Romans 11:26-27, where God promises to send a Deliverer from Zion who will "turn away ungodliness from Jacob" and establish a new covenant with them. This could refer to Jesus, who came from the line of David and offered himself as a sacrifice for sin, or to a future deliverer who will restore Israel to God .

- Genesis 15:6, where Abraham "believed the LORD, and he counted it to him as righteousness". This shows that salvation for Jews in the Old Testament was based on faith in God's promises, not on works of the law or circumcision. Abraham is the father of all who believe, whether they are Jews or Gentiles (Romans 4:11-12) .

- John 3:16-18, where Jesus says that "whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life". This implies that salvation for Jews in the New Testament is also based on faith in Jesus as the Son of God and the Messiah, not on ethnic identity or religious rituals. Jesus is the fulfillment of the law and the prophets, and the only way to the Father (John 14:6) .

These are some of the possible biblical passages that could address the question of Jews being saved. However, they are not exhaustive or definitive, and different views may exist among Christians. The important thing is to trust in God's grace and mercy, and to share the gospel with all people, regardless of their background or beliefs.

However, there is still nothing that I can find anywhere in the bible that states unequivocally that when Christ returns he will take all Jews home to be in Heaven. That is what you have said in this posting and it is simply not right. I have searched the scriptures diligently, but I have not found any clear evidence that supports your claim. Where is the biblical basis for this? This is not a minor issue, but a matter of eternal salvation. You are misleading yourself and others by promoting a false doctrine that contradicts the gospel. You need to repent and correct your error before it is too late.


Messianic Jews are Jewish believers in Jesus as the Messiah and the Son of God. They affirm the authority and inspiration of the Bible, both the Old and New Testaments, as the word of God. Therefore, they have a biblical mandate to preach from the Scriptures to both Jews and Gentiles, as the apostles did in the book of Acts. Preaching from the Bible is not only a duty, but also a privilege and a joy for Messianic Jews, who seek to share the gospel of God's grace and love with their own people and with the nations. 

However, preaching from the Christian Bible should not be biased towards Judaism. To do so is offensive to all Christians. 

That is what I have found so prevalent in the so-called preaching of B.M. It is unacceptable. He now calls himself a Watchman for Jesus instead of Shofar Ministries."A rose by any other name is still a rose." This means that even if you call a rose by a different name, it is still the same flower with the same characteristics and qualities.


The question of who is qualified to preach in the pulpit is a controversial and sensitive one. Some people may argue that anyone who has a sincere desire to share the gospel and a gift of communication can preach, regardless of their education, experience, or ordination. Others may insist that only those who have been formally trained, examined, and approved by a recognised church authority can preach, based on their interpretation of biblical passages such as 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9. However, both of these positions may be too extreme and miss the point of what preaching is and why it matters. 

Preaching is not just a matter of delivering information or expressing opinions. It is a sacred act of proclaiming God's word to God's people, with the aim of edifying, instructing, exhorting, and transforming them by the power of the Holy Spirit. Preaching requires not only knowledge and skill, but also character and calling. Therefore, those who preach should be qualified in four aspects: doctrinal, moral, spiritual, and practical. 

Doctrinal qualification means that the preacher should have a sound understanding of the core doctrines of the Christian faith and be able to communicate them clearly and faithfully. The preacher should also be able to discern and refute false teachings that may confuse or mislead the congregation. The preacher should be committed to the authority and sufficiency of Scripture as the basis of preaching. 

Moral qualification means that the preacher should have a godly character and a good reputation. The preacher should exhibit the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) and avoid the works of the flesh (Galatians 5:19-21). The preacher should also be above reproach in their personal and public life, avoiding any scandal or compromise that may damage their credibility or dishonour God's name. There are many people in the world who claim to have the authority and the knowledge to teach others about various topics, such as religion, politics, health, or science. However, not all of them have the proper qualifications or credentials to back up their claims. These people are often called "preachers" or "gurus", and they can be very persuasive and influential, especially to those who are looking for guidance or answers. However, they can also be very dangerous and misleading, as they may spread false or harmful information, exploit their followers, or cause conflicts and divisions among different groups. Therefore, it is important to be critical and cautious when listening to those who preach without qualifications, and to verify their sources and motives before accepting their teachings. 

Spiritual qualification means that the preacher should have a genuine relationship with God and a dependence on His grace. The preacher should be a person of prayer, worship, and obedience. The preacher should also be humble, teachable, and accountable to God and others. The preacher should seek to grow in their faith and holiness, and to model what they preach. Practical qualification means that the preacher should have a clear sense of calling and a proven ability to preach. The preacher should have a passion for God's glory and people's salvation. The preacher should also have a gift of communication that can engage, persuade, and inspire the audience. The preacher should be able to prepare and deliver sermons that are biblical, relevant, coherent, and applicable. 

These four qualifications are not meant to be rigid or exclusive criteria, but rather general and inclusive guidelines. They are not meant to discourage or disqualify anyone who has a genuine desire to preach, but rather to encourage and equip them to do so more effectively and faithfully. They are also not meant to create a hierarchy or elitism among preachers, but rather to foster a unity and diversity among them. Ultimately, the qualification to preach comes from God, who calls, gifts, and empowers those who He chooses for His purposes. That is not what I see from you at all. 

Blessings It's important to consider the potential risks of combining Pentecostal/Charismatic teaching...